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1 Acute Bilateral OphthalmoplegiaDr. Lee lectures medical students on acute bilateral ophthalmoplegia.Pathologies; Signs and Symptoms
2 Adie's Tonic PupilDr. Lee lectures medical students on Adie's tonic pupil.Pathology; Neuroanatomy; Signs and Symptoms
3 AnisocoriaDr. Lee lectures medical students on anisocoria.Pathologies; Pupillary Syndromes; Horner's Syndrome; Neuroanatomy
4 Central ScotomaDr. Lee lectures medical students on scotoma.Scotoma; Visual Fields; Diagnosis
5 Chief Complaint: A Focused StemSummary: • Presenting a chief complaint as quotation marks in a patient's words may not be the best and most efficient method. • A focused chief complaint should include: o Age o Gender o Timeframe (acute, subacute, chronic) o Painful or painless o Clinical sign • Example: Optic neuritis o 20-...History; Complaint; Diagnosis
6 Coloboma of Optic NerveSummary: • In embryology, the eye beings as a vesicle > stalk outpouching that forms optic cup > forms the back part of the eye (optic nerve) • Surface ectoderm invaginates to form lens placode > forms the front part of the eye o Lens placode pinches off > lens vesicle > surface = cornea • The...Optic Nerve Coloboma; Embryology
7 Confrontation Visual FieldsSummary: • Confrontation Visual Fields o Use your own visual field as the control - cover your eye that's the comparative eye to the patient's o Test central field > Test each eye separately > Use an Amsler grid at the bedside or use your own face o Test peripheral field (4 quadrants) > Kinetic te...Visual Fields; Peripheral Field Test
8 Cover Uncover Test vs. Alternate Cover TestDr. Lee lectures medical students on regular cover tests and alternative cover tests.Cover Test; Tropia; Phoria
9 Differential Diagnosis - Tempo in History TakingSummary: • Differential Diagnosis-VINDITCH MD o Consider the tempo of pathology: > Vascular > Ischemic • NAION o Patient gets worse, then stays the same, or a little better then stays the same > Neoplastic • Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma o Patient gets worse, then continues to get worse > Demy...Differential Diagnosis; Tempo; Pathology
10 Differential Diagnosis ListSummary: • Differential diagnosis in neuro-ophthalmology can be approached from patient age and prevalence of disease • Mnemonic for differential diagnosis: o V-vascular o I-inflammatory/ischemic o T-trauma o A-anaplastic o M-metabolic o I-iatrogenic/idiopathic o N-neoplastic/nutritional • Pre...Differential; History; Examination
11 Do Not in Neuro-OphthalmologySummary: • No steroids to patients with fungal disease, especially immunocompromised patients • No steroids to patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (Miller Fisher variant) o Patients need IVIG/plasma exchange instead • No Botox to patients with neuromuscular junction disease (myasthenia grav...Steroids; Botulinum Toxin; Iodine
12 Empty SellaSummary: • Primary empty sella is found incidentally and normal in 15% of the population • Secondary empty sella causes can cause visual field defects of the optic chiasm (ex. Bitemporal hemianopsia) o Can be intrasellar or suprasellar lesions o Common causes: > Transsphenoidal surgery to remove...Empty Sella; Visual Field Defects; Sellar Lesions
13 Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (eGPA)Summary: • Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (eGPA or Churg-Strauss) o Presentation key features: > Orbital inflammatory syndrome • Redness, pain, lid edema, diplopia, ophthalmoplegia, optic neuropathy > Vasculitis-like presentation • Stroke o Past medical history > asthma o America...eGPA; Eosinophilic Granulomatosis
14 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Interpretation and CorrectionSummary: • Typical clinical scenario: elderly patient with an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 100 mm/hr > temporal artery biopsy to evaluate for giant cellarteritis o Do general exam, urine analysis, chest x-ray, serum protein electrophoresis, CBC, etc. o ESR is not specific but if >100 mm...ESR; Red Blood Cells
15 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) for OphthalmologySummary: • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) - rate in mL/hr of erythrocyte sedimentation o From the 1800s o How fast red blood cells (RBCs) sediment in a tube over an hour, in millimeters • Normal sedimentation rate o RBCs have a charge, and a potential is generated by that charge that keep...ESR; Red Blood Cells
16 Facial and Eye Pain in the Ophthalmology ClinicDr. Lee lectures medical students on facial and eye pain.Eye Pain; Ophthalmology; Diagnosis
17 Gaze Evoked AmaurosisSummary: • Gaze-evoked amaurosis o Description > Transient vision loss induced by upward, downward, left, and or right gaze > A very specific finding for a lesion located in the orbit o; Pathophysiology > A tumor may compress the optic nerve, causing a stretch during extreme gaze and resulting in ...Gaze Evoked Amaurosis; Transient Vision Loss; Lesion; Tumors
18 History of Presenting Illness in Neuro-OphthalmologySummary: • The HPI is taught to medical students through the mnemonic OLDCARTS: o This method gathers information regarding the onset, location, duration, characteristics, associated symptoms, radiation, timing, severity of symptoms (from 1 to 10), and aggravating and relieving symptoms of the chi...History; Diagnosis
19 Homonymous HemianopiaDr. Lee lectures medical students on homonymous hemianopia.Neuroanatomy; Pathology; Signs and Symptoms
20 Homonymous Hemianopsia with no Structural CorrelateDr. Lee lectures medical students on homonymous hemianopasia.Homonymous Hemianopsia; Diagnosis; Ophthalmology
21 Horner's Pharmacological TestingDr. Lee lectures medical students on Horner's syndrome and its pharmacologic evaluation.Neuroanatomy; Pathology; Horner's Syndrome; Signs and Symptoms
22 Junctional ScotomaDr. Lee lectures medical students on junctional scotoma.Scotomas; Neuroanatomy; Tumors; Visual Field Defects
23 Light Near DissociationSummary: ¬Light near dissociation o Afferent component = retina + optic nerve + chiasm + tract to geniculate body o Efferent component = Edinger-Westphal nucleus + nerve to ciliary ganglion o Light near dissociation -Light pathway is damaged • Light pathway is carried bilaterally on the afferent ...Dissociation; Ciliary Ganglion; Afferents; Efferents
24 Localizing Forms of NystagmusDr. Lee lectures medical students on nystagmus.Nystagmus; Anatomy; Neuroanatomy; Pathology
25 Occam's Razor vs Hiccum's DictumSummary: • Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation unifying the history and physical is often the most accurate diagnosis. o Combine a long list of symptoms and signs using a simple diagnosis • Hiccum's Dictum: A patient can have more than one problem explaining signs and symptomsOccam's Razor; Differential; Diagnosis
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