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1 941-2Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThis patient was seen at the Yale Eye Center at the age of 37. She had a long history of multiple sclerosis. At age 22, she had an acute attack of optic neuritis in the left eye which recovered fully within three weeks. Some months later she had a recurrent episode in the same eye, which also ...Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia; Pendular Horizontal Oscillations; Lid Nystagmus; Upbeat Nystagmus; Botulinum Toxin Therapy; Multiple Sclerosis; Horizontal Pendular Nystagmus; Gaze Evoked Upbeat Nystagmus; Abducting Nystagmus
2 Bilateral_Internuclear_OphthalmoplegiaBilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThis patient was seen at the Yale Eye Center at the age of 37. She had a long history of multiple sclerosis. At age 22, she had an acute attack of optic neuritis in the left eye which recovered fully within three weeks. Some months later she had a recurrent episode in the same eye, which also ...Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia; Pendular Horizontal Oscillations; Lid Nystagmus; Upbeat Nystagmus; Botulinum Toxin Therapy; Multiple Sclerosis; Horizontal Pendular Nystagmus; Gaze Evoked Upbeat Nystagmus; Abducting Nystagmus
3 Brainstem_Cavernous_AngiomaBrainstem Cavernous AngiomaThe patient is a 50 year old woman who presented in November 1977 with a transient facial droop, nystagmus, diplopia, dysarthria and vertigo. She was admitted to New England Tufts Medical Center and had an extensive workup including an electroencephalogram, first generation CT brain scan, angiogram ...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Hiccup; Medullary Hemorrhage; Cavernous Angioma; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hemorrhage; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Medulla Hemorrhage; Medulla
4 003-3Downbeat NystagmusThis patient carries a diagnosis of Type I Chiari malformation. Neurological symptoms of a Chiari malformation may not develop until adolescence or adult life as in this man. The symptoms may be those of: 1. Increased intracranial pressure, mainly headache 2. Progressive cerebellar ataxia 3. Progre...Downbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Oscillopsia; Chiari-1 Malformation; Primary Position Downbeat Nystagmus; Chiari Malformation
5 166-11Downbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 72 year old man who was found down and admitted as an emergency in coma. Neurological examination: Patient in coma failed to respond to painful stimuli. Downbeat nystagmus Lid nystagmus Pupils 2 mm OU responsive to light Corneal reflexes absent Oculocephalic reflex absent No resp...Coma; Downbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy; Pontine Hemorrhage; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hemorrhage; Primary Position Downbeat Nystagmus
6 Multiple_SclerosisMultiple SclerosisThe patient is a 56 year old woman who presented in 1982, at the age of 48, with a one week history of painless loss of vision in the left eye. Past History: Negative for a previous attack of optic neuritis or transient neurological symptoms. Family History: Negative for CNS disease Neuro-ophth...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Square Wave Jerks; Jerk Oscillations; Rotary Nystagmus; Saccadic Pursuit; Saccadic Dysmetria; Multiple Sclerosis; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Torsional Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria
7 166-3Neonatal OpsoclonusThis child was one of the first cases of opsoclonus that I saw with Dr. Cogan in the early 1970's. The baby is a unique case in that in addition to neonatal opsoclonus with the characteristic multidirectional conjugate back-to-back saccades, periods of large amplitude upbeat nystagmus also occurred....Neonatal Opsoclonus; Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Saccadic Oscillations
8 166-4Neonatal OpsoclonusThis child was one of the first cases of opsoclonus that I saw with Dr. Cogan in the early 1970's. He carried a diagnosis of strabismus with deviation of the left eye. In this child, opsoclonus occurred as a transient phenomenon in an otherwise healthy infant. For a complete overview of opsoclonus i...Neonatal Opsoclonus; Lid Nystagmus; Saccadic Oscillations
9 936-4Palatal TremorThe patient is a 44 year old left handed man with a history of IV drug abuse (heroin and cocaine) alcoholism, hypertension, and rheumatic fever. In March 1990, at 3 a.m. on the day of admission, he had acute onset of dizziness, slurred speech, left sided weakness and difficulty walking. He was ...Pendular Vertical Oscillations; Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy; Palatal Tremor (Myoclonus); Pontine Hemorrhage; Degenerative Hypertrophy of the Inferior Olivary Nucleus; Lesion in the Guillain - Mollaret Triangle; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hemorrhage; Facial Weakness; Speech La...
