Hard Light Vector

Update Item Information
Publication Type thesis
Graduate/Undergraduate Program Graduate
Program Entertainment Arts and Engineering (EAE) Program
Date 2019
Studio/Team Name Actually A Game Company, LLC
Team Scott, Nathan; Barker, Benjamin; Agrawal, Utkarsh; Breese, Michael; Kakroo, Mukul; Tong, Tony; Cheung, Chak Long "Chris"; Boland, Sean; Hardy, Lynn; Westing, Clayton; Espinosa, Miguel; Flowers, Darren; Pandey, Shantanu; Daugherty, Chris; Kingsland, Patrick-Benson; Sarkar, Deblin; Suravarapu, Varun; Chu, Cheng-Hao "Nick"; Soller, Sarah; Mane, Shantanu; Jackson, Jenny
Official Website https://www.facebook.com/ActuallyAGameCompany/
Title Hard Light Vector
Description Hard Light Vector is a 3D first-person action platformer where you traverse an alien environment and fight to protect the memories of the dead from corruption. You play as Adelaide and use your Hard Light dagger to jump, stab and vault your way through an alien planet-scape. As you progress through the level, you will discover upgrades that allow you to enhance your mobility. Thrusters allow you to briefly hover. Use your dagger to grind along rails, gain momentum and reach parts of the level you couldn't otherwise. But your dagger isn't just for movement. It is a Dagger after all. Stab the enemies with your dagger or throw their projectiles back at them using the dagger. Team Members: Nathan Scott - Creative Director | Player | Level Designer Benjamin Barker - Environment | Level Designer Utkarsh Agrawal - Program Manager Michael Breese - Systems Designer Mukul Kakroo - Gameplay | Environment Engineer Tony Tong - Prop Artist Chak Long "Chris" Cheung - 3D Artist (Environment) Sean Boland - Gameplay | Systems Engineer (Riven & Environment) Lynn Hardy - System Engineer (Riven) | Audio Engineer Clayton Westing - Sound Designer | Composer | Audio Implementer Miguel Espinosa - Concept Artist (Riven& Environment) Darren Flowers - 3D Artist (Riven) | Lighting Shantanu Pandey - Gameplay | Systems Engineer (Riven) Chris Daugherty - VFX | Tools | Shader Technical Artist Patrick-Benson Kingsland - Technical Animator | Shader Artist Deblin Sarkar - 3D Artist Varun Suravarapu - UI | Gameplay Engineer (Player) Cheng-Hao "Nick" Chu - AI | Gameplay Engineer (Riven &Player) Sarah Soller - Concept Artist (Player & Environment) Shantanu Mane - UI | Gameplay Engineer (Player) Anita Lin - Music | SFX Jenny Jackson - Marketing | Communications Jacob Nielsen - Pre-Production Consultant Special Thanks to: Olivia Jenkins - VFX Artist Zach Gainer - UI Artist Sourabh Hamigi - VFX | Lighting Artist Travis Treadway - VFX | Shader Artist
Download link https://store.steampowered.com/app/1034740/Hard_Light_Vector/
Trailer https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256744655/movie480.webm?t=1552062209
Platform PC; Windows
Developer Actually A Game Company, LLC
Distributor Steam
Release Date 03/26/2019
Publisher Actually A Game Company, LLC
System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core i5 Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 970 Storage: 8 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core i7 Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070 Storage: 8 GB available space
Awards/Recognitions IGDA Utah Chapter - Won Artistic Achievement (Audio/Visual) Award 2019; Nominated for Pushing Boundaries 2019
Playthroughs, Let's Plays, & Reviews https://steamcommunity.com/app/1034740/discussions/0/1810919208221398083/
Genre Action; Adventure; Free to Play
Relation https://games.utah.edu/student-portfolios/hard-light-vector/; https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/hard-light-vector
Rights Management (c) Actually A Game Company, LLC
Subject Video game synopsis
Language eng
ARK ark:/87278/s68685f0
Setname ir_eae
ID 1588765
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s68685f0