Young men with Horse and Cart.

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Title Young men with Horse and Cart.
Identifier 6525a.tif
Subject Snow--Young men; Transportation--Horse and Cart; Jensen, Utah
Description Snow young men are dressed and ready to go somewhere. Their transportation is a horse drawn cart with two wheels instead of four. Photo can be found on page 424 of the Jensen Utah Book
Publisher Uintah County Library Regional History Center
Format image/jpeg
Format Creation Original scanned on CreoScitex Jazz flatbed scanner and saved as uncompressed tiff. Display images generated in CONTENTdm as JPEG2000 at 15:1 compression.
Rights Management Digital Image, copyright 2010 Uintah County Library
Source Physical Dimensions 4139 x 2512 pixels
Spatial Coverage Jensen (Utah)
Source Material B&W negative
ARK ark:/87278/s64t9zfv
Setname ucl_rhc
ID 397855
Reference URL