51 - 75 of 4,589
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51 Ventricular fold (plica ventricularis) (human)Stain: Azan. On top pseudostratified epithelium (1). Lamina submucosa with predominantly mucous glands (3), fat cells (4) and blood vessels. The lamina propria also contains lymphoid follicles (2) with a germinal center (immune protection).Laryngeal glands; Ventricular fold; Seromucous glandsPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
52 Survey of a centrilobular lung emphysema: section of an lobule (human, adult)Stain: Hematoxylin and eosin. The enlargement of large areas of the air spaces (X) is evident due to destruction of the walls of alveoli throughout the lobule.Poja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
53 Olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity (mammals)Scheme electron microscopy. Four olfactory bulbs (1, vesicles) with radially sprouting cilia are present at the surface of the epithelium. Their slender cell bodies (2, bipolar neurons) are flanked by sustentacular (supporting) broad cells (3) whose apices are filled with well developed organelles, ...Pseudostratified epithelium; Olfactory epithelium; Basal cells; Olfactory vesicle; Bipolar neuronPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
54 Keratin staining of bronchus epithelium (human, adult)Stain: Anti-keratin-5-7-14-19 (OVTL 12/5 monoclonal antibody with immunoperoxidase staining on frozen sections). The pseudostratified epithelium (1) is stained keratin-positively (brown product) as well as the epithelial derivates such as the bronchial glands (2) and their excretory ducts (3). Other...Bronchial epithelium; Keratin antibodies; Tumor diagnosisPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
55 Keratin staining of bronchus epithelium (human, adult)Stain: Anti-keratin-5-7-14-19 (OVTL 12/5 monoclonal antibody with immunoperoxidase staining on frozen sedctions). The pseudostratified epithelium (1) reacts positively (brown-red product), the nuclei of the basal cells are well visible (arrows). Other structures react negatively (blue stain) such as...Tumor diagnosis; Bronchial epithelium; Lung parenchym; Keratin antibodiesPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
56 Longitudinal section of trachea (human, adult)Stain: Azan. On top: the epithelium (1) is pseudostratified with cilia and goblet cells on a distinct basement membrane (↓). There is almost no demarcation (at this magnification) between lamina propria and submucosa due to the dense blue (2) staining of elastic fibers reinforced by collagen fiber...Pseudostratified epithelium ; Tracheal glands; Fibroelastic membranePoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
57 Respiratory bronchiolus (mouse)Stain: Hematoxylin and eosin. The lumen (1) shows an irregular lining and is covered by low columnar-cuboidal cells (↓), locally disrupted by a few areas with thin alveolar epithelium as found in the surrounding alveoli (2). Thick arrows point to a row of light-stained Clara cells. At (*) discont...Respiratory bronchiolus; Columnar epithelium; Cuboidal epithelium; Clara cells; Alveolar epitheliumPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
58 Vocal cord (plica vocalis) (human, glottis)Stain: Azan. The true vocal cord consist of the vocal ligament (L) covered by stratified squamous epithelium and the striated vocal muscle (medial part of the thyreoarythenoid muscle, not depicted in this picture). At the tip of the vocal cord the stratified epithelium is distinct and the lamina pro...Vocal ligamentPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
59 Pseudoglandular - canalicular period of developing lung (human, fetus)Stain: Azan. Terminal budding and elongation of the future bronchial tree: branching of a bronchial tubes (1) within an islet where the mesenchyme condenses (4). A large blood vessel (2) as well as a lymph vessel (3) are recognizable. Note in the mesenchyme formation of blood capillaries in the vici...Lung development; Pseudoglandular period ; Canalicular period; MesenchymePoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
60 Transition surface of vocal cord into laryngeal surface (human, subglottis, higher magnification)Stain:Stain: Azan. Transition (↓) from stratified squamous epithelium (1) into pseudostratified epithelium (2) in the subglottis region. Blood vessels and the cellularity of the proper lamina is evident.Olfactory epithelium; Subglottis; Stratified epithelium; Pseudostratified epitheliumPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
61 Submucosa of trachea (human, adult)Stain: Goldner trichrome. Mixed tracheal glands (1) of the submucosa (connective tissue light green) and bundles of smooth muscle fibers (2) close to the fibroelastic membrane between the cartilage edges.Seromucous gland; Tracheal glandsPoja Histology Collection - Respiratory System Subset
62 Tertiary villi (human placenta, late midpregnancy): (A) Left: stain: Hematoxylin - azophloxine. (B) Right: electron microscopy (low magnification). At the left (A) multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast cells (STCs, 1) and vaguely cytotrophoblast cells (CTCs, 2) cover the loose fetal stroma (4). A large and a small arteriole (3) are embedded with stro...placenta; tertiary villi; placental barrier; Hofbauer cell; vasculosyncytial membrane; syncytiotrophoblastPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
63 Survey of implanted blastocyst (human, ca. 3 weeks-old embryo) and detail of advanced stage of decidua cells (human, mid pregnancy)Stain: Hematoxylin-eosin (A, left) and Azan (B, right). (A) Left: section through a slightly damaged implantation site shows at (1) the uterine lumen and (2) the decidua capsularis while at (3) several uterine glands are visible. At arrow (4) the amniotic cavity, (5) points to embryonic shield and...placenta; uterus; syncytiotrophoblast; implantation; blastocystPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
