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Show 'jUtJL O Gt3X |y aear Susie,kthel i 1 and 1 hope 1920 o • .'innie OaseEllic, All Zzy I have o you won't mind if 1. do it "thr ear about Lintslng and the things 1 nting to'write p", 1 know you wy oi in av s. :Bb Of iat there isn't one who c< Bjr of her people wao isn t as • about you and your doings Greeting and love from them all. All are so happy that the Ellises start back so soon. They enjoyed knowing about the kontesano visit and were so glad,Ethel had the surprise of seeing her father and mother in California. \tep krs Helliwell and Ilabel Craigf and I came down fro,ii F.T.F. togetherp^rpVi Techow -and Paulas and Kildegard-Don't forget them peat beloved! Whey are a dear pair. We Lintsingites came oa by boat ,and made the trio in three and one half days. Ethel did I tell you how when IPaulue me in ?.T.ii.in July he said. Where is Aunt mthel?$Yr ¥e got here lust' at church tine as the bell warn ringing. ITould "a wise missionary* have • sue id on till Monday? We didn't. The house is lonesome-like, but I h" ve no time -to think how I feel-for there are so many many facing a winter of 'misery to taink of. I must tell you first of the school building ,and than I will report on a day's callers. You will want to know about the £0 pe?e?1f'ana ^ o u w i l 1 b e trying'to find ways to help too,so perhaps details' will oe useful. . '• T h e building looks so nice! Even from the other side of the wall it is gooa to see its graceful roof and chimneys. We went in the Jfi$Lo oaca aoor and walked from room to ro-.mfon the new boards)namino them end admiring them , The windows are small paned and the front door too,and , ii o i. or a m a ' cx-j o uuxv.stiver Sllie thought the fine assembly room quite wecgging~not knowing how far we £%M keep from such events I in a scnool! The- yard is so neat and trim. The trees loom well but other tainss are dried up. Oiling the floors is the biggest thing left to do,so I tnmm our hope of moving in will be realised. ' School ia due to oaen on the 21st. - V p ,. Y:j- kindergarten floor is jur t drying too. The wall on the north side ox the cloak room is taken out ana th*t mokes another nice 3.S.room, dang Shu Ts ai has gone to Techow,hoping to get her kao "Teng diploma this year, I plan to have-Lien Chen (liu idea Chen,who married Tuah Huai Tea) p r u i k -1' . krs Chang Chia San. And Li Jui |*e at KuoTzuHsiang. Ifow l e t me t e l l you about Monday's callers. I made a l i s t for nearly all had things to ask that I wanted to refer to some committee, one l i r s t is . a Wang of |;;a Liu uhuaag,Wang Jui Yuri's father. He asks that nis other daughter come to the school too and that he be allowed to pay fyi %&e tuition money some other year when his land bears a crop. They have notaing. T i ; ve torn down some buildings to use the thatch for fuel and are even burning km, rafters because there is no market f#r them. T h e n o a i J € biy Laa Fang's mother to ask about help for her to enable aer to go to Techow. gia Shu Lin H.k.is better oat not strong He i s s t i l l Hospital accountant ,but his § 13,CC a month will not feed "the ae seven of their family and Lis year no bi been ,rv on his home land. I loaned the | 16.kO itill~had of your money, # & £,tael,ana asked ^11 ce Re. a to let her crochet if possible. Later I found t a sPeJ?i a l 0 I » l b *er her and her sister^,but i t 0$. will be needed for pe sent a l e t t e r ti Alice about Wan;-; Shu Ts'ai. The blue wool a a i r taat in 1E >ox nex" aer. 5* .t 1 hard times but asked for me of church and < to, one aidn t say much about herself « ay way to help her mother,She kept a.i^.ai this summer,, As we went down eco r X 1 c me about different ones. -Three names were crossed off because the acre of the .WOO which report says have died of cholera in lintsing alone. Tney are ola blind Krs Chang,-H|aiss Layering , " rs ihang who has been -1 l-ui!; hospital more than once,anc old i,.dies lately. Then Hei Shu Chi h' s younc v/i f e. n been-on my l i s t Wfttf of adopted leaves a l i t t l e e#n;#. and* Kab Pi Pt |