Indians, miscellaneous photographs [01]

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Title Indians, miscellaneous photographs [01]
Photo Number P0244add1n4_09_1264
Description Black and white photograph showing a cedar tree, which marks the spot where the Utes released to the U.S. Army some white hostages from the conflict between the Indians and settlers of western Colorado in 1879. Located near Collbran, Mesa County, Colorado.
Date 1948
Textual Date 1948
Keywords Indians, Colorado
Subject White River Massacre, Colo., 1879--Photographs
Spatial Coverage Colorado
Collection Number and Name P0244 Olive Woolley Burt Photograph Collection
Collection Name Olive Woolley Burt
Relation is Part of Aileen H. Clyde 20th Century Women's Legacy Archive
Type Image
Finding Aid
ARK ark:/87278/s63fte4v
Setname uum_map
ID 1746887
Reference URL