126 - 150 of 245
Number of results to display per page
126 Navajo students' decision-making factors that influence access and persistence in doctoral education2018Text
127 Navigating elementary teacher education tuning in utah2016Text
128 Navigating the digital narrows: teaching students to read critically on the internet2010-08Text
129 Ninth-grade students with disabilities: a concrete-representational-abstract + writing strategy for solving rate of change problems2015Text
130 Numeracy in inclusive early childhood classrooms: embedding learning opportunities and using effective instructional strategies2012-08Text
131 Ocular-motor methods for detecting deception: effects of practice feedback and blocking2015-12Text
132 Oral reading fluency: Predicting outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse students2010Text
133 Our path unwinding: conversations and reflections on diversity through dialogue2016-05Text
134 Out in nature: queer environmental identities2019Text
135 Parental use of open-ended prompts and expansions within a modified dialogic reading intervention2019Text
136 Partnership, student achievement, and parental involvement in a Utah elementary: multilevel growth curve and critical interpretive analyses2010Text
137 Persisting from the margins: the journeys of three women of color to and in higher education2016Text
138 Personal and collective healing from trauma for women of color using the martial arts2021Text
139 Play your way to compliance: a validation study of a parent-training program to increase compliance rates in young children with autism spectrum disorder2017Text
140 Play your way to compliance: a validation study on a parent training program's effects on compliance in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder2017Text
141 Postresettlement refugee mental health trajectories2014-08Text
142 Predicting college student success: a historical and predictive examination of high school activities and accomplishments2010-08Text
143 Predicting the ACT reading test score and why it matters2017Text
144 Predictors of ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women in a Latter-Day Saint (LDS) adult sample: a test of Glick and Fiske's ambivalent sexism theory2014-08Text
145 Predictors of attrition in older users of a home-based monitoring and health information delivery system2010Text
146 Principal instructional leadership, working conditions, and principal turnover in k-12 public schools2016Text
147 Promoting self-regulated learning processes through interactions in resource-based digital learning environments2017Text
148 Psychometric construction and validation of a measure of positive aging2011-12Text
149 Racial battle fatigue and coping in a "Postracial" ERA for African American and Mexican American students: implications for higher education institutions and students2015Text
150 Racially diverse students' perceptions of caring teacher-student relationships in private Jewish schools2018-08Text
126 - 150 of 245