126 - 150 of 245
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126 Golden GrapesHeather E. Moss; Sean Zivin; Amy Lin; Vinay Aakalu; Senad Osmanovic; Omar Al Heeti; Stockton Mayer; Mahesh PatelA 71 year-old African American woman presented with a painful right retrobulbar optic neuropathy and weight loss. ESR was 74. She was treated with steroids. Temporal artery biopsy did not show arteritis. Nine days later, while on a steroid taper, she developed fevers, worsening right eye vision, pto...
127 No Rhabdo?Mark R. MelsonA 5 year-old girl presented for evaluation of a right orbital mass displacing the globe superiorly. She had a 5 week history of swelling around her right eye. Her pediatrician diagnosed a blocked tear duct and referred her to an ophthalmologist. She failed empiric treatment for orbital cellulitis an...
128 Sacramentum GladiatoriumMichael Vaphiades; Jennifer DoyleMedical history includes hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
129 Ain't No Sunshine When You Are Gone!Veeral S. Shah; Linda Sternau; Michelle Felicella; Sanders Dubovy; Chris Alabiad; Norman J. Schatz; Byron L. LamAn 18 year-old Latin American female presented with progressive visual loss OD over 6 weeks. She initially had blurry vision and photophobia OD with a central scotoma OD on HVF testing. At that time, examination revealed a right swollen optic nerve with retinal hemorrhages. She was otherwise healthy...
130 Some Orbital ConfusionSteven A. Newman; David T. BourneIn September 2006 he had been referred for a second opinion regarding a 5 year history of intermittent swelling around the right orbit, worsening over 7 months associated with double vision, and proptosis (C,D).
131 Ataxia at the Masquerade BallKrista I. Kinard; Alison V. Crum; Judith E. Warner; Bradley J. Katz; Joshua A. Sonnen; Cheryl A. Palmer; Anne G. Osborn; L. Dana DeWitt; Kathleen B. DigreA 52-year-old right-handed salesman presented in July 2007 with a 5-year history of slowly progressive imbalance. In 2002 he developed difficulty using his eyes together and then imbalance resulting in frequent backward falls. He reported oscillopsia and episodic vertigo. He later developed fatigue,...
132 Renal Red HerringJohn J. Chen; John J. Brinkley; Namrata Singh; Amanda C. Maltry; Bruno A. Policeni; Richard C. Allen; Reid A. Longmuir; Matthew J. ThurtellA 71 year-old Caucasian male with a history of Wegener's granulomatosis presented with vision loss OU and horizontal binocular diplopia. His past medical history was significant for Wegener's granulomatosis, which was diagnosed in 2000 on the basis of a renal biopsy. He was previously treated with v...
133 Is it a Crime to be Blind? I plead the 4th!Jasmine Gopwani; Edward Margolin; Tran Le; Wayne Cornblath; Rasmus KiehlA 30 year old previously healthy man from Sudan presented to a community hospital with a seizure. MRI revealed a 'right frontal lobe tumor'. Brain biopsy was performed but the pathology findings were inconclusive. Initial interpretation was "brain tissue with increased cellularity consistent with gl...
134 I Can't Stand the Double VisionIris Ben Bassat Mizrachi; Ruth Huna-Baron; Rivka Inzelberg; Yonathan SharabiA 37 year-old woman was referred to our clinic due to bilateral ptosis and vertical binocular diplopia. She denied diurnal variations, muscle weakness or bulbar symptoms. In the past year she had been suffering from bouts of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe weight loss (>40 pounds), and she pres...
135 A Candid Look at a Missed DiagnosisEdward Margolin; Jasmine Gopwani; Robert WillinskyShe was diagnosed with migraine, stress, and 'drug seeking' presumed from a history of past (intravenous?) heroin use.
136 Almost CatastrophicDanielle S. Rudich; Samuel Yun; Anne Liebling; Jonathan E. Silbert; Robert L. LesserA 36 year-old Caucasian male presented to his ophthalmologist with one month of headache, blurry vision, and intermittent diplopia. The patient denied transient visual obscurations, tinnitus, prior medical problems or use of steroids/Vitamin A/antibiotics. He was 235 pounds and 5'9". Because examina...
137 Innocent until Proven GuiltyHeather E. Moss; Tiffany Stroup; Amy Lin; Oliver Graf; Jeffrey Borgeson; Aaron Halfpenny; Howard Lipton; Tibor Valyi-NagyA 31 year-old male experienced right eye blurring and pain. He was diagnosed with optic neuritis and treated with IV steroids. Nine days later he developed headache, worsening vision, speech trouble and right-sided weakness. Two days later he developed low-grade fever and trouble walking. He had NLP...
