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Show V SALT LAKE. August 1, 1907. Captain C. G. Hall, Thiterocks Indian Agenoy, Whiterooks, Utah; \ \ Dear Sir:- \ Referring to the subjeot of our previous correspondence, the sale of liquor to the' Indians on your reservation and elsewhere in the State, I have the honor to say: In line with suggestions then made, I reoornmended to the authorities of the two counties most interested, Uintah and 77aBatoh, that they proceed with the proseoution of the men guilty of the practice, and bring thorn to justice. In accordance with the BUggestion, they proceeded to this work, \ inourring considerable expense. In the oase of Uintah County the amount thus expended was $434.15; in the case of Wasatch County, $601.65. \ On February 12, 1907, claims presented by the two counties in the sums named above were presented to the House of Representatives of the Legislature; togetherlwith your communication on tho subject, and a reoommaiid_-tion by all the members of the Board of Examiners, Attorney General Breeden, Seoretary of State Tingoy, and myself, that as the counties seemed entitled to relief, the Legislature should make |