76 - 100 of 236
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76 Paradoxical Constriction of Pupils to Darkness (Flynn Phenomenon)Example of patients both with and without paradoxical constriction of pupils. Observed in many congenital retinal disorders, such as achromatopsia, congenital stationary night-blindness, and Leber's congenital amaurosis. Sometimes seen in optic nerve disorders, such as dominant optic atrophy.Image/MovingImage
77 Physiologic (End-Gaze) NystagmusDemonstration of physiological nystagmus, where oscillations do not represent pathology, but occur when the patient's gaze is drawn too far laterally.Image/MovingImage
78 Spasm of the Near ReflexExample of patient with spasm of the near reflex and voluntary nystagmus. Discussion of similar-looking conditions (e.g. six nerve palsy, limitation of abduction, lateral rectus muscle problems) and how to tell them apart from spasm of the near reflex by observing the myosis evoked by the near respo...Image/MovingImage
79 Transillumination Ocular MelanomaVideo describing condition.Image/MovingImage
80 Upbeat NystagmusExample of a patient with upbeat nystagmus. Shows vertical jerk nystagmus with fast phases in the up direction. Localizes to brain stem, and occurs with strokes, demyelination, and tumors.Image/MovingImage
81 Vestibular NystagmusDiscussion of vestibular nystagmus. Seen with peripheral disorders and central disorders, and in two varieties: spontaneous and positional. Horizontal jerk with small amplitude.Image/MovingImage
82 Aberrant Regeneration of the Third and Sixth NervesImage/MovingImage
83 Gaze Palsy with Facial Weakness from Pontine AVMExample of a patient with torsional nystagmus in both eyes and pendular nystagmus in the left eye. Patient is led through instructions for direction of gaze.Image/MovingImage
84 Ocular MyastheniaExample of patient with myasthenia gravis. Demonstration of tensilon test. Patient shown to have bilateral ptosis, bilateral duction deficits, and left hypertropia. Discussion of techniques to observe subtle changes, such as bringing in a neutral observer or taking still photographs. Shows split-scr...Image/MovingImage
85 Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO)Example of patient with horizontal binocular diplopia. Demonstration of exam, which shows alternating exotropia in cover test. As patient follows object, right eye does not pass the midline as the object moves to the left, while left eye go slightly past the midline, but does not abduct completely. ...Image/MovingImage
86 Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO)Example of patient with Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia. Patient is led through instructions for direction and distance of gaze.Image/MovingImage
87 Spontaneous Venous PulsationsThis clips shows a spontaneous venous pulsation viewed during an ocular examination.Image/MovingImage
88 Duane's Retraction Syndrome Type 3Example of a patient with Type 3 Duane's Retraction Syndrome, as well as bilateral Duane's Syndrome. Shows limitation of abduction in both eyes and adduction in the left eye. Also shows side-view of globe retraction in abduction.Image/MovingImage
89 Sector Palsies and Light-Near DissociationExample of patient with bilateral Adie's pupils. Exam is performed with a slit-lamp. Shows iris stroma and focal segments of iris sphincter that retain their contractilty. Suggests post-ganglionic parasympathetic denervation.Image/MovingImage
90 Light-near DissociationExample of patient with Argyll Robertson pupil with neurosyphilis. Shows a lack of pupillary response to light and some pupillary response to nearness of finger.Image/MovingImage
91 Hemifacial SpasmExample of patients with hemifacial spasm. First patient has a sequela of Bell's palsy, and is seen to have mainly clonic movements around the eye, with occasional tonic movements around the mouth. Second patient has a cerebellopontine angle epidurmoid tumor, and is seen to have movements around the...Image/MovingImage
92 Parinaud's SyndromeTwo examples of patients with Parinaud's syndrome, a dorsal midbrain syndrome. Discussion of hallmarks of this syndrome, including convergence retraction nystagmus, vertical gaze palsies, light-near dissociation, and Collier's Sign. Discussion of age-dependent disorders associated with this syndrome...Image/MovingImage
93 The Wall-Eyed Potato FarmerYoung man presenting with apparent episodic neurologic evants that initially was thought to be multiple sclerosis, but as time went on, he had progressive changes in his neurologic exam and in his imaging findings. Brain biopsy revealed Gliomatosis cerebri. Anatomy: Brain Stem; Pons; Midbrain. Patho...
94 Hydroxychloroquine Maculopathy (Plaquenil)An overview of Chloroquine Maculopathy.Text
95 MELAS and RPMELAS; Mitochondrial Encephalopathy with Lactic Acidosis, Stroke and Pigmentary Changes in retina-associated with a retinal dystrophy. This 53 year old man had seizures, encephalopathy and lactic acidosis typical of MELAS. His fundus examination showed granularity and some slight pigmentary changes ...Text
96 MaculaOverview of the structure and viewing of the macula.Text
97 Aberrant Regeneration of the Right PupilAberrant regeneration of the right pupil in a man with a large intracavernous sinus meningioma causing a pupil-involving, incomplete third cranial nerve palsy. His pupil is round when he gazes straight ahead (top). When he tries to rotate the eye medially, the pupil constricts, but a segment of the ...Image
98 Fusional Vergence AmplitudesDemonstration of fusional vergence amplitudes examination. Incluudes: a. Convergence Amplitudes b. Divergence Amplitudes c. Vertical AmpitudesText
99 Basic Eye Alignment ExamDemonstration of basic eye alignment examination. Includes: a. Tools b. Cover-Uncover and SPCT c. Alternate Cover and APCT d. Maddox Rod TestingImage/MovingImage
100 Location of Pupillomotor FibersLocation of pupillomotor fibers are depicted as dark regions on cross-sections of the right (R) and left (L) oculomotor nerve at various locations along its course, including its emergence from the brain stem in the interpeduncular fossa (1), the midsubarachnoid segment (2), the level of the dorsum ...Image
76 - 100 of 236