51 - 75 of 111
Number of results to display per page
51 Comparison study of a centralized versus a decentralized method of utilization control of outpatient services in a health maintenance organization1985-12Text
52 Psychological, marital, and health consequences of caring for a dementia patien : a longitudinal gender study of aging spouse caregivers1990-12Text
53 Genetic effects of occupational exposure to styrene as measured using the micronucleus test1986-12Text
54 Exposure of manicurists to methyl and ethyl methacrylate used in the formation of artificial fingernails1986-06Text
55 Family medicine and the predoctoral medical curriculum1986-06Text
56 Field protection factor provided by a full-facepiece powered air-purifying respirator against asbestos dust1987-08Text
57 Tungsten inert gas welding on stainless steel: a hazard evaluation1986-03Text
58 Electric field levels inside a human cadaver during near field radiofrequency irradiation at 27.12 MHz1984-06Text
59 Worker exposures during maintenance of ion implanters in the semiconductor industry1984-06Text
60 Outcomes of epidural anesthesia in low-risk obstetrical cases1981-08Text
61 Factors related to academic performance of thermally injured children1990-03Text
62 Sampling of nitrogen dioxide in a coal dust atmosphere1981-07Text
63 Sampling of nitrogen dioxide in a coal dust atmosphere1981-08Text
64 Salt Lake survey of health care and health beliefs: a comparison of Hispanics and Anglo-Americans1986-03Text
65 Relationship between cause-specific mortality and temperature inversions in the Salt Lake Valley1986-12Text
66 Gallium sixty-seven citrate imaging in coal workers' pneumoconiosis1980-08Text
67 Comparison of liquid medium and charcoal tube sampling methods for ethylene oxide1983-08Text
68 Follow-up pulmonary function studies in copper smelter workers1982-06Text
69 Occupation and industry in persons dying of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a case-control study1984-12Text
70 Prospective study: an evaluation of the implementation and efficiency of a trauma triage system1987-06Text
71 AIDS knowledge and attitudes in a Utah seventh and eighth grade population1988-12Text
72 Evaluation and description of a remote physicians's assistant practice at the Wendover HURA project1979-06Text
73 Evaluation of clinical phamacy practice by the University of Utah Hospital housestaff1979-12Text
74 Nobody's money : introducing choice-card, an innovative and comprehensive approach to the financing of health care1986-12Text
75 Attempt at the integration of indigenous and Western medicines in Bolivia1990-06Text
51 - 75 of 111