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Combustion Progress, Problems, Needs in the Glass Industry

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Title Combustion Progress, Problems, Needs in the Glass Industry
Creator Drake, Robert A.
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Date 1986
Spatial Coverage presented at Chicago, Illinois
Abstract THIS PAPER IS presented on behalf of one of the recognized major industrial energy users -- the glass industry, one of the oldest industries in thjs country. The plenary session purpose is to identify problems in industry related to combustion both past and present. The perceived needs for further problems solutions for continued progress of the industry will also be discussed. Included in this paper will be a bit of history, a brief description of the industry, a general overview of energy use and change as well as a current picture of what is being done and what needs to be done. The paper for the glass industry will include the following: PROGRESS PROBLEMS NEEDS
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
Rights This material may be protected by copyright. Permission required for use in any form. For further information please contact the American Flame Research Committee.
Conversion Specifications Original scanned with Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, 16.7 megapixel digital camera and saved as 400 ppi uncompressed TIFF, 16 bit depth.
Scanning Technician Cliodhna Davis
ARK ark:/87278/s6028v3x
Setname uu_afrc
ID 3589
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