26 - 50 of 1,468
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
26 Coates, Ralph LeeA quantitative experimental study of the osciliatory combustion of solid rocket propellants1962thesis
27 Brown, Vern Melvin & Legrand HaslamEngineering investigation of the great Mormon tabernacle 11940thesis
28 Brown, Vern Melvin & Legrand HaslamEngineering investigation of the great Mormon tabernacle 21940thesis
29 Horton, Marvin DuaneOscillatory burning of solid rocket propellants1961thesis
30 Ranga, PraneethVapor phase epitaxial growth of gallium oxide thin films and heterostructures for high performance electronics2021dissertation
31 Lim, TaehwanGallium core-shell microstructure for thermal responsive implantable neural electrode2021dissertation
32 McBrayer, Josefine D.Calendar life of lithium ion batteries containing silicon and the role of solid electrolyte interphase mechanics2022dissertation
33 Lee, Ji-YoungDevelopment of a biomolecule sensor based on ultraviolet plasmanics-enhanced fluorsecence and insulator-based dielectrophretic exosome trapping2022dissertation
34 Aghdam, Amir AkbarianA computational framework to characterize the fast neural coding dynamics during eye movements2020dissertation
35 Titze, Ingo RolandDesign of a UHF single port varactor diode parametric amplifier1965thesis
36 Mihlfeith, Carl MaxSome experiments on the effect of thermal radiation on composite rocket propellants1971thesis
37 Bouck, Larry SidneyA high-heating=rate thermal analysis of solid-propellant reactions1971dissertation
38 Shah, Ankur RajivSelective his bundle sensing and pacing during sinus rhythm and during ventricular ribrillation2021dissertation
39 Li, XiaolongMechanisms governing ash aerosol formation and deposition during solid fuel combustion2022dissertation
40 Kaur, KamaljeetEffect of combustion particle physical properties on biological responses in human airway epithelial and macrophage-like cell lines2021dissertation
41 Bou-Ghannam, SophiaEngineering the cell sheet tissue effect to fabricate high cytokine secretory mesenchymal stem cell constructs2021dissertation
42 Zhang, ZongliangModel simulation and experimental study of the electrolytic metal recovery, purification, and separation processes----CU, NI, Zn electrowinning and Li isotope separation2020dissertation
43 Zhang, ChaoElectrochemical measurements in molten Salt Mixtures for nuclear applications2020dissertation
44 Wendelken, Suzanne MarieDexterous control of a hand prosthesis using neuromuscular signals from implanted or surface electrodes2018dissertation
45 Sabeti, SoroushCharacterization and prediction of guided wave propagation in complex media via compressive sampling in time and space2020dissertation
46 He, XiangModeling and control of in-ground-effect on rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles2020dissertation
47 Haralson, David MonkComputation methods for secure energy system operations2020thesis
48 DiNapoli, Ryan M.Development and validation of an instrumented test fixture for vehicle seats in low-speed rear-end collisions2020thesis
49 Bulbul, A N M AshrafuzzamanGas viscosity as a sensing element: microbubble chromatography2020dissertation
50 Anjewierden, ChristopherEnabling of the quick urban industrial complex wind model to represent wind turbine flows2020thesis
26 - 50 of 1,468