1 - 200 of 2,101
Number of results to display per page
1 Aachen Cathedral: Shrine of St. MaryImage
2 Aachen Gospels (Gospel Book): Canon TableImage
3 Aachen Gospels (Gospel Book): Ornamental page for the beginning of the gospel of MatthewImage
4 Aachen Gospels (Gospel Book): The Four EvangelistsImage
5 Abel Killed by CainImage
6 Abraham in front of an AltarImage
7 Acts and Epistles: Saints Luke and James (left), Saints Peter and John (right)Image
8 Ada Gospels (Gospel Book): Mark the EvangelistImage
9 Ada Gospels: Luke the EvangelistImage
10 AdamImage
11 Adam and EveImage
12 Admont Bible: Daniel in Lion's DenImage
13 Admont Bible: DeuteronomyImage
14 Admont Bible: Deuteronomy: Moses casts down the tabletsImage
15 Admont Bible: Deuteronomy: Moses presents the lawImage
16 Adoration of the Holy Family and the ShepherdsImage
17 Adoration of the Holy Family and the Shepherds (detail of center panel)Image
18 The Adoration of the MagiImage
19 Adoration of the MagiImage
20 Adoration of the MagiImage
21 Adoration of the MagiImage
22 Adoration of the Magi (Wise Men)Image
23 Adoration of the Magi (Wise Men)Image
24 Adoration of the ShepherdsImage
25 Adoration of the ShepherdsImage
26 Adoration of the ShepherdsImage
27 Adoration of the ShepherdsImage
28 Adoration of the TrinityImage
29 The Agony in the GardenImage
30 Alba MadonnaImage
31 Album of St. Peter's, engraving of apse mosaicImage
32 Allegory of the Old and New TestamentsImage
33 The Altar of Duke Ratchis, long side: Christ in Mandorla, short side: VisitationImage
34 The Altar of Duke Ratchis, short side: Adoration of the MagiImage
35 The Altar of Duke Ratchis, top: CrossesImage
36 Altar of the Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae), detail of the procession of the Imperial FamilyImage
37 Altarpiece of the Virgin, center panel: Nativity of ChristImage
38 Altarpiece of the Virgin, first and second panels: Annunciation to Mary; Visitation to ElizabethImage
39 Altarpiece of the Virgin, right wing: Adoration of the MagiImage
40 Altarpiece of the Virgin, third and fourth panels: Nativity (Birth) of Christ; Adoration of the Magi (Wise Men)Image
41 Altarpiece with Texts of Ten Commandments and the Lord's SupperImage
42 Angel Leaving Tobias and His FamilyImage
43 Annalena AltarpieceImage
44 AnnunciationImage
45 The AnnunciationImage
46 AnnunciationImage
47 AnnunciationImage
48 The AnnunciationImage
49 Annunciation to the VirginImage
50 Annunciation to the Virgin (Ecce ancilla domini)Image
51 Apparition to the Disciples / PentecostImage
52 Archangel Michael (detail)Image
53 Archangel Michael and Crucifix IconImage
54 Archangel Michael IconImage
55 Arconati-Visconti tondo: Christ and St. John the BaptistImage
56 Arena Chapel, diagram of painting programImage
57 Arena Chapel, interior central space, view from the entranceImage
58 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, left sideImage
59 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, right sideImage
60 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register, left and right sidesImage
61 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register, left sideImage
62 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register,right sideImage
63 Arena Chapel, interior fresco detailImage
64 Arena Chapel, interior north and south walls, ground level registerImage
65 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerImage
66 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerImage
67 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerImage
68 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerImage
69 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerImage
70 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerImage
71 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerImage
72 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerImage
73 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerImage
74 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerImage
75 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerImage
76 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerImage
77 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle register (detail)Image
78 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerImage
79 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerImage
80 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerImage
81 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerImage
82 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerImage
83 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerImage
84 Arena Chapel, interior south wallImage
85 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerImage
86 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerImage
87 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerImage
88 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerImage
89 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerImage
90 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerImage
91 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerImage
92 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerImage
93 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerImage
94 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerImage
95 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerImage
96 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerImage
97 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerImage
98 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerImage
99 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerImage
100 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerImage
101 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top register (detail 1)Image
102 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top register (detail 2)Image
103 Arena Chapel, interior west wall over main entrance, detailImage
104 Arena Chapel, interior west wall, Last JudgmentImage
105 Arena Chapel, interior, view toward entranceImage
106 Ascension Plaque (fragment)Image
107 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel (Genesis 3:21-4:9)Image
108 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Compulsory Servitude of the Israelites in Egypt (Ex. 5)Image
109 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Eliezer Courts Rebecca on Behalf of Isaac (Gen 24:10-27, 31-35, 67)Image
110 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Isaac, Rebecca, Esau and Jacob (Gen 27:1-14, 21, 25, 30-31; Gen 28:1-5, 10-22; Gen 29:1)Image
111 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Jacob's Blessing and Death (Gen 48:15; Gen 50:4-9, 13, 18)Image
112 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Jacob's Separation from and Reconciliation with Laban (Gen 31:33f; Gen 31:44-Gen 32:1)Image
113 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Joseph and the Second Journey of his Brothers (Gen 43:15, 32-34; Gen 44:1ff)Image
114 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Joseph in Egypt and the First Journey of his Brothers (Gen 41:43, 47f; Gen 42:29-38)Image
115 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Lot and Abraham, Sodom and GomorrahImage
