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Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking (ICCR) the Devlopment of Future Combustion Emission Regulations

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Title Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking (ICCR) the Devlopment of Future Combustion Emission Regulations
Creator Bloomer, John J.
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Date 1997
Spatial Coverage presented at Chicago, Illinois
Abstract A coordinated effort is currently underway among the U.S. EPA, industry, local governments, environmental groups, and other stakeholders to develop future combustion emission regulations mandated by the Clean Air Act. The ICCR (Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking) process was organized to bring these interests together to meet the challenge of a November 2000 deadline for promulgation. New regulations will be developed under Section 112 for hazardous air pollutants (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants - NESHAPS) and Section 129 for solid waste combustion emissions. Additionally, a secondary focus of the ICCR will be to review existing regulations for criteria pollutants under Section 111 (New Source Performance Standards - NSPS) and update if required. Regulations developed through the ICCR process will affect emissions from source categories such as industrial and commercial-institutional boilers, process heaters, solid waste incinerators (nonhazardous), stationary gas turbines, and stationary internal combustion engines. This paper will outline the ICCR process, current progress, and possible future implications of the results for combustion equipment.
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
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Conversion Specifications Original scanned with Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, 16.7 megapixel digital camera and saved as 400 ppi uncompressed TIFF, 16 bit depth.
Scanning Technician Cliodhna Davis
ARK ark:/87278/s63x897n
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ID 13331
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