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Show (• >:tract from I d i t h TalHaon's I rHtaar TJo«3 want out a l t s alia &an. The first clay we examined liar woman of ffco station class and than went on altb «f#»tisHtion of cases of need that had ban reported to us* T was very thankful that I had o-via,mien I •*** W trip in tha winter tha Djature most impressed on ay mind waft DM of roofless houses from which the Umbers had baan sold for food. This time an added feature was that of carts piled with household goods which watt bai nxm ;j»olJ * Jhm}*JmZt^ iT*6 the grain crooks long since MHy*Talt filled with poplar leaves being soaked in water to get* out tha b i t t t e r taste that they might be uefd as food. Orchards had been cut down for f!ial« alfalfa leaves had been stripped from, the ^tems and everywhere were people with baskets out lookuns for weed*? to cook and boys and wen with bags gathering leaves for food* The aprocot crop had been destroyed by talcing off the leaves, we g. w only a few wpmen spinning thread and onlv one or two weaving , in that region of cloth, making* for thay have no raw material* ' *&& t h e i r loome l i e idle* In most hones the . food is gruaft made with :*Tem leaves with almost no* millet* around peanut shells were common and ground bark and chaff. vary few had any bread* In some of the homes the rooms, were bare of every salable In a ome places they s t i l l had their family chests but aven these people had but l i t t l e food^But as the ohasts stood for possible resources we helped suoh but very l i t t l e* Sunday _ services . at /^ung \n Tyun There were as Any as 500 people at the Sunday service the-e* the men stayed in the yard and let the wom?m have the Chapel room The speakers table was in the door.:.iy. There aare four i tafcaM who took turns The older boys fros a «poor school* fcaa* were at church m laaga numbers. These >-oys live at M Ml are given five coppers a lay to help with their food* Betur nin^ to their village from the church they marches along the road in single . f i l e singing l u s t i ly the songs they had learned in Chapel6 I t was a eight to remember* People relyel ' . --•""""""~ one face that I cannot forget was that of a 16 vear old boy who cyae to a^k help for his /rrundmothsr. He * st^od no straight and slender and held hiB head w so bravely when he said *My grandyaother Is sick and I cannot care for her *v Tha <t*a3?l ./ere almost showing nd his lips trembled but his manly at t i t u la waa as if he said • t t i tears are not to be seen if you please *% Then there were the mothers with their l i t t l e families,SO giad for the money that helped provide for '.heir ehlldre% and the dear old women aaaj alwaf e iadu strumous if only sort* lag the weeds which they have gathered* Tt was wonderful to be able to 1 at* and I 'wish that the givers c»d have seen how far their money want* At Pai Yuah we gave over aioo.oo to half as MV homes* °Thef'poor garden%>ChiIdren ° , Yhi-*5oor yTrd a"I 'r* t" ,ere is in fine s^.ipe and the ojildren have school' daily* - Friday we sent home fraal our EdfttaHif ttpoor garden* aH of tee boys and many of the giris^ retaining about forty sa paaa rants aere so poor ta t .78 fa* red I e i* ble L .utfar hunger fo* them anat marriap;e **&. slavery ^^^ ^ome of *>4 «* ***th+e Kb*oWyDs AwIeMre «tg ihveemn e,a ^odmoel lawr ill% c hawial p ent hortohnegr n dothlel ar f-iins |