Mr. and Mrs. Art [Arth] Chaffin, operators of Hite Ferry

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Title Mr. and Mrs. Art [Arth] Chaffin, operators of Hite Ferry
Photo Number P1006n07
Description Photo of Arth Chaffin and wife Della, operators of the ferry over the Colorado River at Hite, Utah
Creator Foulger, Howard, 1914-1998
Date 1951-05-02
Textual Date May 1951
Keywords Utah; Rivers and Lakes; Colorado River; Glen Canyon; Ferries; Men; Women
Subject Chaffin, Art (Arthur L.)--Photographs; Hite (Utah)--Photographs
Spatial Coverage Hite (Utah); Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico); Garfield County (Utah)
Additional Information None
Collection Number and Name P1006 Howard Foulger Photograph Collection
Collection Name Howard Foulger
Relation is Part of Utah River Running Archives
Original Source N/A
Donated By/Purchased From These photographs were donated to the Marriott Library by Larry Davis, Anasazi State Park, Boulder, Utah, who obtained them from Mr. Foulger before the latter's death.
Type Image
ARK ark:/87278/s644678w
Setname uum_map_rr
ID 952245
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