Maneuvers at Ft. Duchesne, ca. 1910

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Title Maneuvers at Ft. Duchesne, ca. 1910
Identifier 602-13.tif
Subject Cavalry; Horses
Description Black Buffalo Soldiers on horses, riding in a line. (This photograph was found in the Neal Collection with the following note: 1912 Cavalry camped on square where hospital now is. Vernal, Utah.)
Publisher Uintah County Library Regional History Center
Date 1910
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital image, copyright 2002 Uintah County Library
Source Physical Dimensions 35mm
Bit Depth 8
Scanning Technician Aric Hansen
Scanning Device Nikon LS-2000 Film Scanner
Spatial Coverage Fort Duchesne (Utah)
Donor Mrs. Margaret Francke
Source Material B&W Copy Negative and print
ARK ark:/87278/s64f5434
Setname ucl_rhc
ID 392468
Reference URL