201 - 225 of 743
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201 Book Reviewsehsl_novel_jno
202 Use of Ophthalmic Imaging as a Biomarkerehsl_novel_namText
203 The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurologyehsl_novel_jno
204 Digoxin toxicity. Recognizing the varied visual presentations.ehsl_novel_jno
205 The role of glucose and fatigue in cognitive control and sustained attention: an electroencephalographic assessmentir_etdText
206 Optokinetic dissociation, saccadic hypomotility, and sakkidierung.ehsl_novel_jno
207 Effect of Age on the Pupillomotor Fieldehsl_novel_jno
208 Literature Commentaryehsl_novel_jno
209 Endovascular Treatment of a Bilateral Ophthalmic-Ethmoidal Artery Dural Arteriovenous Fistulaehsl_novel_jno
210 Movement-related beta oscillations in the cortico-subthalamic network in healthy and parkinsonin ratsir_etdText
211 Clinicopathological study of the visual pathways, eyes, and cerebral hemispheres in 32 cases of disseminated sclerosis.ehsl_novel_jno
212 Experimentally induced retinal projections to the ferret auditory thalamus: development of clustered eye-specific patterns in a novel targetir_uspaceText
213 rAAV2/2-ND4 Treatment of Leber Optic Neuropathy: 72-Week Data from the REVERSE Phase III Clinical Trialehsl_novel_namText
214 05_Ocular Motor Disorders in Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acid and Stroke-Like Episodes, 3271 Point Mutation in Mitochondrial DNA.pdfehsl_novel_jno
215 Retinal Ganglion Cell Functional Plasticity and Optic Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Modelehsl_novel_jno
216 NANOS Abstractsehsl_novel_jno
217 The Pulfrich Effect and its Relationship to Retinal Illuminationehsl_novel_jno
218 Cerebrospinal Fluid Diversion Proceduresehsl_novel_jno
219 Chapter 3: Fusion Maldevelopment Nystagmus Syndromeehsl_novel_dellossoText
220 Role for nitric oxide in the development of the ferret retinogeniculate projectionir_uspaceText
221 An international symposium on color vision deficiencies neuro-ophthalmological perspectives.ehsl_novel_jno
222 Should Visual Snow and Visual Snow Syndrome Be Evaluated Outside of Standard In-clinic Ophthalmologic Testing?ehsl_novel_jnoText
223 A Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Patients With Benign Essential Blepharospasmehsl_novel_jno
224 Subband vector quantization of images using hexagonal filter banksir_uspaceText
225 Unit recording and muscle activation in peripheral nerves for improved nueroprosthesesir_etdText
201 - 225 of 743