251 - 275 of 389
Number of results to display per page
251 Project One Concept Paper Establishment of Federation CouncilText
252 Report on the latest version of the Kurdish Regional Constitution Final June 29 20092009-06-29Text
253 Report of the Economics, Investment, and Rebuilding Committee on the Notes of MP Shatha Al Moussaowi Regarding the Law on Competition and Anti MonopolismText
254 Revised Draft Agenda on the Workshop on Legal Issues for the Regions and Governorates-Arabic ورشة عمل حول المواضيع القانونية للأقاليم والمحافظاتText
255 Senior Officials MemoText
256 Spain Conference Proposal-DRAFT (Dec. 13, 2009) - ArabicText
257 Trafficking in Persons Draft Law - Quick translationText
258 Trafficking in Persons Memo2009-02-08Text
259 Judiciary and FederalismText
260 KRG Constitution MarkupText
261 KRG Constitution MemoText
262 Memo to Chief Justice Medhat - final 28 nov 2008Text
263 Legal Commentary and Analysis of the Hydrocarbon LawText
264 CRC Final Report translation revaa_eng2009-06-22Text
265 Federation Council finalFeb4+CLAResponse+rvdCM_eng2009-06-22Text
266 State Council rev hhrevaaText
267 Allocation of Federal Revenues LawText
268 Chart of Needed Actions - Arabic الفقرات التي تحتاج الإآمال في مسودة الدستورText
269 A Shura Council Primer By Haider Ala HamoudiText
270 Constitutional Revisions 2. Uniting Iraq through Separation of Powers The Federation Council and the Presidency2009-05-11Text
271 CRC Outstanding issues2009-05-11Text
272 Memo on Higher Judicial Council BillText
273 Annex to Memo on Capital City Law 1 - ArabicText
274 Capital City draft law 02 02 09 ra v3 (Arabic to English translation of) the Capital BillText
275 Combating the World's Corruption is a Slippery BusinessText
251 - 275 of 389