51 - 75 of 160
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51 Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2007. The patient is a healthy, 36 year old Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard who was last seen perfectly well at 2 a.m. on the day of admission. He awoke in the morning ...Image/MovingImage
52 Convergence InsufficiencyThe patient is a 58 year old man with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease for five years. He presented with an increasing shuffling gait, marked bradykinesia, mild to moderate rigidity in all four limbs and impairment in rapid movements of the hands. When he attempted to standup and walk he needed to...Image/MovingImage
53 Downbeat NystagmusThis patient carries a diagnosis of Type I Chiari malformation. In 1983 she presented with vertical double vision which persisted. Two months later, she had an acute episode of irritation of her eyes possibly due to allergy, followed two days later by difficulty in focusing, light headedness, a ...Image/MovingImage
54 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient, a 36 year old Italian, presented in October 1967, at the age of 27, with acute dizziness and ataxia. He was evaluated in Rome. A pneumoencephalogram showed hydrocephalus, attributed to arachnoiditis, and a ventriculo-atrial shunt was placed. Three months post shunt placement he ...Image/MovingImage
55 Retinal EmboliTemporary loss of vision in one eye, termed transient monocular blindness (TMB), is the most important visual symptom of arteriosclerotic vascular disease, arteritis and states of altered coagulability and thrombocytosis. In most patients, the visual disturbance during each individual attack of ...Image/MovingImage
56 Gaucher's DiseaseThis little boy has Gaucher's disease. Gaucher's disease is an autosomal recessive disorder, linked to chromosome 1q21, due to glucocerebroside β-glucosidase deficiency. There are three phenotypic variances of Gaucher's disease. Type I is the most common and lacks neurological features. Type 2 is...Image/MovingImage
57 MS Time Lapse MRIProfessor Ian McDonald, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London contributed this remarkable Time-Lapse MRI of focal MS lesions in a single patient with multiple sclerosis over a period of one year. This time lapse video was assembled from serial T2- weighted MRI scans from a 25-year old wo...Image/MovingImage
58 Migraine / PET StudyIn December 1994 the New England Journal of Medicine published a remarkable paper Bilateral Spreading Cerebral Hypoperfusion during Spontaneous Migraine Headache. Roger P. Woods, Marco Iacoboni and John C. Mazziotta. which is reproduced in part, and accompanied by a video illustration. Courtesy of J...Image/MovingImage
59 Ocular DippingThe patient is a 32 year old woman with juvenile diabetes mellitus. She collapsed at home and was rushed to the emergency room where a diagnosis of a locked-in syndrome was made. The term Locked-in Syndrome (LiS) was coined in 1966 by Plum and Posner for a condition with the following criteria: 1....Image/MovingImage
60 Oculomasticatory MyorhythmiaThis case, previously reported in 1986, is published courtesy of John Selhorst, M.D., Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. (4) The patient is a 46 year old man who, over a period of six months, lost the ability to read and complained of excessive somnolence, occasional urinary i...Image/MovingImage
61 Fourth Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 64 year old engineer who noted whilst driving around Thanksgiving time double vision with one image on top of the other. Vertical double vision persisted and he was referred to the Massachusetts General Hospital for evaluation. Past History: 1991 Hyperthyroidism with Graves' Dise...Image/MovingImage
62 Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (INO)The patient is a 48 year old woman who presented with horizontal double vision looking to the right and to the left. She also noted blurring of vision with the image jerking horizontally back and forth. Neuro-ophthalmological examination: Visual acuity 20/20 OU corrected Visual fields, pupils, and f...Image/MovingImage
63 LateropulsionThis 44 year old woman has a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.Image/MovingImage
64 Congenital Nystagmus; Latent NystagmusThis little girl has had nystagmus since birth. She has the classical constellation of signs, initially diagnosed as congenital motor nystagmus with: • Horizontal jerk nystagmus • A slight head turn to the right to place the eyes in the null position • Latent nystagmus • Inability to superi...Image/MovingImage
65 Congenital Nystagmus: Oscillations of the EyesThis child has had nystagmus since childhood with a head turn to the left. He was seen by his pediatrician. Diagnosis: Horizontal jerk nystagmus (congenital motor nystagmus) Congenital nystagmus Classification: The Classification of Eye Movement Abnormalities and Strabismus Working Group has recomme...Image/MovingImage
66 Familial NystagmusThe mother and her infant son both have conjugate horizontal pendular nysagmus. Diagnosis: Congenital sensory nystagmus Familial Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome (INS) The little boy is a bright active child with normal development. He has pendular nystagmus in central gaze without a head turn or h...Image/MovingImage
67 Congenital NystagmusThis young boy has oculocutaneous albinism. In 1979 he presented for evaluation of oscillations of his eyes present since birth. He had no head turn or head tremor. Diagnosis: Albinism Congenital sensory nystagmus Ocular Albinism: Infants with albinism of all types are typically slow to see, ofte...Image/MovingImage
68 Bilateral Sixth Nerve PalsyThis patient was known to be a chronic alcoholic. He presented with acute onset of unsteadiness walking which he attributed to double vision. He was unable to give an accurate history and was disoriented for time and place. Neurological examination: Significant for impaired memory and cognitive ...Image/MovingImage
69 Unilateral PtosisThe patient is a 46 year old woman who presented in July 1977 with horizontal double vision lasting two weeks. Three weeks later the left upper eyelid started to droop and by the end of the day the eye was closed. She had no ptosis of the right eye and no generalized fatigue. She consulted an in...Image/MovingImage
70 Pseudo-Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaIn 1969 this 54 year old man presented with a one month history of blurry vision which started suddenly one afternoon. He said he was "just not focusing" and he saw two images when he "relaxed his sight". He could see clearly covering one eye. Initially, the difficulty in focusing occurred la...Image/MovingImage
71 See-saw NystagmusThe patient is a 21 year old woman who was referred to an endocrinologist for evaluation of amenorrhea. She was found to have bitemporal hemianopia and compression of the chiasm. CT Brain showed: A partially cystic, partially solid suprasellar mass with focal calcification consistent with a crani...Image/MovingImage
72 Nuclear Third Nerve PalsyThe following case is the first patient I saw with a nuclear third nerve palsy. The patient is a 52 year old man with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He awoke one morning unable to open his eyes. To walk he tilted his head backwards and looked down. He came to the emergency room of the Massach...Image/MovingImage
73 Bilateral PtosisThe patient is a 65 year old physician who presented with intermittent drooping of his eyelids, particularly at the end of the day. He found that if he gently closed his eyes when he came to a stop in his car at a set of traffic lights, his eyelids opened more fully. He subsequently developed inte...Image/MovingImage
74 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThis case was reported by Cogan DG and Wray SH. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia as an early sign of brain tumor. Neurology 1970; 20:629-633. The patient is Case 1. He is a 4 ½ year old boy whose parents noted that the right eye had been "drifting" for four months. On examination the only signific...Image/MovingImage
75 Ocular Motor ApraxiaThis elderly patient was referred to the Movement Disorder Clinic for evaluation of abnormal head thrust movements when asked to look on command to the right or to the left. His random eye movements were full vertically and horizontally. Diagnosis: Acquired Ocular Motor Apraxia ...Image/MovingImage
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