Carbon Monoxide Emission Control with Radiation Pyrometer

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Title Carbon Monoxide Emission Control with Radiation Pyrometer
Creator Corwin, D.L.
Date 2016-09-13
Spatial Coverage Kauai, Hawaii
Subject 2016 AFRC Industrial Combustion Symposium
Description Paper from the AFRC 2016 conference titled Carbon Monoxide Emission Control with Radiation Pyrometer
Abstract The environmental requirements of incinerators and oxidizers have become more restrictive as a result of the tighter emissions standards. MACT regulations have taken the lowest test emissions from different incinerators to generate a composite emissions value that all incinerators of that class must met. Medical waste incinerators have very stringent emissions values that must be met particularly difficult task because the composition of the waste stream can not be predetermined. These waste streams have the potential of rapid changing in flow rate and organic content. To maintain control of the oxidizer, a rapid temperature measurement system must be instituted. Radiation thermocouples have been demonstrated to be effective on may process that have a uniform gas composition. ; ; Several radiation thermocouples were tested in an different incinerators and oxidizers that are subject to rapid changes in the flow rate and composition. Process control was provided and demonstrated to adequately control the oxidizer. A summary of the control parameters and the differences in response time and characteristics of the two radiation detectors and a standard thermocouple will be made.
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ARK ark:/87278/s61s11fc
Setname uu_afrc
ID 1387884
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