Correspondence related to Marriner S. Eccles's participation in a Symposium on Employment, February 24, 1964

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Title Correspondence related to Marriner S. Eccles's participation in a Symposium on Employment, February 24, 1964
Description Correspondence related to Marriner S. Eccles's participation in a Symposium on Employment sponsored by the American Bankers Association in Washington, D.C., on 24 February 1964. Includes the printed program for the symposium and a typescript (18 pages) of an address by Charles E. Walker entitled "The wage-price guideposts: the wrong approach to a pressing problem," which was a response to two of the addresses given at the symposium.
Creator Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard), 1890-1977
Date 1963-12; 1964-01; 1964-02
Spatial Coverage United States
Subject Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard), 1890-1977--Archives; Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard), 1890-1977--Correspondence; Wage-price policy--United States; United States--Economic conditions--1945-
Collection Number and Name Ms 0178 Marriner S. Eccles Papers, 1910 - 1985
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
File Name 0178_119_007
ARK ark:/87278/s6520qeg
Setname uum_msep
ID 2061246
Reference URL