Peroxidase activity in neutrophilic myelocyte (postnatal liver, rat)

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Title Peroxidase activity in neutrophilic myelocyte (postnatal liver, rat)
Creator Poels, Lambert G.
Contributor Lambert G. Poels, PhD, UMC St Radboud Nijmegen; Paul H. K. Jap, PhD, UMC St Radboud Nijmegen
Date 2007-12-01
Description Electron microscopy (peroxidase reaction with diaminobenzidin staining). An early neutrophilic myelocyte with a large nucleus and well developed organelles, distinct Golgi areas (3) and granules. The Golgi areas, rough endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membrane stain positively (species-dependent), as for most of the granules. The primary (1, 2) ('non-specific' or light microscopic azurophilic) granules are densely stained and contain among others acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase. Secondary (specific) granules containing lysozyme and phagocytin are hardly present in this myelocyte.
Subtype Image
Format image/jpeg
Collection Poja Histology Collection - Blood & Bone Marrow Subset
ARK ark:/87278/s67d5xg5
Setname ehsl_heal
ID 891082
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