Filters: Type: "Event"
1 - 200 of 171
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1 21 Years of Real-World Low NOx Injection ("LNI")2013-09-23Event
2 4 Rules of Fired Heater Operation2015-09-10Event
3 A Discussion of Concerns if Proposed Refinery Flare Rules are Applied to the Chemical Industry2015-09-10Event
4 A Novel Fuel-Flexible Combustor for Industrial Applications2013-09-24Event
5 A Study of Flameless Combustion Behavior of Pulverized Coal Preheated by Circulating Fluidized Bed2015-09-11Event
6 A Validation Uncertainty Quantification Analysis of a 1.5 MW Oxy-Coal Fired Furnace2015-09-11Event
7 A Validation/uncertainty Quantification Analysis for a 1.5 MW Oxy-coal Fired L1500 Furnace using a Swirling Boundary Condition2016-09-12Event
8 A Wholistic Approach to Enable the Next Era of NOx Reducing Technology in Process Burners2018-09-17Event
9 Achieving Environmental Compliance through Proper Destruction Efficiency of Low-Profile Flare Systems2014-09-08Event
10 Achieving Heater Resiliency: The Role of Radiant Tube Support and Stack Damper Performance2017-12-11Event
11 Achieving Ultra-Low NOx Emissions in Methanol Downfired Reformer Applications2013-09-24Event
12 Advanced Design Optimization of Combustion Equipment for BioEnergy Systems Using Sculptor with CFD Tools2013-09-23Event
13 Advanced Design Optimization of Combustion Equipment Using Sculptor with CFD Tools2014-09-10Event
14 Advantages of a Tangentially Fired Delayed Coker Heater (Conventional or Flameless) to Increase Run Lengths and Monitor Combustion2016-09-12Event
15 Adventures in Flaring2015-09-10Event
16 AERO Radiant Wall Burner for Ethylene Cracking and Steam Methane Reforming2016-09-13Event
17 Air staged double swirl low NOx LPG burner2015-09-11Event
18 Alkaline Hydrolysis Resistant and Durable Refractory Linings for Fired Process Heaters2017-12-12Event
19 All Talk and No Do! Why No Reported Successes In Optimizing Industrial Flare CEs and DREs by Automatic Control to the Incipient Smoke Point?2013-09-25Event
20 Analysis of Combustion Efficiencies for Industrial Steam-Assisted Flares2013-09-25Event
21 Analysis of the Wind Effects on a Multi-field LNG Ground Flare2013-09-25Event
22 Analysis of Wind Effects on a Multi-field LNG Ground Flare2013-09-25Event
23 Application of Advanced 2-D TDLAS diagnostics for the Optimization of Combustion in Steam Methane Reformers2013-09-25Event
24 Application of CFD to model Air-assisted Industrial Flares under Low-Btu Low-flow Rate conditions2015-09-10Event
25 Ash Deposition Modeling Incorporating Mineral Matter Transformations Applied to Coal and Biomass Co-firing2013-09-25Event
26 Assessment of Flare Smokeless Capacity Estimation Techniques2016-09-14Event
27 Autoignition Characteristics of Silane-Oxygen-Diluent Mixtures in a Practical Burner2015-09-11Event
28 Autoignition Characteristics of Silane-Oxygen-Diluent Mixtures in a Practical Burner2013-09-25Event
29 Basic Ground Flare Noise Propagation2013-09-24Event
30 Better Fired Heaters Specifications Pay Off2018-09-18Event
31 Biomass Gasification Diagnostics with Flame Spectroscopy in an Oxy-fired Pressurized Gasification Facility2017-12-11Event
32 Carbon Monoxide Emission Control with Radiation Pyrometer2016-09-13Event
33 CFD Prediction of Visible Flame Height for Pressure-assisted Flares2014-09-08Event
34 Chemical Looping Combustion-Research for Power and Process Heat Applications2014-09-10Event
35 Combustion Application Experience with Highly Vitiated Air Burners2013-09-23Event
36 Combustion Efficiency of Flares and the Effects of Wind2014-09-08Event
37 Combustion Efficiency Performance Evaluation of a Variable Speed Drive Air-Assisted Flare using Passive FTIR2016-09-13Event
38 Combustion Flame Safeguarding2017-12-12Event
39 Comparison of Local and Global Combustion Efficiencies for the TCEQ 2010 Flare Study Air-Assisted Flare using High Performance Computing2013-09-25Event
40 Conical Quarl Swirl Stabilized Non-premixed Flames: Flame and Flow Field Interaction2016-09-13Event
