126 - 150 of 153
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126 Indicator profile of rape incidence /Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on female rape/attempted rape rate per 100,000 total population, Utah, 1980-2003.
127 Indicator profile of recommended physical activity /Utah. Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of participants reporting moderate physical activity on 5 or more of the last 7 days by sex, Utah, 1989-2001.
128 Indicator profile of routine dental health care visits /Utah. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; Utah. Office of Public Health Assessment; Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of adults who reported a dental visit in the past year, Utah and U.S., 1995-2002 and 2004.
129 Indicator profile of safe restaurant food /Environmental Epidemiology Program; Office of Epidemiology; Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on ratio of licensed food establishments to restaurant inspectors, Utah, 1995 and 1999-2003.
130 Indicator profile of seat belts : safety restraint use /Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on overall safety belt use rate, adult and front seat passenger, Utah, 1986-2004.
131 Indicator profile of secondhand smoke - children exposed /Tobacco Prevention and Control Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of children who had been exposed to cigarette smoke inside the home by local health district, Utah children age 17 or less, 2001.
132 Indicator profile of smoking cessation attempt /Tobacco Prevention and Control Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of current daily smokers who reported a quit attempt in the past 12 months adults age 18 and older, Utah, region, and U.S., 1995-1999.
133 Indicator profile of stroke (cerebrovascular disease) deaths /Utah. Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on stroke deaths, Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
134 Indicator profile of substance abuse : adolescents /Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of students who used an illegal substance on one or more of the past 30 days: alcohol, Utah and U.S., 1991-2003.
135 Indicator profile of suicide deaths /Utah. Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on suicide deaths by age group and sex in Utah, 2001-2003.
136 Indicator profile of syphilis cases : primary and secondary /Utah. STD Control Program; Utah. Office of Communicable Disease Control; Utah. Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on rates of reported primary ans secondary syphilis cases by year, Utah and U.S., 1992-2003.
137 Indicator profile of tuberculosis cases /Utah. Tuberculosis Control and Refugee Health Program; Utah. Office of Communicable Disease Control; Utah. Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on number of tuberculosis cases per 100,000 population, Utah and U.S., 1990-2004.
138 Indicator profile of unintentional injury deaths /Violence and Injury Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on unintentional injury deaths, Utah and U.S., 1981-2003.
139 Indicator profile of unintentional injury hospitalizations /Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on unintentional injury hospitalization, Utah, 1996-1998.
140 Indicator profile of work-related injury deaths /Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on work-related injury deaths, age 16 and over, Utah and U.S., 1992-2002
141 Indictor profile of Utah population characteristics : Poverty, all persons /Center for Health Data; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of persons living in poverty, Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
142 Leading causes of death by age and sexLiu, Diane; Snyder, Darryl; Shah, Gulzar; Bangerter, Kim; Rolfs, Robert T.This report presents the leading causes of death for men and women in seven age groups (<1 year, 1-14 years, 15-24 years, 24-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-84 years, 85 years and over) during the five-year period, 1991-1995. For selected causes, trends are examined for the ten-year period, 1986-1995, and...
143 Local health district oveview report 2003-2004 Utah Health Status Survey ReportUtah. Office of Public Health AssessmentProvides infomration on 18 health measures from the 2003-2004 health status survey, plus a section comparing age-adjusted and crude rates of these same 18 measures.
144 Overview of the 1996 Health Status Survey /Utah. Office of Public Health Data; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and AnalysisThe Health Status Survey Overview Report provides information on 39 health measures from the 1996 Health Status Survey, plus a variety of Utah demographic characteristics from the survey and elsewhere. The 39 health measures represent most of the topical areas covered in the 1996 survey. This report...
145 Public Health Outcome Measures Report [captured 06-30-2006] /Utah. Dept. of HealthThe Utah Department of Health, Public Health Outcome Measures Report is intended to provide easy access to information about Utah's priority public health objectives. The Utah Department of Health regularly examines outcome measures to: Track and evaluate progress toward goals Guide policy decisio...
146 Report on Maternal and Infant Health in Utah /Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services.The importance of healthy habits and lifestyle choices cannot be emphasized enough in promoting healthy childbearing. Healthful habits during the childbearing years improve life-long health and may prevent premature death for women. Daily exercise, well-balanced diet, avoidance of tobacco and alcoho...
147 Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System : Local Health District Report, 1995-1998Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Bureau of Health Education; Utah. Bureau of Chronic Disease; Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Office of Public Health AssessmentOverall, the Utah population is relatively young and healthy. Its death rate is much lower than that for the U.S. (all cause deaths), and it has especially low rates of death for lung cancer and heart disease. These low rates are at least partially attributable to Utah's healthy lifestyles, such as ...
148 Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Trend Report, 1989-1999Utah has participated in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) since it began in 1984 and when only 14 other states participated. This report examines trends for selected BRFSS measures over 11 years from 1989 to 1999. The Utah statewide rates are compared to the rates for states bo...
149 Utah health status update /Utah. Dept. of HealthPeriodic updates of health status information on various subjects.
150 Utah's Healthy People 2000 : Health Status Indicators /Utah. Office of Public Health Data.; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and Analysis.; Utah. Office of Strategic Planning and Evaluation.Assessing the health status of the population is a fundamental responsibility of public health. Such an assessment is an important guide for public health policy development and for evaluating existing public health programs. The 18 Health Status Indicators for the Year 2000 were developed as part o...
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