226 - 250 of 236
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226 Duane's Retraction Syndrome Type 3Example of a patient with Type 3 Duane's Retraction Syndrome, as well as bilateral Duane's Syndrome. Shows limitation of abduction in both eyes and adduction in the left eye. Also shows side-view of globe retraction in abduction.Image/MovingImage
227 Introduction to Headache, Migraine and Secondary HeadachesVideo lecture covering an introduction to headache, migraine, and secondary headaches by Kathleen Digre, MD.
228 Sector Palsies and Light-Near DissociationExample of patient with bilateral Adie's pupils. Exam is performed with a slit-lamp. Shows iris stroma and focal segments of iris sphincter that retain their contractilty. Suggests post-ganglionic parasympathetic denervation.Image/MovingImage
229 Light-near DissociationExample of patient with Argyll Robertson pupil with neurosyphilis. Shows a lack of pupillary response to light and some pupillary response to nearness of finger.Image/MovingImage
230 Hemifacial SpasmExample of patients with hemifacial spasm. First patient has a sequela of Bell's palsy, and is seen to have mainly clonic movements around the eye, with occasional tonic movements around the mouth. Second patient has a cerebellopontine angle epidurmoid tumor, and is seen to have movements around the...Image/MovingImage
231 Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus with Third Nerve PalsyImages showing presentation of Herpes Zoster (Zoster Ophthalmicus).Text
232 Papilledema 2013Discussion of papilledema, the swelling due to increased pressure.Text
233 Bilateral Iris Colobomas (B)Bilateral iris colobomas. B. Bilateral colobomatous defects of the inferonasal retina (black arrows) are also present, as shown in the right eye.Image
234 Pupil Signs in a 32-year-old Woman with Right-sided Adie's PupilPupil signs in a 32-year-old woman with right-sided Adie's pupil. The right pupil is larger than the left pupil (top), reacts poorly to direct light stimulation (second panel), and better in response to near stimulation (third panel). The right pupil also shows a supersensitive response 30 minutes a...Image
235 Argyll Robertson PupilsArgyll Robertson pupils in an elderly man treated for tabes dorsalis in 1952. His pupils are small and slightly irregular, constrict poorly in response to light stimulation (top), dilate poorly in darkness (middle), but constrict promptly in response to near stimulation (bottom).Image
236 Parinaud's SyndromeTwo examples of patients with Parinaud's syndrome, a dorsal midbrain syndrome. Discussion of hallmarks of this syndrome, including convergence retraction nystagmus, vertical gaze palsies, light-near dissociation, and Collier's Sign. Discussion of age-dependent disorders associated with this syndrome...Image/MovingImage
226 - 250 of 236