41 Considerations when Designing an Optically Accessible High-Pressure Combustion Test Article2018-09-18Event
42 Considerations When Specifying Multipoint Ground Flares2015-09-10Event
43 Continuous Online Monitoring of Fireside Tube Skin Temperature in a Depropanizer Reboiler2015-09-11Event
44 Controlling Steam-Assisted Flare Operations in Light of Federal Regulations2013-09-25Event
45 Demonstrated Implementation of Detailed Chemistry into CFD Simulations for Tailored Commercial Evaluation of Industrial Combustion Equipment2014-09-10Event
46 Detailed Soot Modeling in Turbulent Kerosene/air Diffusion Flame: Sensitivity Analysis of Models Using Moment of Methods2018-09-18Event
47 Detecting Flame Instability and/or Loss of Flame in Fired Heaters Using Advanced Pressure Diagnostics2013-09-25Event
48 Development and Demonstration of a Fuel-Flexible Burner for Fired Heaters2014-09-10Event
49 Development of a Low NOx Burner for Combined Cycle Gas Turbine/ Once-Through Steam Generator System2016-09-13Event
50 Development of a Sub-Surface Burner Technology for In-Situ Heating2015-09-11Event
51 Development of an Ultra-Low NOx Gaseous Fuel Burner for OTSG Applications2016-09-13Event
52 DUPLEX Technology Demonstrates Sub-5 PPM NOx and CO Simultaneously Without SCR, FGR, or High Excess Air2015-09-10Event
53 Duplex-A Creative Innovation In Industrial Combustion Technology2016-09-12Event
54 Early-Stage Development of an Advanced Industrial Scale Multipoint Flare Burner2013-09-24Event
55 Effects of Coal Blends on Formation Mechanisms of Ash Aerosol and Ash Deposits during Air and Oxy-Combustion2015-09-11Event
56 Efficient and Reliable Use of the "Bottom of the Barrel" for Steam/Power Generation2014-09-09Event
57 Emission Characteristic Map and Optimization of NOx in 100 MW Staged Combustion Once-Through-Steam-Generator (OTSG)2018-09-17Event
58 Emission Reduction with Innovative Oxygen Injection2017-12-11Event
59 Emissions Estimation Methodologies for Industrial Flares2014-09-08Event
60 Emissions Testing of Pressure Assisted Flare Burners2014-09-08Event
61 Emissions Testing of Sonic Velocity Flares Validates High Destruction and Removal Efficiency2015-09-10Event
62 Estimating Fired Heater Coils Safety Time using Transient Analysis2017-12-11Event
63 Evaluating High Temperature Oxy-Natural Gas Retrofit of a Coal-fired Boiler2013-09-24Event
64 Evaluating the NOx Performance of a Steam Generator for Heavy Oil Production: Impact of Combustion System Design2014-09-10Event
65 Evaluating the NOx Performance of a Steam Generator for Heavy Oil Production: Validation/Uncertainty Quantification in the Field2013-09-25Event
66 Evaluation of a Technical Basis for Setting Firebox Pressure Oscillation Alarm in Fired Heaters2013-09-24Event
67 Evaluation of Electric Power Generation from Sugar Cane Waste2014-09-09Event
68 Experiences with the Digital Twin of a Depropanizer Reboiler2017-12-11Event
69 Experimental study on preheating and combustion characteristics of pulverized anthracite coal2013-09-25Event
70 Experimental Study on Preheating and Combustion Characteristics of Semi-coke in 0.2MW Pilot Scale Test Rig2015-09-11Event
71 Factors Affecting Cenosphere Morphology in HFO Single Droplet Combustion2016-09-12Event
72 Field Measurements of Flame Scanners in a Gas-Fired Boiler under Controlled Operation Charges2017-12-12Event
73 Fired Heater Flooding2017-12-12Event
74 Fired Heater Optimization using Dynamic Simulation for Transient Plant Operations2017-12-12Event
75 Flame Safety and the Parameters that Affect Them2015-09-11Event
76 Flame Temperature and Species Calculations with an Excel/VBA Computer Code2013-09-25Event
77 Flameless Combustion Safety2014-09-09Event
78 Flameless Heater Performance Two Years of Operation2015-09-10Event
79 Flameless Oxidation in a Wide Variety of Applications2013-09-23Event
80 Flare Control under the Refinery Sector Rule2018-09-17Event
81 Flare Event-Comparison of Dispersion Modeling Approaches and Outcomes Regarding Benzene Formation and Dispersion2016-09-12Event
82 Flare Regulatory Update2018-09-17Event
