101 - 125 of 245
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101 Growing Up Too Fast - VideoCourtney E. Francis; Thomas T. Chia; Gordana Juric-Sekhar; Manuel FerreiraA 7 ½ year old boy presented in 2000 with precocious puberty (development of pubic hair, acne and rapid linear growth). Work-up included a brain MRI revealing a suprasellar mass, consistent with a visual pathway glioma. On ophthalmologic evaluation, he was noted to be 20/25 OU with a normal fundusc...
102 Heart of Darkness - VideoShira Simon; Shiraaz I. Rahman; John C. Heymann; Bahram Rahmani; Nicholas J. VolpeAn 18 year-old woman presented to the emergency department in October 2014 with three days of blurred vision in her left eye. Past medical history included a hypoplastic right heart status-post orthotopic heart transplant at 2 months of age, chronic kidney disease with BK viremia since 12 years of a...
103 Her XT Made Me Go ET (Presentation Video)Norah Sydney Lincoff, MD; Peter Ostrow, MD, PhD; Lucia Balos, MDA 16-year old female with a 10-year history of headache and progressive loss of vision OD.
104 Here's the Story of a Man Who's Brady (Kinetic) (Presentation Video)Maysaa Basha, MD; Ahmed Shatila, MDA 49-year old male with progressive neurodegenerative disease. Previous history significant for congenital toxoplasmosis OS and dyslipidemia.
105 Hiding and Out of SightMichael L. Morgan; Sumayya J. Almarzouqi; Patricia Chevez-Barrios; Amina I. Malik; Andrew G. LeeA 75-year-old white woman presented with a history of biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis (GCA) presented with recurrence of severe left sided headaches and left global ophthalmoparesis for 4 days. GCA had been diagnosed 4 months prior by biopsy. Left eye vision loss occurred when an outside physicia...
106 Highly Impossible (Follow-Up MRI Coronal)William A. Fletcher, MD; Christopher P. Dunham, MDA 4-year old male with 1 1/2-year history of visual loss OU. Previous history significant for megacephaly.
107 Highly Impossible (Original MRI)William A. Fletcher, MD, Departments of Clinical Neurosciences & Surgery, University of CalgaryA 4-year old male with a 1 1/2-year history of visual loss OU. Previous history significant for macrocephaly.
108 Highly Impossible (Presentation Video)William A. Fletcher, MD; Christopher P. Dunham, MDA 4-year old male with a 1 1/2-year history of visual loss OU. Previous history significant for macrocephaly.
109 Horrible Hallucinations (Presentation Video)Melissa W. Ko, MD; Steven Galetta, MD; Jennifer Baccon, MD; Jeffrey Baliff, MD; Lauren Sansing, MD; Erdem Tuzun, MD; Josep Dalmau, MDA 34-year old female with a history of irritable bowel and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
110 I Can't See StraightSteven A. Newman; T. Ben AblemanIn May of 2014 this 30 year old right handed patient was referred for consultation regarding diplopia and dizziness. The patient relates that she had been told that she had 'tired eyes' as a child. Two and a half years ago she began to have intermittent exodeviation. She was seen locally and diagnos...
111 I Can't Seem to Find My Glasses (Presentation Video)Susan Benes, MDA 55-year old male with progressive loss of vision OS.
112 I Can't Stand the Double VisionIris Ben Bassat Mizrachi; Ruth Huna-Baron; Rivka Inzelberg; Yonathan SharabiA 37 year-old woman was referred to our clinic due to bilateral ptosis and vertical binocular diplopia. She denied diurnal variations, muscle weakness or bulbar symptoms. In the past year she had been suffering from bouts of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe weight loss (>40 pounds), and she pres...
113 In the Thick of ItKannan Narayana; Ritesh Ramdhani; Bradford Tannen; Laura Balcer; Steven Galetta; Janet RuckerA 38 year-old woman with a history of premature birth with significant developmental delay was sent for neuroophthalmic evaluation for excessive head movements with gaze shifting. As an adult, she was verbal and able to take the bus alone to a day program. Over the past two years, language and cogni...
