101 - 125 of 200
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101 A Case of Recurrent Encephalopathy, Seizures, and Retinopathy (Presentation Video)Ryan Walsh; Michael Stewart; Paul BrazisA 45-year old male with right hemisphere encephalitis and a Dx of macular degeneration at age 43. Previous history significant for a learning disability and a complex partial seizure disorder diagnosed 20 years earlier subsequently managed with an anti-epileptic.
102 Not a Benign Tumor (Presentation Video)Hong Jiang; Linda Sternau; Norman Schartz; Byron Lam; Lawrence M. WongA 43-year old female with blurred vision OU. Previous history signicant for a 10-year history of recurrent colon cancer Tx antineoplastic agents, pituitary mass, hypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus.
103 Double Vision? - Give Your Head a ShakeVivek Patel; Danah Albreiki3 month history of constant binocular oblique diplopia with mild worsening, progressive disequilibrium, and a wide based gait. No vertigo, loss of coordination, loss of vision or oscillpsia, hearing loss, or tinnitus. No history of cancer, hypothyroidism, GI malabsorption or anemia. Occupational his...
104 Spots, Spots Everywhere, And Not A Spot To SeeSarkis M. Nazarian; Kelli Y. Shaon; Kenneth R. Habetz; Ayman Al-Salaimeh; John D. Schwankhaus; Joseph G. ChackoAdditional history revealed that the patient had suffered a tick bite about two weeks prior to the onset of his rash.
105 A Wolf in Bear's ClothingPeter W. MacIntosh; Agatha Bogard; Pete Setabutr; Heather E. MossAn eleven-month-old African-American girl with medical history of reactive airway disease developed a bump and bags under both eyes which her mother attributed to minor trauma. There were no signs of systemic illness. A week later, her mother noticed more prominent right eye edema and a new bump beh...
106 Golden GrapesHeather E. Moss; Sean Zivin; Amy Lin; Vinay Aakalu; Senad Osmanovic; Omar Al Heeti; Stockton Mayer; Mahesh PatelA 71 year-old African American woman presented with a painful right retrobulbar optic neuropathy and weight loss. ESR was 74. She was treated with steroids. Temporal artery biopsy did not show arteritis. Nine days later, while on a steroid taper, she developed fevers, worsening right eye vision, pto...
107 Diabetes Does Not Explain It AllPhilip M. Skidd; Joseph F. Rizzo; Florian S. Eichler; Dean CestariSystemic hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, hypercholesteremia, anxiety and depression.
108 No Rhabdo?Mark R. MelsonA 5 year-old girl presented for evaluation of a right orbital mass displacing the globe superiorly. She had a 5 week history of swelling around her right eye. Her pediatrician diagnosed a blocked tear duct and referred her to an ophthalmologist. She failed empiric treatment for orbital cellulitis an...
109 Sacramentum GladiatoriumMichael Vaphiades; Jennifer DoyleMedical history includes hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
110 Raise Your Grade Point AverageHilary M. Grabe; Jeffrey L. Myers; Douglas J. Quint; Victor M. Elner; Jonathan D. TrobeTwo years earlier, he had had persistent hearing loss in the left ear attributed elsewhere to infection. One year later, he developed left facial weakness diagnosed as Bell's palsy, treated with corticosteroids without recovery. A few months later, he became hoarse and had difficulty swallowing.
111 Ain't No Sunshine When You Are Gone!Veeral S. Shah; Linda Sternau; Michelle Felicella; Sanders Dubovy; Chris Alabiad; Norman J. Schatz; Byron L. LamAn 18 year-old Latin American female presented with progressive visual loss OD over 6 weeks. She initially had blurry vision and photophobia OD with a central scotoma OD on HVF testing. At that time, examination revealed a right swollen optic nerve with retinal hemorrhages. She was otherwise healthy...
112 Some Orbital ConfusionSteven A. Newman; David T. BourneIn September 2006 he had been referred for a second opinion regarding a 5 year history of intermittent swelling around the right orbit, worsening over 7 months associated with double vision, and proptosis (C,D).
113 Clues Hidden in the SkinJanet C. Rucker; Catherine Cho; James Weisfeld-Adams; Scott BrodieShe underwent neurological evaluation at age 32 (neuroimaging, serologies, lumbar puncture, muscle biopsy) with no resultant diagnosis (records unavailable). She required a wheelchair by age 36 and gradually developed slurred speech, cognitive decline, and worsened motor function. Simultaneous with ...