83 Forced Draft Firing vs Induced Draft2017-12-12Event
84 Fuel and CO2 Emission Reductions in Oil and Gas Refining Industry Thermal Oxidizers2016-09-12Event
85 Heater Recirculation Pattern Analysis and Burner Spacing Optimization2015-09-11Event
86 Heater Recirculation Pattern Analysis and Burner Spacing Optimization2016-09-12Event
87 How to Measure Flare Vent Gas Composition and Net Heating Value2015-09-10Event
88 Hydrogen and syngas flares-comparison between experimental data and model predictions2014-09-08Event
89 Identifying Sources of Thermoacoustic Vibrations in Industrial Furnaces and Boilers2018-09-18Event
90 The IFRF- Past, Present, and Future2017-12-11Event
91 Impact of High-Emissivity Coatings on Process Furnace Heat Transfer2014-09-10Event
92 Improved Burner Air Inlet Design & Control2013-09-24Event
93 Industrial Boiler Troubleshooting2017-12-13Event
94 Industrial Boiler Troubleshooting Discussion2017-12-13Event
95 Industrial-Scale Development and Testing of an Elevated Flare Tip2017-12-12Event
96 Influence of Additives on Particular Matter from Heavy Fuel Oil Combustion in a Swirling Flame2018-09-18Event
97 Influence of Phosphorus on Potassium during Co-Combustion of Wheat Straw with Municipal Sewage Sludge2013-09-23Event
98 Innovations in Flare Stack Design for Low Calorific Value Waste Gases2018-09-17Event
99 Jade Ultra-Low NOx Tail Gas Thermal Oxidizer Burner2013-09-24Event
100 Know the Secret of Fired Heater Design and Operation with Ultra Low NOx Burner2014-09-09Event
101 Lang Process Carbon Capture Technology2013-09-24Event
102 Large Eddy Simulation/Computing Needs2018-09-17Event
103 Lessons Learned-Mulitpoint Ground Flare Installation/Operation2017-12-12Event
104 Leveraging the Uintah Computational Framework for Commercial Simulation of Industrial Flares2018-09-17Event
105 Linde's Combustion Test Facility2013-09-25Event
106 LoTOx for NOx Reduction2014-09-09Event
107 Low NOx Retrofit on an Existing Heater with a Small Radiant Section2014-09-09Event
108 Lower Dimensional Model for Modeling the Heat Transfer and Detailed Reactions Inside Long Channels2015-09-10Event
109 LSR Investigation on a Demonstration-Scale Lab Furnace2016-09-13Event
110 Measurement and Prediction of Ash Deposition Rates for Air- and Oxy-Combustion of a Wide Range of Solid Fuels2018-09-18Event
111 Mesh Resolution Issues for CFD Analysis of Gas-Fired Process Furnaces2015-09-11Event
112 Modeling CO and Estimating Combustion Efficiency with Flamelet-Generated Manifolds in Flares2014-09-08Event
113 Modeling Combustion Efficiency for Industrial Flares: Implementation of RCCE in LES for a better CE prediction2013-09-25Event
114 Modelling of Combustion, NOx Emissions and Radiation of a Natural Gas Fired Glass Furnace2014-09-10Event
115 Multi Point Water Quenched Prove for Spatially Averaged Hot Gas Sampling in Industrial Combustors2015-09-11Event
116 My 60-year History of Fuel Dilution Technology2014-09-09Event
117 My History With the IFRF2015-09-11Event
118 Narrow Angle Radiometer Instrument Model2017-12-12Event
119 New Approach to Improving Reliability of Crude Heaters2016-09-12Event
120 New Damper Design Improves Draft Control in Fired Heaters2017-12-11Event
121 New Direct Flame Monitoring Technology to Help Operators Comply with Increasingly Stringent Flaring Regulations2017-12-12Event
122 New Firing Patterns in Heaters Provide Uniform Heat Transfer2015-09-10Event
123 Noise Testing and Prediction Methods for Multi-Point Ground Flares2016-09-14Event
124 Numerical Analysis of NO and CO in a Flameless Burner2016-09-12Event
125 Objectives for Optimizing Combustion Systems in Refinery and Petrochemical Applications2014-09-10Event
126 Off-Stoichiometry Partial-Premix Process Burner Applications2017-12-12Event
127 Opportunities for Optical Flame Diagnostics in Commercial and Industrial Furnaces2016-09-12Event
128 Opportunities for the next generation of optical boiler diagnostics2015-09-11Event
129 Optimizing the Retrieval of Molecular Concentrations from the Remote Measurement of Flare Emission2013-09-23Event
