Title | Jean Vallandingham 1954 |
Creator | Jean Vallandingham |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1954 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1954 |
OCR Text | Show Jean Vallandinée hay ereas has roe {rinses Pereee “peele ‘oo CotaloG ve, Malbasco = I9s 4 Vil pac, WW). Dewy Brides , 4406 ut. (, rand a Uteh 14 May L954 / SO” Citellus heucueus - /2-1-3.5-3-/ oe 5. Dewey Beidee | (LOO LT Ceand Co, Ubsh IS May 1954 x Be Ke tt rodon Tamys Megalo tis (325-65 (745 3 3 Dewey Beidee.,Worft,Crane — datab eV iemel) S. € Ee eS Deveee My otis (aliformicus eeBS eeADRe “a Silpernieke Brichtsa , DEF Leceto. ilies 2¢ Vay COchotona LOO: IG5Y Feluleps oddO20 > 30 Ges. Ochotona Feineeps LaOo Sheila Stansbuey Island ¢30 ure Utah coe lo a! Vax) 1954 Br Tere ry Sous Criwitus 15.9 - 7029 4/77 8 lee 762. Leola co eeE ra 2 bd /O5-- 3/250 Valledime han ase Stork HalkeCreek , ES pa ee (oolville, 7500¢¢, Summit Co, Uteb Ape hlGs¢ Ku £45 Ay px o Skull only | Zz Dkallonly Ly UX Kufus Bi Skullonly | Ay wx Ku fus d/ Skulloniy |{ tywy Kufus | J Nallowdiwha M Tet I me LARY OF 1may Vd ne. UD? wey Beidee, 1400St., Co wi Co., Ci ay tbsBbate Rocky Leds es edad Dewy Bticg- a | Cou ght Pd(us heucurus IS May 3 4. S Deyo Bridge, IYOO$T., Cre and Co, tat (Dont South 4. Smit oteu bn In Canyon— EOC ty teriet foey Ser TR p pps fad Musou sper (hu cht ox eS Hy 16 dentinys” mec AloTis.. eg / RemeomySscus ke LOmy SCys Monit Cu la tus gfPore Beidoe. I4 Mey 4 Gesu e. = TR, £400 fe heads WlwetisCaleta 4-1/6 at Dewey Sh és t Bridee buy so ‘ * enee eoCESee Oa 7 = (r> 5 Vollondine ha ae: 1IDdSY 24a) ce Silvee Lake, Revehte 1 700d £1. Solt Late Co, U toh Desie ta BeichtetSiew Shor Ochotena feimceps in Geeite Gomnk> facade Pie LAO Slope. lots Sopa: tLOktle, Seae ee ct.. c 5/May Stans bu wey sland, 15 mi. W: Ceantsu: (Le, Crean U feb ‘Drove To Stans buey slang. sot |GFMaseur Spe a ls pandas,wackySlopes. (authty ecbrigLinke Jeo ae Cena tus, Sf LCC06 PACUE. faevus Bide ALS peniCu (2 Tus wesoek CHalkCeee&, [Sin ee Coalville 25 00ff, SummitCa,, Utah 7 OGLushaineeP2OU2 Obtarred - ¢stalls | Zeeseitaey- Sas Tuiusak ae ek Aara Prasa eRRe. rrereg ted (4 Citeltue heucu kus [4 May Vie aiget Dewey) Bede. doofF., (eh iei dtl. S: nele LRLOM Spee rien taker Loc ly, cli tly ledee, Se VALond beJak Fk 120 | YET rruiecea ss Tal! audLUG * Lane ees Vallendinchary I9 s¢¥ IS May) Keith, godontamys Mee olotis Aas: 5. Dewey beidcee. Udo £t+ Cand Co Utad, Specimen = T VellAndie Nox. Hebi Les ee.kc Bed, nn 6.2ShY JVell a nelinclare acd Ny ois (ali oenmtcuc loMay | tNeisuBetne. odo ee 7 ead k. bbe), Spwepecn SAOT us fo gt dust. Shof with Sane myoTs's othee Pipi stree (lus. S01 1100. ye Vs llan dicho 6 GE fty fodoes aRou nd 7 ae S eaeON OSaSetah in Nollcidinelely lQsY _ OchotanaFeinceLS 24 May) Silvee Lake Beichton. 20004 Salt Leke Ca, Utah Z SQLCLR OW (es ct Eb Y10 1h Ceorife LOCKS, La £LAClOE | Roe a. me Vijlsidnebas tt sf NeonSoest ey Lland)m 6 195¢ OQchoto NA Feinc eps ¢DJ “3, Ver ADkz, beishten, 1000 £1., Salthake,, Uteb 7 Dee tHe.shot cith das LP Beenieescee SIOPE, hn. ta ee + eo aBe Fy tos, RE 4 Welsew a Pd Sa ieLae Ped ) Vallandine | (eromyscus Ogi tus Dtansbuky /Slond, LSsat. [pec 3/ May Oyoe as Ue, Ceandla, [specimern taker LOC LY LeJ/ce€. Liat, is Ti Vetiog dinghaM #2 | | =f ta? 1.) es Ee ee | il ON ee, Suey8's cs wae!ed SCL y eres ot] San eed Cea ay Passeste as Le pida Q ih * Nealon. Stonchurv.iSipnd J foe los] CRaw Tey) e, | specter Cand Ca, te kev ae yf tob Sena se et te Ser PS ee aOiaFeing eo eea : i fame rTerases ky ledoe., T. Yallandinchary tot ETE “ts 7 4% ee s rXry ~ tee ee wn hone is yhx Kut uo 5.tcek CHalX Ceeek , Lorre. cant Conlvaiie.T600€) Side aan 2x 1 4pect men Pp legeg HO urlar 20.4 5 feweilaey, Zéapgpecd IY Coverpred FLAS. Ji Vollandime hard GF ZIOaI |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s68q1qgk |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1605732 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s68q1qgk |