176 - 200 of 4,589
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176 Scheme of tongue papillae and taste budsB. Scheme of foliate papillae of the tongue (rabbit) magnification x 85 objective. C. Scheme of taste bud in foliate papilla of the tongue (rabbit). 2. non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium; 3. taste bud; 4. serous gland (von Ebner); 5. draining duct (of serous gland); 7. foliate papil...oral cavity; von Ebner; foliate papillaePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
177 Scheme of filiform and fungiform papillae of the tongue - human, adult5. filiform papillae; 6. fungiform papillae; 8. locally cornification on top of filiform papillae; 9. lingual muscle; 10. lingual glandsoral cavity; papillaePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
178 Secretory ameloblasts in tooth development - bell stage, gerbil, postnatalElectronmicroscopy. Cross-sectioned distal sides of ameloblasts (secretion areas or Tomes' processes) with numerous organelles. The dark stained vesicles represent secretory granules contain among others amelogenin. At the right bottom corner intercellular spaces are filled with dark-stained organi...oral cavity; enamel prismsPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
179 Scheme of tooth development (human)A. Survey of tooth germ (bell stage, embryo) magnification x 35 objective. B. Formation of enamel and dentin (bell stage, embryo) magnification x 350 objective. 1. pulp organ; 2. odontoblasts; 3. mantle predentin; 4. dentin; 5. enamel; 6. initial enamel; 7. inner dental epithelium (ameloblasts);...oral cavity; dental lamina; bell stagePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
180 Spiral artery in endometrium (human, midpregnancy)Stain: Hematoxylin-eosin. (A) cross-sections of spiral arteries in endometrium. (B) semi-polarized section of part of a spiral artery. Dark-stained large trophoblast cells (3), partly replacing the cuboidal hypertrophic (B2) endothelial cells. (4) smooth muscle cells. (L) lumen of vessel with cell...placenta; spiral artery; endometrium; trophoblastPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
181 Scheme survey lip - human, adult1. red (transitional) zone; 2. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (outer side); 3. non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (inner side); 4. hair shaft; 5. hair follicle; 6. sebaceous gland; 7. cross-section of circumoral muscle; 8. labial glands with draining ducts; ...oral cavityPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
182 Sublingual gland (human)Stain: Azan. The sublingual gland is a mixed gland and mucous cells are dominating (muco-serous acini). Intralobular ducts are present. Note one thick blue interlobular septum and few thinner intralobular ones.oral cavity; seromucous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
183 Scheme survey uvula - soft palate, human, adult1. nasal side - pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium (respiratory epithelium); 2. oral side - non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium; 3. mixed glands (pharyngeal glands); 4. uvular muscle; 5. mucous palatine glandsoral cavityPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
184 Scheme survey dorsal surface of tongue - human, adult1. foliate papillae (rudimentary in human); 2. circumvallate papillae; 3. foramen cecum; 4. palatine tonsils; 5. filiform papillae; 6. fungiform papillae; 7. epiglottis; 11. lingual tonsilsoral cavityPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
185 Scheme survey tooth (longitudinal section; human; canine)Canine tooth in osseous alveolus.oral cavity; pulp canalPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
186 Submandibular gland (gerbil)Electronmicroscopy. Upper two mucous cells of a seromucous acinus contain secretion droplets of different densities (light grey). Note partly fused mucous droplets. In the middle a serous cell cell with darkly stained granules. At the bottom a dense stained intercalated cell without granules. The ba...oral cavity; seromucous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
187 Submandibular gland (human)Stain: Azan. The submandibular gland consists of mixed glands, i.e., the serous cells outnumber the mucous cells (seromucous acini). Locally crescent-shaped groups of serous cells (demi-lunes of Giannuzzi) are localized close to mucous cells to form an acinus.Intralobular ducts (left half) and thin ...oral cavity; seromucous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
