Uintah High School Class of 1979 Reunion

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Title Uintah High School Class of 1979 Reunion
Identifier 2055T.tif
Creator Thorne, L.C.
Subject People--Uintah High School--Class of 1979
Description Uintah High School class of 1979 ten year reunion group portrait. From left, front row, Marie Pitchford Smith, Rayma Hunting McCarrell, Annette Workman Daggett, Lesha McLean Hacking, Cynthia Gudac Murray, MarLynn Johnson Dart, Susan Brown Buckalew, Frank Jarmillo, Ellen Morrell Keele, Cydnie Workman Burningham, Diane Morrill DeLano, Bonnie Francis, Pam Morey Stewart and Robin Easley Roberts. Second row, Collette Hancock Kremin, Lisa Merkley Reynolds, Camille Perry Smith, Joyce Stewart Jackson, Paris Leibhart Anderton, Cindy Horrocks Merrill, Paula Sowards Sutterfield, Erin Jacobsen Mayberry, Diane Bigelow McLean, Mary Ann Nelson Jones, Sherilyn Jackson Bennion, Kathy Powell Quinto, Lawano Sessions Herrop, Wendy Hatch May, Harold Hacking and Ronnie Martin. Third row, Janell Alexander Coyne, Gary Oaks, Chris Brough, Kathy Gray, Joy Hall Richardson, Lori Searle, MaryAnn Mecham Gudac, Francine Herrington, Nancy Merrell Hadlock, Angela Parkinson Miller, Rick McLean, Rich Lee, Tim Reynolds, Scott Baese, Tricia Abegglen, Shelly Cook Lane, Wayne Roberts, Todd Hartle, Arlene Smith, Edith Christensen, Cynthia Pilling Maguire, Annette Oldaker Gardiner, Lori Gardiner, Doris Merrell Salazar, Chris Hatch Hardinger and Ruby Taylor Nash. Back row, Scott Murray, Tim King, Kevin Martin, Shane Southam, Don (Williams) Sadlier, Steve Smith, Brent Stagg, Mark Foley, Cal Ruppe, Dave Birch, Stuart Parker, David Watkins, Kent Schmidt, Rod Murray, Annette Richens Parslow, Greg Slaugh, Wes Harrison, Wade Montgomery , MaryLee Felter Haley and Kail Jones.
Publisher Uintah County Library Regional History Center
Date 1989-09
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Format Creation Original scanned on CreoScitex Jazz flatbed scanner and saved as uncompressed tiff. Display images generated in CONTENTdm as JPEG2000 at 15:1 compression.
Source B&W nagative
Language eng
Rights Management Digital image, copyright 2008 Uintah County Library
Holding Institution Uintah County Regional History Center
Archival Resolution 2620 x 1092 pixels
Bit Depth 8-bit gray scale
Scanning Technician Fei Wu
Spatial Coverage Vernal (Utah)
Source Material Black and White Photograph
Website https://uintahhistory.org
ARK ark:/87278/s6380qfq
Setname ucl_tp
ID 403645
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6380qfq