Dowell Safety Awards

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Title Dowell Safety Awards
Identifier VE0161
Subject Safety Awards--Dowell--Safety--Vernal (Utah)
Spatial Coverage Vernal (Utah)
Description Safety Awards - Kent Stringham, manager of Vernal division of Dowell Company, (left) presents 15 year safety pins to Clayton Hislop and Bob Moeck at an awards dinner at the Dinaland Country Club. Mr. Hislop began work as a mechanic in Vernal district 15 years ago and is now lead mechanic here. Mr. Moeck transfered to Vernal in Sept 1969. He has been employed by Dowell Co. for over 15 years in New Mexico, Louisiana and Colorado. He is field salesman.
Source Collection Vernal Express
Date 1970-03-05
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Archival Resolution 4800 x 3400 pixels; 2500 ppi
Low Resolution 800 x 600 Pixels
Bit Depth 8 bit
Scanning Device Epson Perfection V700 Photo Scanner
Scanning Technician Linda S. Wilson
ARK ark:/87278/s67w9wcr
Setname ucl_vep
ID 1093661
Reference URL