201 - 225 of 4,089
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201 Thymus - Epithelial Reticular CellsThis image from the medulla shows many epithelial reticular cells, which have a pale cytoplasm, large nucleus, and prominent nucleolus. These cells form a meshwork which contains developing lymphocytes. One macrophage or PAS cell is visible. PAS stains its phagocytic inclusions bright pink. Note the...epithelial reticular; Hassall's corpuscle; PASUCLA Histology
202 SkinThis high power view illustrates the relationship of epidermal pegs, which invaginate into the dermis, with the dermal papillae which extend into the epidermis. This sample has a highly pigmented basal layer, composed of keratinocytes with melanosomes. Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin and are...epidermis; SkinUCLA Histology
203 Mucinous cystadenomaThese tumors comprise 20% of all neoplasms, and 50% of ovarian neoplasms found in women less than 20 years of age. They are frequently multiloculated. The favored hypothesis for their origin is metaplastic surface epithelium as they have a predominance of endocervical gland type epithelium.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
204 Ovarian tumorA large vertical incision allows delivery and excision of an ovarian neoplasm. Pelvic washings for cytology and a frozen section rule out a malignancy. The cyst is excised carefully to avoid spilling contents into the abdomen.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
205 Excision: suturingThe double loop is tightened by pulling the hands into their natural position, but the knot cannot be adequately tightened by pulling in that direction; the knot must be tightened by pulling the suture ends along the length (long axis) of the wound. (This is shown in the following slide)Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
206 PituitaryBecause of its physiological importance, several images of the pars distalis are included. In this one, recognize bluish basophils, abundant reddish acidophils, a probable chromophobe (with no cytoplasmic granules), and red blood cells. UCLA Histology Collection.pars distalis; PituitaryUCLA Histology
207 ScalpelThis is a cross-sectional view demonstrating the blade angled away from the center of the ellipse.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
208 Adrenal gland neoplasmAdrenal gland neoplasmKnowledge Weavers Pathology
209 Medullary carcinomaMedullary carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
210 Skeletal MuscleNote the alternating cross sectional and longitudinal fascicles of skeletal muscle that are characteristic of the tongue. Also note the difference in appearance of the connective tissue space. Identify the pockets of adipose tissue within this section, as well as the prominent nerve bundles, and blo...Skeletal Muscle; TongueUCLA Histology
211 PlacentaThis image is very useful for differentiating the fetal and maternal components of the placenta . One can readily identify the maternal blood space , fetal villi including one obvious tertiary villus . Fibrinoid is present in the area of fetal villi as well as in a region dominated by maternal decid...PlacentaUCLA Histology
212 Connective TissueThis low power view of the monkey heel shows epidermis, dermal connective tissue, a sweat gland, and the insertion of the Achilles tendon into the dark-pink heel bone. Fatty tissue can be seen in the bone marrow cavity. UCLA Histology Collection.Connective Tissue; epidermis; tendonUCLA Histology
213 Peripheral Nervous SystemVery low power view of two myelinated nerves. Good for epineurium and perineurium. Osmium stained so myelin is stained. UCLA Histology Collection.Peripheral Nervous SystemUCLA Histology
214 Ultrasound of placental abruptionThe fetal body and bladder are labeled FB, and BL, respectively.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
215 DermatitisBest control of the dermatitis is achieved by first soaking the skin for 10 minutes in lukewarm water.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
216 Thymus - MedullaIn this image of the medulla, identify lymphocytes, PAS cells, and an epithelial reticular cell. UCLA Histology Collection.medulla; PASUCLA Histology
217 Normal parathyroidNormal parathyroidKnowledge Weavers Pathology
218 Psammoma bodyPsammoma bodyKnowledge Weavers Pathology
219 Central Nervous SystemPyramidal cells of the cortex have several dendrites and one axon emanating for the cell body. The cell body has a nucleus with a nucleolus. The dendrites are branched and taper as they leave the cell body. One slender axon can be seen emerging from the cell body. Darkly stained nuclei of neuroglial...Brain; Central Nervous System; cortex; pyramidal cellUCLA Histology
220 Male Reproductive SystemThe seminal vesicles are long coiled tubes with a distinct lamina propria. Note the convoluted nature of the vesicles lumen. The mucosa is highly folded, and the muscular coat is composed of two layers of smooth muscle - an inner circular layer, and a outer longitudinal layer. UCLA Histology Collect...male reproductive system; Seminal vesicleUCLA Histology
221 EarThis image shows the bony labyrinth filled with perilymph, containing the membranous labyrinth filled with endolymph. Within the ampulla of each semicircular canal is the crista ampullaris, which is a specialization of the membranous labyrinth. UCLA Histology Collection.Crista Ampullaris; EarUCLA Histology
222 Cells / Organelles - Developing BoneAnother area of the newborn rat knee, demonstrating a portion of developing bone, stained pinkish. The cells producing the bone are called osteoblasts. Identify a nucleus, nucleolus. The Golgi apparatus can be identified as the clear, central area. UCLA Histology Collection.UCLA Histology
223 Ingrown nail90% phenol is one of the agents advocated for destroying the nail matrix that grows at the base of the cul-de-sac beneath the proximal nail fold.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
224 UterusIn the ischaemic phase of the menstrual cycle the secretory endometrial glands begin to degenerate and there is intraendometrial hemorrhage. UCLA Histology Collection.ischaemic endometriumUCLA Histology
225 Cells / Organelles - LiverIn this slide, the liver cell cytoplasm appears red-purple. Identify nuclei and collagenous extracellular matrix (ECM), stained blue. UCLA Histology Collection.UCLA Histology
201 - 225 of 4,089