Tourists at Dinosaur National Monument

Update Item Information
Title Tourists at Dinosaur National Monument
Identifier 0056B
Subject People; Dinosaur National Monument
Description People enjoy a tour of the Dinosaur National Monument. Dr. Albert C. Boyle is to the left. He was made acting geologist and custodian of the Dinosaur National Monument. He was active in promoting and discussing the geology of the monument.
Publisher Uintah County Regional History Center
Date 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938
Type Image/StillImage
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital Image/ Copyright 2019 Uintah County Regional History Center
Holding Institution Uintah County Regional History Center
Archival Resolution 800 dpi, 5168 x 3614 pixels
Low Resolution 800 x 600 pixels
Bit Depth 8
Scanning Device Epson Perfection V800
Scanning Technician Elaine Carr
Spatial Coverage Uintah County (Utah)
Source Material B & W Negative
ARK ark:/87278/s61307jx
Setname ucl_tp
ID 1423284
Reference URL