64 Tertiary villi (human placenta, midpregnancy)Stain: Hematoxylin - azophloxine. (A) Left a variety of tertiary villi and reddish-stained fibrinoid depositions (1). At (2): the embryonic connective tissue starts to fibrinize. Note syncytiotrophoblast knots (3) or sprouts of several villi .These knots might represent aggregations of degenerati...placenta; fibrinoid; cytotrophoblast; syncytiotrophoblastPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
65 Syncytiotrophoblast cells of tertiary villi (human placenta, midpregnancy)(A) Left: stain: Immunoperoxidase staining with diaminobenzidin (DAB) and human anti-chorionic gonadotrophin antibody (hCG-DAKO 231), counterstained with hematoxylin. (B) Right: electron microscopy. (A) At the left the exclusive reactivity (dark brown) in the cytoplasma of the multinucleated syn...Syncytiotrophoblast; placenta ; chorionic villi; HCG; immunohistochemistry; electron microscopyPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
66 Electron microscopy of tertiary villus (human placenta, early pregnancy)At the left (A), part of a tertiary (terminal) villus with the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast cell (1) (STC) at the top. The apex shows protrusions and extensive microvilli of varying sizes (brushborder). Nuclei (1a) are sectioned at different levels and the cytoplasm contains abundant organelle...placenta; chorionic villi; placental barrier; syncytiotrophoblast; electron microscopyPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
67 Electron microscopy of syncytiotrophoblast cells in tertiary villus (human placenta, midpregnancy)The left photograph (A) shows the apical cytoplasm of a syncytiotrophoblast cell (STC, nucleus). The free cell surface displays small protrusions and a characteristic pattern of differently shaped microvilli; pinocytotic invaginations and a single macropinocytotic vacuole. Note the apical localized ...placenta; tertiary villi; syncytiotrophoblast; electron microscopyPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
68 Survey of the chorionic plate and intervillous space (human placenta, full-term)Stain: Perjodic acid-Schiff reaction (PAS). At the top the chorionic plate (1) with cross-sections of umbilical vessels (2) At (3) the folded amnion covering the chorionic plate. Ramifications of thicker stem villi demonstrate free-floating terminal villi (tertiary). At several places reddish-st...placenta; tertiary villi; decidua; chorionic platePoja Histology Collection - Placenta
69 Stem villus (human placenta, midpregnancy)Stain: Trichrome (Goldner). At the top the fetal site with part of the chorionic plate (1) with a thick stem villus (2) ramifying in two smaller villi with large blood vessels (3). The chorionic plate consists of a thick fibrous connective layer (green). Towards the intervillous space it is covere...placenta; chorionic villi; stem villus; chorion platePoja Histology Collection - Placenta
70 Spiral artery in endometrium (human, midpregnancy)Stain: Hematoxylin-eosin. (A) Emerging into partly damaged intervillous space (1), filled with hemorrhage and fibrin (2). (3) uterine vein and (4) smooth muscle cell bundles at the endometrial-myometrial junction. (B) Lumen with hypertrophic endothelium at higher magnification (5). Note as an unu...placenta; trophoblast; spiral artery; endometriumPoja Histology Collection - Placenta
71 Peroxidase reaction in reticular cell and myelocytes (postnatal liver, rat)Electron microscopy (peroxidase reaction with diaminobenzidin staining). The elongated reticular cell (1) shows peroxidase activity within the perinuclear space as well as the rough endoplasmic reticulum (species-dependent). It is surrounded by three eosinophilic myelocytes (2) with a positive react...Poja Histology Collection - Blood & Bone Marrow Subset
72 Plasma cell (liver, rat)Electron microscopy. The mature plasma cell or plasmacyte shows an eccentric nucleus with a characteristic chunky distribution of heterochromatin along the inner nuclear membrane (spoke-wheel effect in light microscopy). Juxtanuclearly an elaborate Golgi area (2) (cytocentrum/centrosome). The cytopl...Poja Histology Collection - Blood & Bone Marrow Subset
73 Three basophilic erythroblasts in bone marrow smear (human)Stain: May-Grnwald-Giemsa (MGG). Three basophilic erythroblasts (1) with intense blue stained cytoplasm, and some so called ears or cytoplasmic projections (arrows). Chromatin strands are thicker than in the proerythroblast. Generally no nucleoli are seen. (2) Damaged or smudged eosinophilic myelocy...Poja Histology Collection - Blood & Bone Marrow Subset
74 Polychromatic erythroblasts and neutrophilic granulocytes in bone marrow smear (human)Stain: May-Grnwald-Giemsa (MGG). Three polychromatic erythroblasts or normoblasts (1) and two neutrophils (2). The erythroblasts show light basophilic cytoplasm and well condensed nuclear chromatin. The lower neutrophil (more mature) has a more segmented nucleus than the upper one.Poja Histology Collection - Blood & Bone Marrow Subset
75 Erythron in bone marrow smear (human)Stain: May-Grnwald-Giemsa (MGG). The erythron or erythroblastic island consists of a large reticulum cell (1) surrounded by erythroblastic cell types (2) at varoius stages of differentiation. The nucleus of the reticulum cell (histiocyte) usually contains a noticeable nucleolus. At distance, some my...Poja Histology Collection - Blood & Bone Marrow Subset
51 - 75 of 4,589