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1 Bilateral Lens Subluxation in Marfan SyndromeRabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MDMarfan Syndrome; Lens Subluxation; Lens Dislocation; Connective Tissue Disease; Genetic DisorderThis is a case of known Marfan syndrome with bilateral progressive visual loss. The ocular examination showed bilateral lens dislocation. Figure 1a: Typical superonasal lens subluxation in both eyes Figure 1b: The arrows show the inferior edges of the lenses Figure 2: Optical section of the lenses u...
2 Iris TransilluminationJason Peragallo, MD; Valérie Biousse, MDTransillumination ExaminationSingle case of iris transillumination in a patient with albinism. Figure 1 : Anterior segment photograph demonstrating reddish hue to iris in albinism Figure 2 : Slit lamp photograph with retroillumination demonstrating iris transillumination Figure 3 : Slit lamp photograph with retroillumination...
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