10 212-3Paraneoplastic Upbeat NystagmusThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2009. The patient is a 65 year old woman who was in good health until seven weeks prior to admission. On June 22/09 on the return flight from her daughter's wedding in Oregon she ...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Square Wave Jerks (Saccadic Oscillations); Saccadic Dysmetria; Saccadic Pursuit; Paraneoplastic Syndrome; Paraneoplastic Upbeat Nystagmus; Pancreatic Endocrine Carcinoma; Anti-Hu - Associated Paraneoplastic Encephalitis
11 Paraneoplastic_Upbeat_NystagmusParaneoplastic Upbeat NystagmusThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2009. The patient is a 65 year old woman who was in good health until seven weeks prior to admission. On June 22/09 on the return flight from her daughter's wedding in Oregon she ...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Square Wave Jerks (Saccadic Oscillations); Saccadic Dysmetria; Saccadic Pursuit; Paraneoplastic Syndrome; Paraneoplastic Upbeat Nystagmus; Pancreatic Endocrine Carcinoma; Anti-Hu - Associated Paraneoplastic Encephalitis
12 923-1Pendular Vertical OscillationsIn October 1988 this 43 year old Spanish speaking man with a history of hypertension, suddenly became weak and collapsed on the floor. He was taken to an outside hospital where his blood pressure was 220/130. He was lethargic and diaphoretic and had slurred speech and a left facial palsy. A CT s...Pendular Vertical Oscillations; Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy; Palatal Tremor (Myoclonus); Pontine Hemorrhage; Degenerative Hypertrophy of the Inferior Olivary Nucleus; Lesion in the Guillain-Mollaret Triangle; Facial Palsy; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy H...
13 943-1Pendular Vertical OscillationsIn 1996 this 50 year old woman had the acute onset of tingling in the left arm and mild ataxia. In 1974 because of progressive symptoms and the onset of double vision attributed to a bilateral sixth nerve palsy, she consulted a neurologist at an outside hospital. She was given a diagnosis of Multip...Pendular Vertical Oscillations; Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy; Palatal Tremor (Myoclonus); Pontine Hemorrhage; Degenerative Hypertrophy of the Inferior Olivary Nucleus; Lesion in the Guillian Mollaret Triangle; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hemorrhage;...
14 932-1Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and DowngazeThe patient is a 44 year old woman with a past history of ethanol abuse. She was transferred to the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) on 3/10/93 for evaluation of memory impairment, hypothalamic dysfunction and a one month history of diplopia and ataxia. In February 1992 (13 months PTA), she ...Somnolence; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze; Vertical Gaze Palsy; Absent Convergence; Pendular Vergence Oscillations; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Tropheryma Whippelii - Infection; CNS Whipple's Disease; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze Infection - Whipple's Disease
15 208-1Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 31 year old woman with a past history of morbid obesity treated in 2005 by gastric bypass with a weight change from 270 pounds to 170 pounds. In January 2008, she was admitted as an emergency to an outside hospital complaining of pressure headache with photophobia and phonophobia, n...Upbeat Nystagmus; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Wernicke's Disease; Morbid Obesity - Gastric Bypass Surgery; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Wernicke Encephalopathy; Thiamine Deficiency
16 906-4Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 56 year old woman who presented in 1982, at the age of 48, with a one week history of painless loss of vision in the left eye. Past History: Negative for a previous attack of optic neuritis or transient neurological symptoms. Family History: Negative for CNS disease Neuro-ophth...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Square Wave Jerks; Jerk Oscillations; Rotary Nystagmus; Saccadic Pursuit; Saccadic Dysmetria; Multiple Sclerosis; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Torsional Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria
17 941-5Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 50 year old woman who presented in November 1977 with a transient facial droop, nystagmus, diplopia, dysarthria and vertigo. She was admitted to New England Tufts Medical Center and had an extensive workup including an electroencephalogram, first generation CT brain scan, angiogram ...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Hiccup; Medullary Hemorrhage; Cavernous Angioma; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Bilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Hemorrhage; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Medulla Hemorrhage; Medulla
18 942-3Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 36 year old Korean doctor who arrived from Korea in November 1994. On 12/25/94 she developed a painful erythematous eruption along her upper back extending toward her right shoulder. A physician diagnosed herpes zoster and prescribed a five day course of Acyclovir with good resolut...Upbeat Nystagmus; Horizontal Gaze Evoked Nystagmus; Opsoclonus; Bulbar Palsy; Post Infectious Brainstem Encephalitis; Cervical Myelitis; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus
19 Whipples_Disease_guest_lectureWhipple's Disease (Guest Lecture)The patient is a 44 year old woman with a past history of ethanol abuse. She was transferred to the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) on 3/10/93 for evaluation of memory impairment, hypothalamic dysfunction and a one month history of diplopia and ataxia. In February 1992 (13 months PTA), she ...Somnolence; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze; Vertical Gaze Palsy; Absent Convergence; Pendular Vergence Oscillations; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Tropheryma Whippelii - Infection; CNS Whipple's Disease; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze Infection - Whipple's Disease
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