130 Oxy-Coal Power Boiler Simulation and Validation Through Extreme Computing2014-09-09Event
131 Oxy-Flameless Combustion Heaters for Refinery Process2013-09-23Event
132 Oxy-Fuel Combustion with preheated Oxygen-Natural gas (HeatOx) for small and medium size glass furnaces2014-09-09Event
133 Oxygen Enhanced Biomass Combustion2014-09-09Event
134 Parametric Evaluation of ClearSign's Ultra-Low Emissions Duplex Technology2018-09-18Event
135 Part II. Deployment of Continuous Online Monitoring of Local Tube Metal Temperature of a Refinery Depropanizer Reboiler2016-09-13Event
136 Performance of Low and Ultra-Low NOx Burners Firing Hydrogen-Enriched Syngas in a Refractory Lined Furnace2015-09-11Event
137 Performance Test of Steam-Assisted and Pressure Assisted Ground Flare Burner Arrays with Passive FTIR2013-09-25Event
138 Physical Testing of a Multipoint Ground Flare Burner Utilizing Low BTU Flare Gas2015-09-10Event
139 Pilot Scale Facility Contributions to Alstom's Technology Development Efforts for Oxy-Combustion for Steam Power Plants2013-09-25Event
140 Pilot-scale Investigation of Heat Flux and Radiation from an Oxy-coal Flame2015-09-11Event
141 Pilot-Scale Investigation of Heat Flux and Radiation from an Oxy-coal Flame Part 1: Development of Instrument Models2016-09-13Event
142 PM Emission Factors: Past, Present, and Future2014-09-09Event
143 Power Generation Using Biomass Fuel2016-09-12Event
144 Practical Flameless Combustion2014-09-09Event
145 Practical Use of Computation Fluid Dynamics to Industrial Combustion Applications2013-09-24Event
146 Predicting Detailed Product Distributions For Pyrolysis of Diverse Forms of Biomass2013-09-23Event
147 Predictive Flare Vent Gas Net Heating Value Through Determination of Average Molecular Weight2013-09-25Event
148 Preliminary Analysis of Combustion Noise Generated by Burners in Cracking Furnaces2013-09-23Event
149 Process Burner Flames: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly2018-09-18Event
150 Process Heater Firebox Design Considerations for Optimal Burner Performance2013-09-24Event
151 Progress and Recent Advances Using Electrodynamic Combustion Control (ECC)-Colannino, Joseph2014-09-23Event
152 Proof of Concept Test for a Real-Time Flare Combustion Efficiency Monitor2013-09-25Event
153 Radiation Effects on Surrounding Structures from Multi-Point Ground Flares2015-09-10Event
154 RANS vs LES CFD for Gas-Fired Combustion Equipment2017-12-12Event
155 Real-Time Measurement of Industrial Gas Flare Emissions via UAS Technology2018-09-17Event
156 Recent Developments and Current Insights in Ethylene Flare Technology: The Impact of Burner Design Vent Gas Variability and Ancillary Equipment2016-09-13Event
157 Refinery Sector Rule Focus on Flare Combustion Control Parameters2016-09-13Event
158 Regulatory Update for Refinery and Chemical Sector Flares2017-12-11Event
159 The Road to Single Digit NOx for Oilfield Once-Through Steam Generators2013-09-25Event
160 Safe Operation of Adjacent Multi-Point Ground Flares Predicted and Measured Flame Radiation in Cross Flow Wind Conditions2016-09-14Event
161 Scale Analysis of Pulverized Coal Combustion2018-09-18Event
162 Solid Fuel to Natural Gas Conversions for Existing Boiler Applications2013-09-25Event
163 Thermoacoustic Vibrations in Industrial Furnaces and Boilers2017-12-12Event
164 Transient Ignition of Multi-Tip Ground Flares2018-09-17Event
165 Ultra Low NOx Conventional and Regenerative Burner Retrofits2015-09-11Event
166 Ultra-Low Steam Consumption, High Capacity Smokeless Flaring2018-09-17Event
167 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Based Flare Emissions Monitoring2017-12-11Event
168 Use of Variable Frequency Drives for Better Destruction Efficiency of Air-Assisted Flares2013-09-25Event
169 Using CFD to Optimize Flow Distribution in Gas Flare Piping2017-12-11Event
170 Validation and Prediction of Ultra-Low NOx Burner Performance using Computational Fluid Dynamics2015-09-11Event
171 The World's First Flameless Crude Heater2013-09-23Event
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