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1 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Applications in the EyeAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDOptical Coherence Tomography is a technique for non-invasive cross-sectional imaging of ocular tissues. This PowerPoint covers an overview of the technique with excellent diagrams and images. Anatomy: Retina; Anterior eye segment; Cornea; Macula Lutea; Vitreous body; Optic nerve; Retinal ganglion ce...Tomography, Optical Coherence; Retina; Anterior Eye Segment; Cornea; Macula Lutea; Vitreous Body; Optic Nerve; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Retinal Diseases; Glaucoma; Macular Edema; Retinal Edema; NFLA Optical Coherence Tomography
2 Color Vision: Insights Into Our Origins and Some of Our Artists - From Darwin to DelacroixAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDDiscussion of origins and physiology of color vision in different species, distinction between addition and subtraction of colors, and how painters get around the difference. Includes microscopic views of retinal cones. Anatomy: Retina; Rods (Retina); Cones (Retina).Color Perception; Retina; Rods (Retina); Cones (Retina); AVP Association Areas
3 Anatomy and Physiology of the Optic NerveAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDLecture covering the anatomy and physiology of the optic nerve. Covers the retina and anterior visual pathways. Several slides show microscopic images of optic nerve damage. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Cytokines. Disease/Diagnosis: Glaucoma.Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Cytokines; Apoptosis; Cell Death; Glaucoma; Anatomy of the Optic Nerve; AVP Optic Nerve
4 HeadacheAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPresenting Symptom: Ataxia; Photophobia; Scotoma; Ischemia; Aura. Anatomy: Orbit; Retina; Serotonin. Disease/Diagnosis: Migraine disorders; Migraine with aura. Treatment: Ibuprofen; Sumatriptan; Pseudoephedrine; Lidocaine; Caffeine; Calcium channel blockers; Aminosalicylic acids.Migraine Disorders; Migraine With Aura; Aura; Ataxia; Photophobia; Scotoma; Ischemia; Orbit; Retina; Serotonin; Ibuprofen; Sumatriptan; Pseudoephedrine; Lidocaine; Caffeine; Calcium Channel Blockers; Aminosalicylic Acids; Headache and Facial Pain
5 How Mitochondria Orchestrate the Death of RGCs : From Brazil to Tuebingen to Rochester 2007Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDSlides showing LHON and Kjer's optic atrophy and images of optic disk with LHON. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Reactive oxygen species. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber. Presenting Symptom: Scotoma; Telangiectasis; Apoptosis; Dyschromatopsia; Blindness.Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Reactive Oxygen Species; Scotoma; Telangiectasis; Apoptosis; Cell Death; Dyschromatopsia; Blindness; Optic Atrophy; Hereditary; Leber; Leber's Optic Neuropathy
6 Anatomy and Physiology of Vision: The Visual PathwaysAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDIntroduction to neuro-ophthalmology, covering the optic nerve, the afferent visual system (eye to brain), the pupil (Afferent-Efferent Reflex), and the efferent visual system (eye movements). Anatomy: Optic nerve; Optic disc; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Optic chiasm; Visual cortex. Disease/Diagn...Optic Nerve; Optic Disc; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Optic Chiasm; Visual Cortex; Pituitary Adenoma; Optic Atrophy; Anatomy of Visual Pathways; Afferent Visual Pathways
7 Apoptosis of Retinal Ganglion CellsAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPresented at a conference on neuroprotection at Sedona, Arizona, 2002; includes several microscopic images demonstrating cell death. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Cytokines. Disease/Diagnosis: Glaucoma.Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Cytokines; Apoptosis; Cell Death; Glaucoma
8 Circadian Rhythms: How Much Retina Do We Need for a Good Night's Sleep?Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDDiscusses importance of the health of the retinohypothalamic tract in the maintenance of circadian rhythm. Anatomy: Retina; Hypothalamus; Retinal ganglion cells; Pineal gland. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal diseases; Sleep disorders, Circadian rhythm.Circadian Rhythm; Mole Rats; Retinal Diseases; Sleep Disorders; Retina; Hypothalamus; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Pineal Gland
9 Distinguishing an Optic Neuropathy from a MaculopathyAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPPT describing a case of optic neuropathy. Covers signs and symptoms, and various laboratory tests. Describes 10 signes of disc edema. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal macula. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic nerve diseases; Retinal lesion; Macular lesion; Disorder of the optic nerve; Afferent pupillar...Optic Nerve Diseases; Retinal Lesion; Macular Lesion; Disorder of the Optic Nerve; Afferent Pupillary Defect; Edema; Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Macula; Scotoma; Optic Neuritis; Hyperopia; Metamorphopsia; Diseases of the Optic Nerve
10 Distinguishing Optic Nerve vs. Retinal LesionsAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPPT describing methods of distinguishing optic nerve verses retinal lesions. Describes a pateint case. Discussed signs, symtpoms and diagnostic tests. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal macula. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic nerve diseases; Retinal lesion; Macular lesion; Disorder of the optic nerve; A...Optic Nerve Diseases; Retinal Lesion; Disorder of the Optic Nerve; Macular Lesion; Retinal Macula; Afferent Pupillary Defect; Scotoma; Optic Neuritis; Hyperopia; Metamorphopsia; Optic Nerve; Retina; Diseases of the Optic Nerve
