201 - 225 of 142,883
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201 Ergotamine Tartrate Orally in Horton's Histamine Cephalgia (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
202 Electron Microscopic Studies on the Iris and Ciliary Body (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
203 Electron Microscopy of the Uveal Tract (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
204 Freeze-Fracture Analysis of the Interendothelial Junctions in the Blood Vessels of the Iris in Macaca Mulatta (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
205 Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Circulationsverhaltnisse des Auges (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
206 Harris's Migraine or Cluster Headache (Editorial) (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
207 Forces Determining Pupil Size (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
208 Headache and Eye Pain (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
209 Histamine Metabolism in Cluster Headache and Migraine. Catabolism of 14C Histamine (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
210 Histaminic Cephalgia (Horton's Headache or Syndrome) (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
211 Histaminic Cephalgia: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
212 Headaches (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
213 Histamine and Serotonin in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
214 Histaminic Cephalgia (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
215 Histology of the Human Eye. An Atlas and Textbook (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
216 Histaminic Cephalgia (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
217 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
218 Investigation on the Porosity of the Iris (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
219 Migraine (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
220 Mechanical Responses of the Pigeon Iris Muscle Fibers (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
221 Meeting Group on Migraine and Headache (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
222 Migraine (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
223 Migraine Variants (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
224 Morphine Eye-drops Reduce Homatropine Induced Mydriasis in Man (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
225 Myoepithelium of the Human Iris: a Stereoscopic Scanning Electron Microscopic Study (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
201 - 225 of 142,883