1 - 25 of 20
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1 CFD analysis of liquid seal designuu_afrcText
2 Gasification studies: Task 4 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Programir_euaText
3 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - October 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012ir_eua
4 Development of an airborne pollution measurement systemir_etdText
5 Computational fluid dynamics simulation study on hot spot location in a longwall mine gobir_etdText
6 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - April 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012ir_eua
7 Feasibility and scalability of chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling: utilizing copper oxide as the oxygen carrierir_etdText
8 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil sands and oil shale resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2014-March 2014ir_eua
9 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011ir_eua
10 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011ir_eua
11 Investigation of coal conversion pathways during chemical looping combustion with Oxygen uncouplingir_etdText
12 General_Catalog_2018_2019ir_euaText
13 2018-2019 General Catalogir_euaText
14 Theoretical and numerical aspects of eulerian polydispersity treatments in gas-solid systemsir_etdText
15 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - July 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012ir_eua
16 Oxy-coal Combustion Studies Task 3 Topical Report, Utah Clean Coal Programir_eua
17 An automated microfluidic nucleic acid extraction system for sample preparation with an integrated polymerase chain reaction moduleir_etdText
18 Clean coal program research activities: Final report: Reporting period 07/01/2006-05/31/2009ir_euaText
19 Experimental and modeling study of sulfur dioxide behavior during oxy combustion in fluidized bedsir_etdText
20 Preventing neointimal hyperplasia perivascular drug delivery in synthetic hemodialysis graftsir_etdText
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