President Kimball at Hotel Utah groundbreaking 1974 [2]

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Title President Kimball at Hotel Utah groundbreaking 1974 [2]
Photo Number p0283n05a_13_03
Description Photo shows LDS Church President Spencer W. Kimball with a bulldozer at the Hotel Utah groundbreaking ceremony, March 12, 1974
Keywords Ground breaking ceremonies; Ceremonies; Building ceremonies; groundbreakings; Construction; Earthmoving equipment; Excavating equipment; Elders
Subject Kimball, Spencer W., 1895-1985--Photographs; Bulldozers--Photographs; Earthmoving machinery--Photographs; Buildings--Repair and reconstruction--Photographs; Construction equipment; Backhoes; Employees; Construction workers; Construction equipment operators
Additional Information The Hotel Utah was built in 1909 - 1911, with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the primary stockholder. It was operated by the Hotel Utah Company for most of its history. In order to compete with newer hotels in the city, a renovation plan was adopted in January of 1974, to expand the building on the north, with a ballroom and convention center on the ground floor and new rooms above. The West Wing was extended northward in 1975 and the East Wing was expanded in 1976. Other areas of the hotel were also renovated and refurbished. This work was completed in the autumn of 1976. This effort gave the Hotel Utah the largest convention facilities of any hotel in the state, but failed to keep the hotel competitive, so that in 1987 it closed and was converted to LDS Church office space.
Spatial Coverage Salt Lake City (Utah); Salt Lake County (Utah)
Collection Number and Name P0283 Hotel Utah Photograph Collection
Date 1974-03-12
Textual Date 12-Mar-74
Access Restrictions This material may be protected by copyright. Permission required for use in any form. For further information please contact the Multimedia Archives, Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.
Type Image
Master File Creation Software Photoshop CS
ARK ark:/87278/s61j9rwh
Setname uum_hu
ID 207826
Reference URL