101 - 125 of 4,089
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101 Odontoblast in tooth development - mammalian embryoScheme electronmicroscopy. A columnar and irregular shaped cell (mesenchymal origin) with a taperwise odontoblastic process within the predentin. The bottom side is adjacent to the future pulp cells. The cell body contains many organelles and especially a well-developed Golgi area with prosecretoy g...oral cavityPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
102 Parotid gland (human)Stain: Mallory trichrome. Survey: at the left bottom a large interlobular duct (in lumen remnants of secretion products) within a septum of dense connective tissue. At the top thinner (blue) septum, a thick (red-bluish) septum at the left. In the center three (intralobular) striated ducts between th...oral cavity; serous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
103 Papillae circumvallatae of the tongue (dorsal side, human)Stain: Azan. Three broad papillae with taste buds facing the grooves in which the serous von Ebner glands drain. Striated skeletal muscles (musculus verticalis linguae and musculus longitudinalis superior) and lightly stained mucous glands (posterior lingual glands).oral cavity; von Ebner; lingual muscles; lingual glandsPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
104 Papillae filliformes of the tongue (dorsal side, human)Stain: Heidenhain light bordeaux. Threadlike keratinized extensions of the stratified epithelium. Primary connective tissue papillae with 2 to 3 secondary papillae. The skeletal muscle fibers are arranged in three directions.oral cavity; filiform papillaePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
105 Parotid gland (human)Stain: Azan. The parotid gland: in most species the gland is composed entirely of serous acini. At the right a small (intralobular) striated duct; centrally one large interlobular duct with blood vessels. Scattered a few (white) fat cells.oral cavity; serous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
106 Papillae circumvallatae of the tongue (dorsal side, human)Stain: Azan. A broad papilla with taste buds (lightly stained spots) facing the grooves in which the serous glands (von Ebner) drain.oral cavity; von Ebner; circumvallate papillaePoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
107 Parotid gland (rat)Electronmicroscopy. Part of a serous acinus with characteristic secretion granules supranuclearly. Note different densities of the granules without any signs of fusion.oral cavity; serous glandPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
108 Pharyngeal tonsil ('gut-associated lymphatic tissue' or GALT) (human)Stain: Azan. The combination demonstrates stages of infiltration (=diapedesis) of lymphocytes in the epithelium of the pharyngeal tonsil. The pharyngeal tonsil or adenoid is located in the nasopharyngeal roof. The agglomerations of lymphocytes (4) are covered by (1) pseudostratified ciliated epithel...pharyngeal tonsil ; GALT; diapedesis; pseudostratified ciliated epitheliumPoja Histology Collection - Lymphatic Tissues and Organs Subset
109 Pharyngeal tonsil ('lymphoepithelial tissues', 'gut-associated lymphatic tissue' or GALT) (human)Stain Azan. The solitary pharyngeal tonsil is localized in the pharyngeal fornix and belongs to the so-called Waldeyer's ring of pharyngeal lymphatic tissue. A: The roof of the nasopharynx is covered by a columnar epithelium with faintly light-stained goblet cells (1) and part of a fold shows cle...pharyngeal tonsil; GALT; pseudostratified columnar epitheliumPoja Histology Collection - Lymphatic Tissues and Organs Subset
110 Permanent tooth - canine, human, adult; low magnification of labiolingual sectionStain: Hematoxylin and scarlet red. From top to bottom: Crown region with dentin but without enamel (decalcified specimens); Neck region at the attachment of the gingiva to dentin (left and right); Cementum is visible as a dark small rim from the neck region to the bottom of the tooth; Periodontal l...oral cavity; alveolar processPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
111 Premolar permanent tooth (human, adult; low magnification of labiolingual section)Stain: Hematoxylin and eosin. From top to bottom: Crown region with enamel-dentin boundary (there is no enamel present in decalcified specimens); dentin (blue-pink) enwraps the whole pulp chamber (light) and here the lines of dentinal tubules appear S-shaped. Neck region at the attachment of the gin...oral cavity; pulp canalPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
112 Periodontal ligament with epithelial rests of Malassez - longitudinal section of root of tooth; human, adultStain: Hematoxylin and eosin. From left to right: connective tissue of periodontal ligament with epithelial rests of Malassez as the persistent remnants of the epithelium of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath. The three islets close to the cemental zone are slightly darker stained (note cluster of nuc...oral cavity; cementoblasts; Sharpey's fibers; acellular cementumPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
