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1 207-1Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2007. The patient is a healthy, 36 year old Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard who was last seen perfectly well at 2 a.m. on the day of admission. He awoke in the morning ...Somnolence; Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze; Absent Vertical Saccades and Pursuit Movements; Intact Convergence; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Ocular Dysmetria; Ocular Tilt Reaction; Lateropulsion; Unilateral Midbrain and Thalamic Infarct; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze...
2 Midbrain_HemorrhageMidbrain HemorrhageThe patient is a 49 year old woman who was in good health until January 17, 1991. When, at work one morning, she had an acute attack of light headedness and double vision and collapsed on the floor without loss of consciousness. She developed a severe retro-orbital headache. She was taken to t...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze Hemorrhage; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Normal Convergence; Skew Deviation; Light/Near Dissociation of the Pupils; Pretectal Syndrome; Midbrain Hemorrhage; Cavernous Angioma; Cavernous Hemangiomas
3 162-8Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThis young child presented with headache and unsteadiness. He was found to have obstructive hydrocephalus, aqueduct stenosis and a medulloblastoma. The constellation of clinical eye signs localized to the Dorsal Midbrain and included: • Supranuclear paralysis of upgaze (saccadic and pursuit move...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Eyelid Retraction - Collier's Sign; Normal Downgaze; Esotropia; Sixth Nerve Palsy; Dorsal Midbrain Syndrome; Obstructive Hydrocephalus; Aqueduct Stenosis; Medulloblastoma; Increased Intracranial Pressure; Unilateral Sixth Nerve Pals...
4 167-11Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 32 year old man who was admitted as an emergency with severe headache and papilledema. On examination he had signs of the Pretectal Syndrome. • Bilateral lid retraction in primary gaze - Collier's sign • Supranuclear paralysis of upgaze (saccades and pursuit) • Full horizon...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze; Bilateral Lid Retraction - Collier's Sign; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Normal Convergence; Light/Near Dissociation of the Pupils; Pretectal Syndrome; Dysgerminoma - Pineal Region Tumor; Lid Retraction; Upgaze Palsy; Dorsal...
5 921-1Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 33 year old man who called the police to his apartment at 3 a.m. on the morning of admission. They found his apartment in a state of disarray and realized that he had been down on the floor for some hours and only just able to open the door to let them in. He was admitted to the l...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze Hemorrhage; Bilateral Lid Retraction - Collier's Sign; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Normal Convergence; Light/Near Dissociation of the Pupils; Pretectal Syndrome; Thalamic Hemorrhage; Thalamus Hemorrhage
6 926-1Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 49 year old woman who was in good health until January 17, 1991. When, at work one morning, she had an acute attack of light headedness and double vision and collapsed on the floor without loss of consciousness. She developed a severe retro-orbital headache. She was taken to t...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze Hemorrhage; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Normal Convergence; Skew Deviation; Light/Near Dissociation of the Pupils; Pretectal Syndrome; Midbrain Hemorrhage; Cavernous Angioma; Cavernous Hemangiomas
7 939-6Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 71 year old woman who was admitted to the Cardiac Unit following an acute "rush to the head", diaphoresis, and palpitations. She felt she was about to faint. She described seeing gold rings in her vision for a few minutes. Past History: Partial complex seizures since 1987. Th...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze Infarct; Bilateral Lid Retraction - Collier's Sign; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Skew Deviation; Light/Near Dissociation of the Pupils; Pretectal Syndrome; Top of the Basilar Syndrome; Midbrain Infarct; Supranuclear Paralysi...
8 943-3Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 37 year old man with a history of intravenous drug abuse, AIDS, and tuberculosis. He presented with a chief complaint of unsteadiness walking for two weeks and vertical diplopia for four days. Past History: Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive When his CD4 lymphocyte count b...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze; Bilateral Lid Retraction - Collier's Sign; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Skew Deviation; Pretectal Syndrome; Brainstem Encephalitis; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; CNS Infection; Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze Infect...
9 946-3Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 58 year old man who was admitted as an emergency with hypersomnolence, gait ataxia and diplopia. On the night before Thanksgiving he went to bed feeling well. He was awoken by a phone call at 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving day having over slept by 7 hours. He got out of bed to answer th...Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Third Nerve Palsy; Pretectal Syndrome Top of the Basilar Syndrome; Thalamic Infarct; Patent Foramen Ovale; Thalamus Infarct; Somnolence
10 Supranuclear_Paralysis_of_Vertical_GazeSupranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2007. The patient is a healthy, 36 year old Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard who was last seen perfectly well at 2 a.m. on the day of admission. He awoke in the morning ...Somnolence; Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze; Absent Vertical Saccades and Pursuit Movements; Intact Convergence; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Ocular Dysmetria; Ocular Tilt Reaction; Lateropulsion; Unilateral Midbrain and Thalamic Infarct; Supranuclear Paralysis of Up and Downgaze...
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