226 - 250 of 288
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226 Ventricular tachycardia with AV dissociation, captures, and fusionsApproximately 50 percent of ventricular tachycardias are associated with AV dissociation. In these cases atrial impulses can enter the ventricles and either fuse with a ventricular ectopic beat or completely capture the ventricles. This ladder diagram illustrates these events.Knowledge Weavers ECG
227 Frontal plane QRS axis = +75 degreesSince there is no isoelectric lead in this ECG, the two closest leads are I and aVL. If I were isoelectric, the axis would be +90 degrees; if aVL were isoelectric, the axis would be +60 degrees. A nice compromize is +75 degrees. (The two closest leads are always 30 degrees apart.)Knowledge Weavers ECG
228 Right axis deviation: QRS axis = +130 degreesLead aVR is almost isoelectric; lead I is mostly negative, and lead III is very positive. The QRS axis, therefore, is +130 degrees. Note that the slightly more positive AVR moves the axis slightly beyond +120 degrees; i.e., closer to the + pole of the aVR lead.Knowledge Weavers ECG
229 Extensive anterior/anterolateral MI: precordial leadsExtensive anterior/anterolateral MI: precordial leadsKnowledge Weavers ECG
230 LVH: strain pattern + left atrial enlargementLVH: strain pattern + left atrial enlargementKnowledge Weavers ECG
231 Ventricular asystole - marquetteVentricular asystole - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
232 Multifocal PVC's - marquetteMultifocal PVC's - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
233 Atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conductionIn this example of atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conduction the flutter waves are very hard to see. Atrial flutter with 2:1 block must be considered, however, because the heart rate is about 150 bpm. A careful look at V1 shows the two flutter waves for each QRS complex complex. One flutter wave imme...Knowledge Weavers ECG
234 Ventricular parasystoleIn ventricular parasystole, non-fixed coupled PVC's occur at a common inter-ectopic interval. Fusion beats, indicated by arrows, are often seen. Fusions occur when the sinus impulse entering the ventricles find the ventricles already partially depolarized by the parasystolic focus.Knowledge Weavers ECG
235 Atrial flutter with 2:1 and 4:1 conduction and rate dependent LBBBIn this example of atrial flutter with variable AV conduction, the faster rates are associated with rate-related LBBB. Don't confuse this for ventricular tachycardia.Knowledge Weavers ECG
236 Propionyl CoA carboxylase reactionPropionyl CoA is metabolized by a process that first converts it to D-methylmalonyl CoA. The reaction is catalyzed by propionyl CoA carboxylase,and requires energy in the form of ATP.BiosynthesisKnowledge Weavers Fatty Acids
237 2nd degree AV block, type I (Wenckebach)2nd degree AV block, type I (Wenckebach)Knowledge Weavers ECG
238 Diagram: stages of acute Q-wave MIDiagram: stages of acute Q-wave MIKnowledge Weavers ECG
239 Accelerated junctional rhythmAccelerated junctional rhythmKnowledge Weavers ECG
240 PVC's - marquettePVC's - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
241 Linoleic acid structureLinoleic acid is a typical polyunsaturated fatty acid.Knowledge Weavers Fatty Acids
242 2nd degree AV block with junctional escapes and capturesSecond degree AV block is present; conducted beats are identified by those QRS's that terminate shorter cycles than the junctional escape cycle; i.e., the 3rd and probably the 4th QRS's are captures; the other QRS's are junctional escapes.Knowledge Weavers ECG
243 Atrial fibrillation with moderate ventricular response - MarquetteAtrial fibrillation with moderate ventricular response - MarquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
244 Ventricular pacing in atrial fibrillation - marquetteVentricular pacing in atrial fibrillation - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
245 Ventricular pacemaker: demand mode functioningVentricular pacemaker: demand mode functioningKnowledge Weavers ECG
246 Ventricular escape beat - marquetteVentricular escape beat - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
247 LAFB: frontal plane leadsLAFB: frontal plane leadsKnowledge Weavers ECG
248 Old infero-posterior MIOld infero-posterior MIKnowledge Weavers ECG
249 Reduction of a 2,4-dienoyl CoAThe reduction of 2,4-dienoyl CoA by NADPH is a step in the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is ironic that a reduction reaction is a required step in a process that is oxidative.Knowledge Weavers Fatty Acids
250 Stearic, oleic and linoleic acid structuresStearic, oleic and linoleic acid structuresKnowledge Weavers Fatty Acids
226 - 250 of 288