188 Sublingual gland (human)Stain: Azan. The sublingual gland is a mixed gland and characteristic in human is the presence of large areas of serous cells neighboring areas with mucous cells. Inter- and intra-lobular ducts are present. Note inter- and intra-lobular septa (blue) and scattered fat cells (white).oral cavity; seromucous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
189 Submandibular gland (human)Stain: Azan. Survey: on top capsule of dense connective tissue (blue) with septa dividing parenchyma of serous cells into lobules. At the bottom a large interlobular duct. Note white fat cells (adipocytes).oral cavity; seromucous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
190 Submandibular gland (rat)Electronmicroscopy. Darkly stained cells around the lumen of an intercalated duct and close to the lightly stained (partly degranulated) serous cells.oral cavity; seromucous gland; intercalated ductPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
191 Taste budHuman taste bud with underlying neural tissue.HEAL Reviewed Collection
192 Tertiary villi (human placenta, midpregnancy)(A) Lower and (B) higher magnification. Stain: Hematoxylin - azophloxine. (C) electron microscopy of Hofbauer cell. (A, B) show tertiary villi and intervillous spaces. Squeezed between villi fibrinoid clots (1). The large arrow (2) points to either a detached, free circulating large STC (syncyt...placenta; chorionic villi; Hofbauer cell; fibrinoid; syncytiotrophoblastPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
193 Tertiary villi (human placenta, full-term, cross-section)Stain: Hematoxylin ? azophloxine. A few tertiary villi (1) within the intervillous space (2) contains capillary (3) and embryonic connective tissue (*). It remains covered by the postmitotic multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast cell (STC, 4). Distinct nuclear accumulation in the STC indicates the so-c...placenta; tertiary villi; syncytiotrophoblastPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
194 Taste bud of the tongueScheme electronmicroscopy. Generally a taste bud is composed of about 20 to 70 spindle-shaped epithelial cells. Slender type I cell ('Dark' cell) and oval shaped type II cell ('Light' cell) with a pale, round nucleus with their apices end in microvilli in the taste pore. The number of type I cells i...oral cavity; foliate papillae; taste pore; electronmicroscopyPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
195 Taste buds of foliate papillae of the tongue (dorsal side, rabbit)Stain: Heidenhain's iron hematein. Taste buds within the lining (non-keratinized) epithelium of the groove. Note the pore in the left taste bud, with darkly stained fluffy apical microvilli. The lightly stained gustatory nerve fibers (nuclei of Schwann cells) approach the left taste buds. The taste ...oral cavity; foliate papillae; taste porePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
196 Taste bud of a foliate papil of the tongue (dorsal side, rabbit; high magnification)Stain: Heidenhain's iron hematein. Taste bud with slender cells and darker stained spiky nuclei (type I cell), and cells with light stained round nuclei (type II cells). Below axons of the gustatory nerve fibers and nuclei of Schwann cells. Arrow points to narrow pore where dark stained fluffy struc...oral cavity; foliate papillae; taste porePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
197 Taste bud of a foliate papilla of the tongue (dorsal side, human)Stain: antikeratin-7 / immunoperoxidase and hematoxylin counterstained. Type I cells with small slender nuclei are identified by positive staining with cytokeratin 7 (monoclonal antibody OVTL12/30).cytokeratin; oral cavity; foliate papilla; von EbnerPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
198 Taste budHuman taste bud with underlying neural tissue.HEAL Reviewed Collection
199 Tooth ('free' gingiva of decalcified tooth, human, adult)Stain: Hematoxylin and eosin. Oral side (left) with stratified squamous epithelium, at the right side part of a tooth (dentin), at the bottom side part of the alveolar bone. The epithelium shows slight parakeratosis with many narrow deep papillae of the lamina propria (oral side). On the tooth-relat...oral cavity; junctional epithelium; alveolar bone; gingival sulcusPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
200 Tooth ('free' gingiva of decalcified tooth, human, adult)Stain: Hematoxylin and eosin. On top part of the gingival sulcus, at the left stratified junctional epithelium normally attached to the surface of the enamel (dissolved due to decalcification). Top left shows foci of chronic inflammatory cell infiltration, left side faint stained bundle of fibers (p...oral cavity; acellular cementum; junctional epitheliumPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
176 - 200 of 4,589