51 - 75 of 628
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
51 Forsyth, Brandon M.The interaction of prenyl-modified peptides with supported lipid bilayers2019dissertation
52 Gainer, Morgan JamesThe synthesis of 2-amino-dihydropyrimidines and a new model for 6-endo selectivity in intramolecular alkyne hydroaminations2018dissertation
53 Fu, ErjuanLefschetz pencils and nets for hyperplance sections of a complex projective surface2019dissertation
54 Kamble, VikrantProbing the properties of the intergalactic medium through lyman-alpha forest observations2019dissertation
55 Waagen, Gerald NormanMusk glands in Recent TurtlesTurtles; Musk glands; Biology1972thesis
56 Xia, QingRobust numberical algorithms with applications to interface problems and chemotaxis models in Biology2019dissertation
57 Xu, XiaojuAn investigation of halo and galaxy assembly bias2019dissertation
58 Wisniewski, John AndrewRational design of β-Cathenin/B-cell lymphoma 9 inhibitors, efforts to express functional ethylene receptor, and mapping the electrostatic topology of ubiquinol oxidase2019dissertation
59 Su, WeicongA stochastic model for solar flares: on the peaks of a stochastic heat equation on a sphere with a large radius2019dissertation
60 Stevenson, Peter RulonPlasmonic and chiral plasmonic light-matter orientation-dependent anisotropy2019dissertation
61 Smolkin, DanielSubadditivity of test ideals and diagonal F-Regularity2019dissertation
62 Salvant, Justin MichaelDevelopment of N-ACYL-2-Aminoimadazole Zinc ionophores2019dissertation
63 Rota, FrancoModuli spaces of sheaves: generalized quot schemes and bridgeland stability conditions2019dissertation
64 Paladugu, Srinivas ReddySynthetic studies on C11 alkylated bis-guanidinium sodium ion channel inhibitors 11-saxitoxinethanoic acid and zetekitoxin AB2019dissertation
65 Omaga, Carla AlvarezAnalysis of the effect of the G-Quadruplex fifth domain on DNA folding in response to oxidative and abasic lesionsChemistry2018dissertation
66 Moraga, JoaquinOn weak zariski decompositions and termination of flips2019dissertation
67 McAfee, SeanTwisted cells for real reductive lie groups2019dissertation
68 Love, Jay WilliamImplications of modular song learning for species isolation2019dissertation
69 Kenkel, JenniferLocal cohomology of thickenings2019dissertation
70 Jamali, ShirinDetection of strong magnetic resonant drive effects using spain-dependent electronic transition rates in organic semiconductor materials2019dissertation
71 Inagaki, Ryota ThomasMolecular profiling of cells in the Vocal center of African Clawed Frog2019thesis
72 Hull, John J.Differential-Graded aspects of local cohomology and cossuport for group-graded triangulated categories2019dissertation
73 Horns, Joshua John ZollingerCombining long-term field research and community science to measure the impacts of global change on bird populations2019dissertation
74 Gay, LincolnMembrance tension, calcium, and Eisosomes2019thesis
75 Eygeris, YuliaFunctional nanoporous membranes from self-assembly of polmer-brush silica nanoparticles2019dissertation
51 - 75 of 628