76 - 100 of 207
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76 A Long and Winding Road (Presentation Video)Christopher Glisson; Sashank Prasa; Edward Lee; Steven GalettaA 42-year old male with headache and vision loss OD. Previous history significant for blurred vision OS.
77 Unilateral Vision Loss in an Altered State of Immunity (Presentation Video)Drew Chronister; Hazen Samy; Gabrielle Bonhomme; Amin Kassam; Carl SnydermanAn 82-year old male with left-sided headache and temporal tenderness. Previous history significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, and chronic macrocytic anemia.
78 Back Pain, Ophthalmoplegia, and More... (Presentation Video)Matthew Thurtell; P. Joy Ho; G. Michael HalmagyiA 73-year old male with lumbar pain without associated neurologic symptoms. Previous history significant for hypertension, dyslipidemia, ischemic heart disease and sciatica.
79 It's Just A Rash' (Presentation Video)Timothy McCulley; Thomas HwangA 76-year old male with a 3-month history of an enlarging, painless rashing starting on the right lowere eyelid. Previous history significant for diverticulitis, chronic hepatitis C and Hashimoto thyroiditis
80 Parkinsonitis (Presentation Video)Alice Kim; Giselle Petzinger; Peter QuirosAn 83-year old male with a 2-year history of motor, left gaze palsy and cognitive slowing. Previous history significant for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, Gilbert syndrome, and atrial fibrillation.
81 Oh, You Have Metastatic Cancer' (Presentation Video)Elena Sokolova; John Carter; Damon HerbertA 59-year old male noted when driving the cars approaching disappear and reappears further to the side in his peripheral vision.
82 A Twinkle in Her Eye? (Presentation Video)Jennifer K. Hall; Carsten Bonnemann; Grant T. Liu; Nocholas J. Volpe; Melissa Ko; Yvette Palmer; Steven L. GalettaA 46-year old female developed a nasal voice and upper extremity weakness at age 16. EMG and muscle biopsy showed evidence of myopathy. Her condition showed little progression until age 30 when she developed left sided hearing loss.
83 Urgent, Double Vision, and Head Games (Presentation Video)Joseph ChackoA 64-year old female with 3-month history of horizontal and vertical double vision and a droopy right upper lid. Previous history significant for diabetes and hypertension. Family history remarkable for stroke and cerebral aneurysm.
84 Snowballs and Curveballs (Presentation Video)Nicholas Volpe, MD; Margot Goodkin, MD; Alexander Brucker, MD; John Kempen, MD; Franz Fogt, MD; Christopher Glisson, MD; Newman Sund, MDA 34-year old male with complaints of pain, photophobia, redness, and decreased vision OD. Previous history significant for tuberculosis.
85 Here's the Story of a Man Who's Brady (Kinetic) (Presentation Video)Maysaa Basha, MD; Ahmed Shatila, MDA 49-year old male with progressive neurodegenerative disease. Previous history significant for congenital toxoplasmosis OS and dyslipidemia.
86 Don't Ignore the Obvious (Presentation Video)Zina Almer, MD; Prem Subramanian, MD, PhDA 51-year old male with bilateral loss of vision. Previous history significant for HIV.
87 I Can't Seem to Find My Glasses (Presentation Video)Susan Benes, MDA 55-year old male with progressive loss of vision OS.
88 Do Not Take Diplopia Lightly (Presentation Video)William Hills, MD; Judith Warner, MD; Bradley Katz, MD, PhD; Anne Osborn, MD; Steve Chin, MD, PhD; Howard Mann, MD; Sherri Perkins, MD, PhD; David Weinberg, MD, FACS; Kathleen Digre, MDA 37-year-old female with a 6-week history of diplopia, nausea and headache. Previous history significant for migraine with occasional aura and minor head trauma as a child.
89 WHAT?!? (Presentation Video)Beau Bruce; Mahtab Tehrani; Nancy Newman; Valerie BiousseA 49-year old male with a 3-week history of headache, nausea and blurred vision OD, followed by 2 days of vertigo and hearing loss. Previous history significant for obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, amblyopia OD, LASIK OS, and a 10-year history of vertigo.
90 Don't Give Up Under Pressure (Presentation Video)Marc Dinkin; Joseph Rizzo IIIA 20-year old male with a 6-year history of headache, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and snycope most often brought on by standing up or bending over. Followed by pediatric neurology for a previous diagnosis of migraine.
91 ‘Tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer... Or to Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles and by Opposing End Them? (Hamlet act 3, scene 1) (Presentation Video)Heather Moss; Goo Lee; C. Michael Weldon-Linne41-year old female with a shadow over the left eye.
92 When Life Gives You Lymphocytes, Make Limeade (Presentation Video)Melissa Ko; Monika Kolloori; Barbara Henriquez; Robert Hutchison; Luis MejicoA 62-year old female; hypercholesterolemia.
93 What's In a Name? (Presentation Video)Nicholas Volpe; Allan Wulc; Jodi Sasson; Myron Yanoff76-year old male; five year history of muscle pain and arthralgia; four year history of PMR symptoms; gastrointestinal illness.
94 Another Case of Guillain-Alajouanine-Garcin Syndrome [also known as Bertolotti-Garcin syndrome, Garcin's syndrome, Garcin-Guillain syndrome, Hartmann's syndrome (Friedrich Hartmann), Schmincke tumor-unilateral cranial paralysis syndrome...] (Presentation Video)Valerie Biousse; Patricia Hudgins; Daniel Brat; Beau Bruce, Nancy NewmanA 37-year old male with multiple right-side cranial nerve palsies. Previous history significant for hypertension and sleep apnea. Family history remarkable for diabetes, glaucoma and thyroid disease.
95 Tics and Fleas (Presentation Video)Nancy Newman; Valerie Biousse; Daniel BratA 61-year old female with tic douloureux and diplopia. Previous history significant for squamous cell skin cancer below right eye, surgically resected. Dx atypical trigeminal neuralgia after neurological consult following administration of local anesthetic for basal cell carcinoma resection.
96 Combing the Globe for Terrorism (Presentation Video)Norah Sydney Lincoff; Lucia L. Balos, Charles J. ChungAn 83-year old male; hypertension; atrial fibrillation; type II diabetes mellitus; squamous cell carcinoma of the face; prostate cancer (treated).
97 Pseudo Pseudo Pseudo Tumor Cerebri (Presentation Video)Marc Dinkin; Jacqueline Winterkorn; Steven NewmanA 27-year old male with visual disturbances and worsening headache.
98 Poor Visual Recovery Following Treatment of Panuveitis in a 62 Year-old Man with Biopsy-proven Sarcoidosis (Presentation Video)Jeffrey Gelfand; Jacque Duncan; Ari GreenA 62-year old male with blurred vision OS, progressive gait instability, episodic falling and confusion. Previous history significant for LP that revealed meningitis and lung and hilar lymph node biopsies that demonstrated sarcoidosis.
99 Bad Eyes, Bad Walking and Bad Judgement (Presentation Video)Clare Fraser; Edward Pringle; Matthew Evans; Elizabeth Graham; Miles Stanford; Philip Luthert; Graham Holder; Gordon PlantA 20-year old male with deteriorating vision OS and a 13-year history of combined variable immunodeficiency. Previous history significant for atypical mycobacterium.
100 Twice Bitten, Once Shy (Presentation Video)Robert Shin; Rudy Castellani; Robert Morales; Stephen ReichA 57-year old female with fatigue, confusion and headache associated with a right inferior quadrantanopsia.
76 - 100 of 207