Steart Ashton

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Title Steart Ashton
Identifier A6405
Subject Stewart Ashton
Description Stewart Ashton, son of Rae and Eva Ashton was a prominent citizen of Vernal. He was the co-manager of Ashton Brothers Company and later co-owner. He served in the Air Corps during World War II and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross. He served on the Vernal City Council and was president of the Vernal Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of the Rotary Club and commander of the Witbeck Post of the American Legion. He was the chairman of the Utah Civil Aeronautics board. He was a member of the Honorary Colonels of the Utah National Guard. He married Mary Kyler and they had two chidren together, Rae and Mary Grace. He was born March 12, 1920 and died March 30, 1992.
Publisher Uintah County Regional History Center
Date 1988; 1989; 1990; 1991; 1992
Type Image/StillImage
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital Image, Copyright 2023 Uintah County Regional History Center
Bit Depth 8
Archival Resolution 600 dpi, 2151 x 2873 pixels
Low Resolution 800 x 600 pixels
Scanning Technician Elaline Carr
Scanning Device Epson Perfection V800
Spatial Coverage Vernal (Utah)
Donor Mary Grace Gudis
Owning Institution Uintah County Regional History Center
ARK ark:/87278/s62rg9am
Setname ucl_rhc
ID 2395012
Reference URL