138 More Than a Cu-bit of Vision LossPhilip M. Skidd; Rebecca C. Stacy; Waqar Waheed; Mohamed-Ali BabiA 45 year-old, right-handed, man, presented after awakening with no vision in his left eye. Two days earlier he had experienced a brief episode of binocular horizontal, and then oblique, diplopia. One week prior, he developed left facial numbness and "sinus pain" on the same side; a five day course ...
139 Much-Ado About Acute Vision LossMahsa A. Sohrab; Andrea Birnbaum; Michael Sidiropoulos; Lois Polatnick; Nicholas J. VolpeProgressive fatigue and right face, arm, and leg pain.
140 Burned by DiplopiaBonnie M. Keung; Reuben Mari Valenzuela; Meena Gujrati; Jeffrey R. DeSanto; Jorge C. Kattah; John H. PulaIn March 2012 he sustained a concussion and forehead laceration from a motor vehicle accident. In August 2012, he developed painless, binocular, vertical diplopia, which limited him from painting art. In November 2012, his examination showed -2 limitation of up-gaze OD.
141 Which One is The Real ZebraMadhura A. Tamhankar; Julia Kharlip; Robert Lustig; Jon Burnham; Karuna Shekdar; Michele Paessler; Lucy Rorke; Kristina ColeA 15-year-old male complained of headaches and nausea, two months after appendectomy.
142 A Case of Cotton Wool SpotsGolnaz Moazami; Hermann Schubert; Sampson Jacinda; Riley ClaireA 31 year old Caucasian male was admitted to a local ER after being found unresponsive on a couch at home, incontinent of urine, and having vomited with tongue bruising. He was arousable in the ER but febrile to 102 F with WBC= 19,000. He was loaded with dilantin, and emergency CT showed a left post...
143 An Ironclad Case of Vision LossMarc J. Dinkin; George Parlitsis; Sarju Patel; Alex Merkler; Audrey Schuetz; Cristiano OliveiraA 43-year-old man with AIDS and a CD4 count of 4, non-compliant with HAART, presented with four days of headache, photophobia and vision loss in his left eye. There was a history of treated syphilis and CMV retinopathy. On neuro- ophthalmological examination, visual acuities were 20/40 OD (formerly ...
144 ‘Tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer... Or to Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles and by Opposing End Them? (Hamlet act 3, scene 1) (Presentation Video)Heather Moss; Goo Lee; C. Michael Weldon-Linne41-year old female with a shadow over the left eye.
145 When Life Gives You Lymphocytes, Make Limeade (Presentation Video)Melissa Ko; Monika Kolloori; Barbara Henriquez; Robert Hutchison; Luis MejicoA 62-year old female; hypercholesterolemia.
146 What's In a Name? (Presentation Video)Nicholas Volpe; Allan Wulc; Jodi Sasson; Myron Yanoff76-year old male; five year history of muscle pain and arthralgia; four year history of PMR symptoms; gastrointestinal illness.
147 Another Case of Guillain-Alajouanine-Garcin Syndrome [also known as Bertolotti-Garcin syndrome, Garcin's syndrome, Garcin-Guillain syndrome, Hartmann's syndrome (Friedrich Hartmann), Schmincke tumor-unilateral cranial paralysis syndrome...] (Presentation Video)Valerie Biousse; Patricia Hudgins; Daniel Brat; Beau Bruce, Nancy NewmanA 37-year old male with multiple right-side cranial nerve palsies. Previous history significant for hypertension and sleep apnea. Family history remarkable for diabetes, glaucoma and thyroid disease.
148 Tics and Fleas (Presentation Video)Nancy Newman; Valerie Biousse; Daniel BratA 61-year old female with tic douloureux and diplopia. Previous history significant for squamous cell skin cancer below right eye, surgically resected. Dx atypical trigeminal neuralgia after neurological consult following administration of local anesthetic for basal cell carcinoma resection.
149 Combing the Globe for Terrorism (Presentation Video)Norah Sydney Lincoff; Lucia L. Balos, Charles J. ChungAn 83-year old male; hypertension; atrial fibrillation; type II diabetes mellitus; squamous cell carcinoma of the face; prostate cancer (treated).
150 Pseudo Pseudo Pseudo Tumor Cerebri (Presentation Video)Marc Dinkin; Jacqueline Winterkorn; Steven NewmanA 27-year old male with visual disturbances and worsening headache.
126 - 150 of 245