114 Innocent until Proven GuiltyHeather E. Moss; Tiffany Stroup; Amy Lin; Oliver Graf; Jeffrey Borgeson; Aaron Halfpenny; Howard Lipton; Tibor Valyi-NagyA 31 year-old male experienced right eye blurring and pain. He was diagnosed with optic neuritis and treated with IV steroids. Nine days later he developed headache, worsening vision, speech trouble and right-sided weakness. Two days later he developed low-grade fever and trouble walking. He had NLP...
115 Insidious Unilateral Vision Loss (Presentation Video)Gabrielle R. Bonhomme, MD; Nicholas J. Volpe, MDA 47-year old female with a 4-month history of self-reported shadowy vision and poor depth perception OD. Previous history significant for rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism. Contributory: A 10-year history of smoking and exposure to anti-rheumatic agents.
116 Invasion of the Nerve Snatchers, Part III (MRI)Donna L. Hill, MD; M Tariq Bhatti, MDA 45-year old male with a 3-day history of worsening headache and double vision.
117 Invasion of the Nerve Snatchers, Part III (Presentation Video)Donna L. Hill, MD; M Tariq Bhatti, MDA 45-year old male with a 3-day history of worsening headache and double vision.
118 Is It or Isn't It? - VideoPeter W. MacIntosh; Scott Jones; Milena Stocic; Amy Lin; Heather MossA 58-year-old woman with recurrent left idiopathic orbital inflammation (IOI) presented with one day of rapidly progressive bilateral proptosis, edema, right eye redness, photophobia, and blurry vision. Her right eye had previously been asymptomatic. Her left eye had macular scarring with reduced vi...
119 Is it a Crime to be Blind? I plead the 4th!Jasmine Gopwani; Edward Margolin; Tran Le; Wayne Cornblath; Rasmus KiehlA 30 year old previously healthy man from Sudan presented to a community hospital with a seizure. MRI revealed a 'right frontal lobe tumor'. Brain biopsy was performed but the pathology findings were inconclusive. Initial interpretation was "brain tissue with increased cellularity consistent with gl...
120 Island Fever (video)Laura Hanson; Judith Warner; Alison Crum; Bradley Katz; Kathleen DigreA 22 year-old male paralegal in the military presented with double and blurred vision. One month ago, he had traveled to Hawai'i for a wedding. Two weeks ago, he had been evaluated for an acute onset of fever, headache, emesis, light sensitivity and neck stiffness.
121 Isolated Third Nerve Palsy Caused by Intracranial Spread (Presentation Video)Celia Chen, MD, MPH; Neil Miller, MD; Andrew Lane, MD; Charles Eberhart, MDA 53-year old male with a 1-month history of diplopia and swelling OD. Previous history significant for systemic lupus erythematosus.
122 It Is, Is It Not? - VideoIvana Vodopivec; Derek H. Oakley; Nagagopal Venna; John H. Stone; E. Tessa Hedley-Whyte; Sashank PrasadA 44-year-old man presented with visual loss, confusion, apraxia, and left-sided weakness. His medical history included retinal vasculopathy, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and hypertensive cardiomyopathy that had presented over the preceding six years. The retinal vasculopathy had been terme...
123 It's Always Been Like That - VideoEric Gaier; William Butler; Joseph RizzoAn 18 year-old Caucasian boy presented with left upper eyelid ptosis, headaches, and iris heterochromia. The patient and his family reported the left iris being darker than the right since early childhood. Over the 5 years preceding his presentation, the patient's mother noted progressive ptosis of ...
124 It's Deja Vu All Over AgainAileen A. Antonio-Santos; Yanny L. Phillips; Baha El Khatib; Howard T. Chang; David I. Kaufman; Eric R. EggenbergerA 51-year-old male with a history of amblyopia OD presented in February 1999 with hyperemia, swelling and periorbital pain of the left eye. Visual acuity (VA) was 20/80 OD and 20/25 OS; color vision was 10/11 Ishihara plates OU, and Goldmann perimetry showed an inferior quadrantanopia OS. There was ...
125 It's Just A Rash' (Presentation Video)Timothy McCulley; Thomas HwangA 76-year old male with a 3-month history of an enlarging, painless rashing starting on the right lowere eyelid. Previous history significant for diverticulitis, chronic hepatitis C and Hashimoto thyroiditis
101 - 125 of 245