116 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Moses on Mt. Sinai, Moses delivering the Law to the Israelites, and the TabernacleImage
117 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Oppression of the Israelites (Ex. 1-3)Image
118 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Plague of Egypt and Death of Firstborn (Ex. 11)Image
119 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Rebecca and her Twins (Gen 25:22-26, 29-34)Image
120 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Scenes from the Story of NoahImage
121 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Scenes of Creation (Genesis)Image
122 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Deluge (Gen 7:17-24)Image
123 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Israelites Murmuring Against Moses, Crossing of the Red Sea (Ex. 12)Image
124 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Temple with Moses and the IsraelitesImage
125 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Title PageImage
126 Ashmole Bestiary: Nature of the LionImage
127 Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita, Bodhisattva SamantabhadraImage
128 Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita, detail of coverImage
129 Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita, detail of leaf (folio 187b)Image
130 The Assumption of the VirginImage
131 Assumption of the VirginImage
132 Assumption of the VirginImage
133 Assumption of the VirginImage
134 Assumption of the Virgin, ChapelImage
135 Assumption of the Virgin, with King David and Angelic ChoirImage
136 Assumption of the Virgin, with King David and Angelic ChoirImage
137 Assumption of the Virgin, with King David and Angelic Choir (detail)Image
138 Author portrait of St. Mark (left), chapter titles from the book of Mark (right)Image
139 Author portrait of St. Mark, Garima GospelsImage
140 Bacci Chapel, chancel walls and vault, Legend of the True Cross; Four EvangelistsImage
141 Bacci Chapel, chancel, Discovery of the Wood from Which the True Cross was Made; Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of ShebaImage
142 Bacci Chapel, interior, chancelImage
143 Bamberg Apocalypse: Apocalyptic WomanImage
144 Bamberg Apocalypse: Christ in Majesty, Angel Beckoning John to Rise from the Ground, and Representation of the Twenty-four Elders (left) and Revelation 19 (right)Image
145 Bamberg Apocalypse: Revelation 16, 8-14Image
146 Bamberg Apocalypse: The Beast and the False ProphetImage
147 Bamberg Apocalypse: Three Women at Christ's Empty SepulchreImage
148 Baptism of ChristImage
149 Barberini Palace (palazzo), great hall, ceiling, Glorification of the Reign of Pope Urban VIIIImage
150 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Apse, Main Altar with the Pala d'OroImage
151 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Atrium, Abraham cupola, view from belowImage
152 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Atrium, first Joseph cupola, view from belowImage
153 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Atrium, Moses cupola, view from belowImage
154 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Atrium, third Joseph cupolaImage
155 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Atrium, third Joseph cupola, view from belowImage
156 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), central dome, view from belowImage
157 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), east dome, view from belowImage
158 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), left portal mosaic: Translation of the Relics of St. MarkImage
159 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Nave, view of the domes from the westImage
160 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Nave, view of the domes from the westImage
161 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), north dome, view from belowImage
162 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Pala d'OroImage
163 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Pala d'Oro, center detail: Enthroned Pantokrator (Pantocrator)Image
164 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Pala d'Oro, decoration planImage
165 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), south dome, view from belowImage
166 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), view into the vaulting and cupolasImage
167 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), view of the Nave and Barrel Vaults of the Central Crossing, showing the mosaics of the Crucifixion and ResurrectionImage
168 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), west dome, view from belowImage
169 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), west vault moasic: Anastasis (detail)Image
170 Beatus of Fernando and Sancha: Destruction of BabylonImage
171 The Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry, folio 191: A Young Christian Heroically Resists Temptation, in the Presence of St. Paul the HermitImage
172 The Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry, folio 97: Saint Bruno and his Companions enter the Grand ChartreuseImage
173 Belshazzar's FeastImage
174 Benedictional of Archbishop Robert: The Women at the SepuchreImage
175 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Adoration of the Magi and BaptismImage
176 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Annunciation and Initial PageImage
177 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: ApostlesImage
178 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: ApostlesImage
179 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Choir of VirginsImage
180 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Doubting of ThomasImage
181 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Entry into JerusalemImage
182 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Naming of Christ and Initial PageImage
183 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Nativity and Initial PageImage
184 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Second Coming and Initial PageImage
185 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: St. BenedictImage
186 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: St. SwithunImage
187 Benedictional of St Aethelwold: Women at the Tomb and Initial PageImage
188 Benedictional of St. Aethelwold: The Incredulity of ThomasImage
189 Benois MadonnaImage
190 Benois Madonna (2)Image
191 Bentivoglio Chapel, Virgin and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint FrancisImage
192 Beth Alpha Synagogue, floor mosaic with Torah shrine, zodiac wheel, and the Sacrifice of IsaacImage
193 Beth Alpha Synagogue, modelImage
194 Betrothal of the VirginImage
195 Bible Historiale: Christ Enthroned and Four EvangelistsImage
196 Bible historiale: Christ Enthroned and the Four EvangelistsImage
197 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): Conclusion of the ApocalypseImage
198 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): Conclusion of the Apocalypse, the King of France (Louis VIII), and the Maker of the Bible MoraliseéImage
199 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): God as ArchitectImage
200 Bible Moralisée (Moralized Bible): God as Creator (frontispiece)Image
1 - 200 of 2,101