114 Occam's Razor or Gamma Knife?Kaushal M. Kulkarni; Linda Sternau; Byron L. LamHypertension, end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis, and an episode of anterior uveitis in the right eye 10 years earlier.
115 Ataxia at the Masquerade BallKrista I. Kinard; Alison V. Crum; Judith E. Warner; Bradley J. Katz; Joshua A. Sonnen; Cheryl A. Palmer; Anne G. Osborn; L. Dana DeWitt; Kathleen B. DigreA 52-year-old right-handed salesman presented in July 2007 with a 5-year history of slowly progressive imbalance. In 2002 he developed difficulty using his eyes together and then imbalance resulting in frequent backward falls. He reported oscillopsia and episodic vertigo. He later developed fatigue,...
116 It's Not the TumorCourtney E. FrancisA 58 year old woman with a history of metastatic parotid adenocarcinoma presented with bilateral vision loss over 2 months. She had undergone surgical resection of the tumor followed by fractionated external beam radiation with a total of 66.6 Gy 18 months prior to presentation. She was recently fou...
117 Blame it on the PillSachin Kedar; Padmaja Sudhakar; Stuart Tobin; William O. Connor; Fernando DecastroThree months earlier, he had been evaluated for malaise and weight loss and found to have lymphopenia, elevated TSH (20.3) and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody (2874) with normal T3, ESR, B12 and folate.
118 Muscle Bound or Unbound?Dane A. Breker; Jonathan D. Trobe; Ann A. Little; Sandra I. Camelo-PiraguaA 52 year old former Olympic athlete developed myalgias, cramping, and stiffness in the upper arms, chest, thigh, and calves in 2009 after a blood transfusion for hematochezia attributed to antiplatelet treatment following coronary stenting. Symptoms were worst in the morning, when he could not walk...
119 Renal Red HerringJohn J. Chen; John J. Brinkley; Namrata Singh; Amanda C. Maltry; Bruno A. Policeni; Richard C. Allen; Reid A. Longmuir; Matthew J. ThurtellA 71 year-old Caucasian male with a history of Wegener's granulomatosis presented with vision loss OU and horizontal binocular diplopia. His past medical history was significant for Wegener's granulomatosis, which was diagnosed in 2000 on the basis of a renal biopsy. He was previously treated with v...
120 Is it a Crime to be Blind? I plead the 4th!Jasmine Gopwani; Edward Margolin; Tran Le; Wayne Cornblath; Rasmus KiehlA 30 year old previously healthy man from Sudan presented to a community hospital with a seizure. MRI revealed a 'right frontal lobe tumor'. Brain biopsy was performed but the pathology findings were inconclusive. Initial interpretation was "brain tissue with increased cellularity consistent with gl...
121 I Can't Stand the Double VisionIris Ben Bassat Mizrachi; Ruth Huna-Baron; Rivka Inzelberg; Yonathan SharabiA 37 year-old woman was referred to our clinic due to bilateral ptosis and vertical binocular diplopia. She denied diurnal variations, muscle weakness or bulbar symptoms. In the past year she had been suffering from bouts of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe weight loss (>40 pounds), and she pres...
122 A Candid Look at a Missed DiagnosisEdward Margolin; Jasmine Gopwani; Robert WillinskyShe was diagnosed with migraine, stress, and 'drug seeking' presumed from a history of past (intravenous?) heroin use.
123 Almost CatastrophicDanielle S. Rudich; Samuel Yun; Anne Liebling; Jonathan E. Silbert; Robert L. LesserA 36 year-old Caucasian male presented to his ophthalmologist with one month of headache, blurry vision, and intermittent diplopia. The patient denied transient visual obscurations, tinnitus, prior medical problems or use of steroids/Vitamin A/antibiotics. He was 235 pounds and 5'9". Because examina...
124 A TAAD Bit UnusualNisreen K. Mesiwala; Susan T. StefkoA 12 year-old previously healthy boy presented to the emergency room with a five-day history of progressive frontal headaches and acute onset of horizontal, binocular diplopia on left gaze. He had no significant medical history and his only significant ocular history was mild myopia and X-linked col...
125 Innocent until Proven GuiltyHeather E. Moss; Tiffany Stroup; Amy Lin; Oliver Graf; Jeffrey Borgeson; Aaron Halfpenny; Howard Lipton; Tibor Valyi-NagyA 31 year-old male experienced right eye blurring and pain. He was diagnosed with optic neuritis and treated with IV steroids. Nine days later he developed headache, worsening vision, speech trouble and right-sided weakness. Two days later he developed low-grade fever and trouble walking. He had NLP...
101 - 125 of 200