Preliminary Overview of IHEC Regulation-Making Process

Update Item Information
Title Preliminary Overview of IHEC Regulation-Making Process
Subject CLA; Elections
Description Exhibit #62, CLA Final Report. To: Patricia Wildermuth; From: Marla Morry; The consultant plans to initially draw from the IHEC Lessons Learned 2008/2009 Conference Document (discussed further on) and will carry out more in-depth fact-finding on the IHEC regulation making process, identification of specific areas for improvement, and provision of recommendations for formalizing and developing the IHEC regulatory process and capacity-building of those involved in regulation making. To the extent feasible, the consultant will begin providing the IHEC with assistance in implementing these recommendations for the remainder of her contract.
Creator Sitton, Jaye
Publisher S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah
Date 2009-11-04
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Identifier GJPI Elec Preliminary Overview of IHEC Regulation-Making Process 04-November-2009[1]
Language eng
ARK ark:/87278/s63v2bbf
Setname uu_law_qip
ID 319064
Reference URL