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1 A prospective comparison of the incidence of increased serum enzymes in patients receiving either beef lung or pork intestinal mucosal heparin1982-05Textir_etd
2 A Prospective Photographic Study of the Ocular Fundus in Obstructive Sleep Apneaehsl_novel_jno
3 A Randomized Prospective Trial Comparing Repository Corticotropin Injection and Intravenous Methylprednisolone for Neuroprotection in Acute Optic Neuritis2023-09Textehsl_novel_jno
4 Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies in patients with Graves Ophthalmopathyehsl_novel_jno
5 Acute Effects of Sildenafil (Viagra) on Blue-on-Yellow and White-on-White Humphrey Perimetryehsl_novel_jno
6 Adding Vision to Concussion Testing: A Prospective Study of Sideline Testing In Youth and Collegiate Athletesehsl_novel_jno
7 Advancing Culture Change in Long-Term Care2015Textehsl_gerint
8 Asymptomatic Autonomic and Sweat Dysfunction in Patients with Adies Syndromeehsl_novel_jno
9 Carotid artery disease in vascular ocular syndromes.ehsl_novel_jno
10 Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Reduction Results in Dynamic Changes in Optic Nerve Angle on Magnetic Resonance Imaging2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
11 Chemomyectomy of the Orbicularis Oculi Muscles for the Treatment of Localized Hemifacial Spasm1994-12Textehsl_novel_jno
12 Chemomyectomy of the orbicularis oculi muscles for the treatment of localized hemifacial spasm.ehsl_novel_jno
13 Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia in the Absence of Ptosis2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
14 Cigarette Smoking and Activities of Daily Living in Ocular Myasthenia Gravis2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
15 Clinical Evaluation of Eye Movements in Spinocerebellar Ataxias: A Prospective Multicenter Studyehsl_novel_jno
16 The Clinical Significance of Small Vessel Vasculitis on Temporal Artery Biopsies2022-06Textehsl_novel_jno
17 The Clinical Validity of the Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsation2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
18 The Clinical Validity of the Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsationehsl_novel_jno
19 Comparison of 10-mg Doses of 4-Aminopyridine and 3,4-Diaminopyridine for the Treatment of Downbeat Nystagmusehsl_novel_jno
20 Comparison of 24-2 and 30-2 Perimetry in Glaucomatous and Nonglaucomatous Optic Neuropathiesehsl_novel_jno
21 The Effect of Lid Elevation on the Cross-Cover Testehsl_novel_jno
22 Erythropoietin in Treatment of Methanol Optic Neuropathy2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
23 Evaluation of a Significantly Shorter Version of the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test in Patients with Three Different Optic Neuropathiesehsl_novel_jno
24 Evaluation of Retinal Changes in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Parkinson Disease2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
25 Evaluation of Vision-Related Quality of Life in Chinese Patients With Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and the G11778A Mutation.2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
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