11 Engineering the Visual SystemAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPhysiological basis of vision, covering perimetry, retinal ganglion cell types, and retinal pathways. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina.Vision; Color Perception; Optic Nerve; Retina; Afferent Visual Pathways
12 Headache and Visual LossAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPresenting Symptom: Ataxia; Photophobia; Scotoma; Ischemia; Aura. Anatomy: Orbit; Retina; Serotonin. Disease/Diagnosis: Migraine disorders; Migraine with aura. Imaging: Ibuprofen; Sumatriptan; Pseudoephedrine; Lidocaine; Caffeine; Calcium channel blockers; Aminosalicylic acids.Ataxia; Photophobia; Scotoma; Ischemia; Aura; Migraine Disorders; Migraine With Aura; Ibuprofen; Sumatriptan; Pseudoephedrine; Lidocaine; Caffeine; Calcium Channel Blockers; Aminosalicylic Acids; Orbit; Retina; Serotonin
13 Neuroprotection = Apoptosis of Retinal Ganglion CellsAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDSlide presentation with several microscopic images demonstrating cell death, LHON, AIDS. Presenting Symptom: Blindness; Ischemia; Retinal detachment. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Phosphopyruvate Hydratase. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber; Acquired Immunod...Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Phosphopyruvate Hydratase; Apoptosis; Cell Death; Blindness; Ischemia; Retinal Detachment; Optic Atrophy; Hereditary; Leber; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
14 Office Techniques for Detecting Optic Nerve DiseaseAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDDemonstration of brightness sense testing and of computer-generated graphics for Amsler grid testing. Presenting Symptom: Scotoma; Metamorphopsia. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Macula lutea. Disease/Diagnosis: Glaucoma; Optic neuritis; Macular degeneration.Color Vision; Glaucoma; Macular Degeneration; Optic Neuritis; Scotoma; Metamorphopsia; Optic Nerve; Retina; Macula Lutea
15 Optic Nerve RegenerationAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDA slide presentation with three sets of 3 views increasing magnification. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic neuropathy, Ischemic; Retrograde degeneration; Necrosis. Treatment: Cerestat; Aptiganel; Memantine; Riluzole.Nerve Regeneration; Optic Nerve; Retina; Retrograde Degeneration; Necrosis; Apoptosis; Cell Death; Cerestat; Aptiganel; Memantine; Riluzole
16 Testing the Functional PatientAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDDiscusses testing to distinguish organic ailments from psychosomatic or willful simulation of symptoms. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic nerve diseases; Retinal degeneration; HysteriaMalingering; Hysteria; Optic Nerve; Retina; Optic Nerve Diseases; Retinal Degeneration
17 The Visual Process: Tracing Light From the Retina to the CortexAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPhysiological basis of vision, including the optics of the eye and the retina and retinal pathways. Anatomy: Retina; CortexVision; Color Perception; Retina; Cortex; Afferent Visual Pathways
18 Visual Variants in NatureAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDComparison of visual systems of various species. Anatomy: Retina; Pupil; Cones (Retina); Rods (Retina); Lens, Crystalline.Tokay Gecko; Cuttlefish; Scallop; Stalk-Eyed Gly; Sand Dab; Retina; Pupil; Cones (Retina); Rods (Retina); Lens, Crystalline
19 Why You Should Prescribe Goggles to a Box JellyfishAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDA discussion of the box jellyfish eye and visual system. Anatomy: Retina; Lens, Crystalline.Box Jellyfish; Retina; Lens, Crystalline
20 Beyond the Margulis Hypothesis: The Time Bomb Within UsAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDPresented at 36th Annual Doheny Days, 2005. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Reactive oxygen species. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber.Apoptosis; Cell Death; Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber; Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Reactive Oxygen Species
21 A Neuro-Ophthalmologist's View of RGC Apoptosis and NeuroprotectionAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDSlide presentation with several microscopic images demonstrating cell death, LHON, AIDS. Anatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Phosphopyruvate Hydratase; Reactive oxygen species. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Glaucoma. Presen...Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Phosphopyruvate Hydratase; Apoptosis; Cell Death; Blindness; Ischemia; Retinal Detachment; Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Glaucoma
22 Mitochondrial Optic Neuropathy: Mitochondria as Gatekeepers for ApoptosisAlfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhDAnatomy: Optic nerve; Retina; Retinal ganglion cells; Reactive oxygen species. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber; Toxic optic neuropathy. Presenting Symptom: Scotoma; Dyschromatopsia.Apoptosis; Cell Death; Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber; Toxic Optic Neuropathy; Optic Nerve; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; Reactive Oxygen Species; Amiodarone; Scotoma; Dyschromatopsia
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