Esther Visits the Greeleys in Colorado

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Title Esther Visits the Greeleys in Colorado
Identifier A1010
Subject Esther Campbell; Bill Greeley; Judy Greeley
Description Esther with Bill and Judy Greeley at Maybell, Colorado, enjoy a pinic. Esther Campbell began teaching in one room schools for Moffat County in 1922, including very remote areas. She married Duward Campbell in 1923. She was friends with Josie Bassett Morris and was considered a "Living Resource". Miss Esther, as she was referred to, died May 7, 1995 at age 95.
Publisher Uintah County Regional History Center
Date 1987
Type Image/StillImage
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital Image, Copyright 2018 Uintah County Regional History Center
Holding Institution Uintah County Regional History Center
Bit Depth 24 bit
Archival Resolution 600 dpi, 2925 x 1919 pixels
Low Resolution 800 x 600 pixels
Scanning Technician Elaine Carr
Scanning Device Epson Perfection V800
Spatial Coverage Colorado
ARK ark:/87278/s65f2vd1
Setname ucl_rhc
ID 1316510
Reference URL