113 Predentin formation at the cuspal tip in tooth development - bell stage, human, embryoStain: Azan. From top to bottom: Stellate reticulum consisting of a network of ectoderm-derived cells; Cell layers of the stratum intermedium; Columnar (presecretory) ameloblasts with their upper side (nuclear area) in close contact with the stratum intermedium, and at the distal side (secretion are...oral cavity; predentinPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
114 Periodontal ligament with epithelial rest of Malassez - longitudinal section of root of tooth, higher magnification; human, adultStain: Hematoxylin and eosin. Centrally within the connective tissue of the periodontal ligament a distinct darker stained epithelial islet with nuclei is present (epithelial rest of Malassez as a remnant of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath; in adults it might produce dental cyst). At the right side...oral cavity; cementoblasts; epithelial rest of Malassez; cementoidPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
115 Pheochromocytoma adjacent to adrenal glandThis is a gross photograph of a paranganglioma (pheochromocytoma) adjacent to the adrenal gland.HEAL Reviewed Collection
116 Presecretory ameloblasts in tooth development - bell stage, gerbil, postnatalElectronmicroscopy. Well-arranged epithelial formation of presecretory ameloblasts (active nuclei) with their distal secretion sides towards the thin grey basal lamina. Predentin at the bottom close to the basal lamina and comprises collagen fibers, odontoblastic extensions and dispersed calcified m...oral cavity; predentin; matrix vesiclesPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
117 Presecretory ameloblast in tooth development - mammalian embryoScheme electronmicroscopy. The ectodermal-derived cell appears as tall columnar with fingerlike extensions (dependent on the development stages) at their distal side (secreting area = 'functional base'). These extensions are formed as the cell withdraws during the production of initial enamel. The s...oral cavityPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
118 Prostate adenocarcinomaSlide shows a 20X image of prostate adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 3, Score 6 infiltrating between benign prostate glands. Note the larger nuclei with prominent nucleoli in the carcinoma compared to the adjacent benign glands.Gleason grade 3; Prostate AdenocarcinomaHEAL Reviewed Collection
119 Prostate adenocarcinomaSlide shows a 40X image of prostate adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 3, Score 6 infiltrating between benign prostate glands. Note the larger nuclei with prominent nucleoli in the carcinoma compared to the adjacent benign glands.Prostate Adenocarcinoma; Gleason, grade 3HEAL Reviewed Collection
120 Prostate adenocarcinomaSlide shows a 10X image of prostate adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 3, Score 6 infiltrating between benign prostate glands.Gleason grade 3HEAL Reviewed Collection
121 Pulpo-dentinal complex - segment of a tooth; human, adultStain: Hematoxylin and eosin. At the pulp-dentin border the peripheral pulp appears to be a specialized odontogenic region composed of odontoblasts, a cell-free zone and a cell-rich zone. From left to right: dentin (note striation due to dentinal tubules); (uncalcified) light stained predentin. At t...oral cavity; Tomes' Fibers; dentinal tubules; predentinPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
122 Pulpo-dentinal complex of the tooth (human, adult).Stain: Hematoxylin and eosin. At the pulpo-dentinal border the peripheral pulp appears to be a specialized odontogenic region composed of odontoblasts, a cell-free zone and a cell-rich zone; from left to right: Dentin (note striation due to dentinal tubules). (Uncalcified) Light stained predentin. A...oral cavity; Tomes' Fibers; dentinal tubules; predentinPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
123 Pulp stones in root of tooth - longitudinal section, human, adultStain: Hematoxylin and eosin. Left and right side dark stained dentin with a small light rim of predentin. Centrally pulp stones represent as free lying irregular calcifications. They are found diffusely distributed as spots or as thin strands following blood vessels and bundles of collagen fibers i...oral cavity; pulp stone; diffuse calcificationsPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
124 Pulp chamber of tooth - human, adultStain: Hematoxylin and eosin. Pulpal connective tissue is a special type of tissue (stromal tissue) with so-called stellate-shaped pulpal fibroblastic cells that produce growth factors, extracellular matrix including thin collageneous proteins. Blood vessels are small and thin-walled; macrophages an...oral cavity; pulp chamber; pulp fibroblastPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
125 Pulpo-dentinal complex in longitudinal section of tooth - damaged dentin, human, adultStain: Hematoxylin and eosin. If odontoblastic processes are damaged, (e.g., erosion, caries, etc.), the entire cell will degenerate, though it may be able to produce dentin. From left to right: - irregular course of dentinal tubules; - light stained (damaged) area contain no tubules; - pulp connect...oral cavityPoja Histology Collection - Oral Cavity Subset
101 - 125 of 4,089